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Dr Prasad Rasal
Sai-Swami Homoeopathic Hospital, Research Centre & Maternity Home,
Indira Nagar Lane No.1,
Sangamner 422605,
Phone: +91 2425 223913
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email: drprasadrasal@rediffmail.com; drprasadrasal@gmail.com
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Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Practical Utility of the Rubrics
Afflict means:
1 to cause pain or suffering to; distress very much
2 [Obs.] to overthrow
Affliction means:
1 an afflicted condition; pain; suffering
2 anything causing pain or distress; calamity
SYN.—Affliction implies pain, suffering, or distress imposed by illness, loss, misfortune, etc.;
Trial suggests suffering that tries one's endurance, but in a weaker sense refers to annoyance that tries one's patience;
Tribulation describes severe affliction continuing over a long and trying period;
Misfortune is applied to a circumstance or event involving adverse fortune and to the suffering or distress occasioned by it.
Suffered means:
1 to undergo (something painful or unpleasant, as injury, grief, a loss, etc.); be afflicted with
2 to undergo or experience (any process, esp. change)
3 to allow; permit; tolerate
4 to bear up under; endure: now chiefly in negative constructions (they could not suffer opposition)
Overwhlming means:
1 to pour down upon and cover over or bury beneath
2 to make helpless, as with greater force or deep emotion; overcome; crush; overpower
3 [Obs.] to overthrow or overturn
So, the actual meaning of the whole Rubric is...
Feels as if he had suffered from an overwhlming affliction i.e. nothing but a very painful experience. Generally it happens in patients who suffered from a very painful diseased condition or even a very painful mental torture. Cyclamen is the only remedy under this rubric in Complete Repertory.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Practical Utility of the Rubrics
Absentmind means:
1 so dreamy or lost in thought as not to pay attention to what one is doing or what is going on around one
2 habitually forgetful
Absent-mindedness compared with Synonyms:
Absent-minded suggests an aimless wandering of the mind away from the immediate situation, often implying a habitual tendency of this kind [the absent-minded professor];
Abstracted suggests a withdrawal of the mind from the immediate present and a serious concern with some other subject;
Preoccupied implies that the attention cannot be readily turned to something new because of its concern with a present matter;
Distrait suggests inability to concentrate, often emphasizing such a condition as a mood;
Distraught implies a similar inability to concentrate, specifically because of worry, grief, etc.;
Inattentive implies a failure to pay attention, emphasizing such behavior as a lack of discipline.
Children means:
1 an infant; baby
2 an unborn offspring; fetus
3 a boy or girl in the period before puberty
4 a son or daughter; offspring
5 a) a descendant b) a member of a tribe, clan, etc. (often used in pl.) !children of Israel"
6 a person like a child in interests, judgment, etc., or one regarded as immature and childish
7 a person identified with a specified place, time, etc. !a child of the Renaissance"
8 a thing that springs from a specified source; product !a child of one's imagination"
9 [Archaic] CHILDE
10 [Brit. Dial.] a female infant
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Practical Utility of the Rubrics
Superstition means
1 any belief, based on fear or ignorance, that is inconsistent with the known laws of science or with what is generally considered in the particular society as true and rational; esp., such a belief in charms, omens, the supernatural, etc.
2 any action or practice based on such a belief
3 such beliefs collectively
Superstitious means
1 of, characterized by, or resulting from superstition
2 having superstitions
Fear means
1 a feeling of anxiety and agitation caused by the presence or nearness of danger, evil, pain, etc.; timidity; dread; terror; fright; apprehension
2 respectful dread; awe; reverence
3 a feeling of uneasiness or apprehension; concern "a fear that it will rain".
4 a cause for fear; possibility; chance "there was no fear of difficulty".
Fear, Superstitious means a fear based on certain misconcepts fitted fixed in mind which develops so acutely whenever similar conditions appears. A person becomes so sad & restless mentally & physically during that time. It gets associated with following single remedy rubrics of the same remedy:
Despair, Sad thoughts, on account of: Rhus T
Restlessness, nervousness, Sadness, with, Thoughts, in: Rhus T
Thinking, Sad things agg., of: Rhus T
Friday, June 4, 2010
Express your views regarding- Is there really any necessity to give any vaccinations to childrens?-Dr.Pritam S. Bhanwase
Saturday, May 29, 2010 12:17:00 PM
Dear Dr Pritam...
You have really asked a very debatable question.
I want to clear my views regarding the issue of Vaccination.
As a Homoeopath, I am really against the Vaccination because
1. It increases Selective Immunity at the cost of General Immunity.
2. It produces very severe Immune Responce which generally disturbs the natural harmony of Human Life & a healthy person becomes a diseased individual. There are multiple examples which regularly gets published in the news papers & number of them remains hidden. Recently there was a news regarding the great mortality caused due to Polio Vaccine in Daily Lokmat. As you know, my daughter suffered from pan encephalitis & she was in coma for 4-5 days after the BCG vaccination. It's really so dangerous. That's why in our materia medica, there are drugs for bad effects of vaccination.
3. For the preparation of the Vaccines, number of times animal protein is used. If two persons blood groups doesn't match, body's immune system produces a very severe reaction. Naturally, how can human immune system will accept so easily the animal protein?
Then a question arises, why is it necessary to give vaccines?
Every nation tries to maintain the health of the population on a mass scale by the concept of Prevention is always better than a Cure. Vaccine concept is based on the role of Prevention. As this concept is used on a very large scale everywhere, no one have given attention towards its harmful effects as those happens with comparatively in few. So, Vaccination is included in our National Health Programme & is included in our syllabus in the subject of Preventive & Social Medicine. As it is included in our syllabus, by law it becomes our duty & not to deny the concept of vaccination otherwise if anything goes wrong, by law you are a criminal if you have not followed whatever is there in your syllabus. So, its always better, tell the people regarding the side effects of vaccination but don't give your own decision whether to give or not to give. People should decide themselves regarding the same. Our duty is to tell them the truth which one should do religiously.
These are my views which are not an authority.