A Interesting Case
This is a very interesting case in my practice which shows the in depth action of our dynamic Homoeopathic Remedies changing the complete Personality & Attitude of a Diseased Human Being. It looks very close to a story of Ramayana, the fellow who was like a Walya became a completely different person like Walmiki after the touch of Dynamic Homoeopathic Medicine.
Mr. U.B.D. 36Yrs old male, a diagnosed case of Anxiety Neurosis with Cardio-phobia, came to me on 21st Feb 2003 with the following complaints:
Since 1 yrs.,
Chest pain: Left side extending to groin
Stitching type
Associated with
- Oppression in Chest when reclining
- Pressing Headache in sides of occiput while sitting
- Sudden Weakness in evening
- Short lasting Absentmindedness
ODP: He told that it starts as soon as lot of thoughts crowds in his mind and whenever he suffers from Constipation it gets aggravated.
• H/O Malaria in 1997
• Paralysis: PGM & PGF
• Hypertension: Father
• Craving: Spicy+++,Tobacco+++, Stimulants+++ such as Tea,Coffee,Thumps up
• Sleep:Disturbed due to dreams
• Dreams:Death of a Friend+++
Death of Relatives+++
• Thermal: Ambi-thermal
Patient was born in poor socio-economic family. His father was a peon in Municipal Corporation. His childhood was average including studies and not achieved anything till 10th std.
When he was in 10th std., he developed very high sex drive. Actually since that time, he developed a real problem. He used to stand on the streets & ogles at women. There were continuous thoughts of sex since that time & persists even today also. He is not able to come out of these sexual fancies. Since then he is having excessive sexual desire at night with continuous excessive violent erections before & during sleep. He has multiple extramarital relations before & after marriage. He completed 12th & joined service in Municipal Corporation & worked in different departments of it. But he is not able to concentrate in work due to sexual thoughts.
He got married in 1991. His wife is a Primary Teacher. He has a Elder Daughter & a Son. His wife developed a Vitiligo 4 years after the marriage. This incidence created a state of indifference in him towards her as well as family members. But he used to talk very pleasantly and politely to others. He started avoiding household responsibilities thereafter.
Since 1 year he developed the present complaint along with tremendous phobia. He consumed multiple allopathic treatments for all these troubles but instead of getting cured, it aggravated. He has taken Psychiatric Treatment also.
• Wt: 66 Kg
• Pulse: 80/min
• B.P.: 122/80 mm of Hg
• Male Pattern Baldness
• Tongue: Fissured in all directions with a ulcer at the centre.
• Looks: Lustful
• Anxiety Neurosis with Cardio-Phobia
This case I have solved at first with our regular method of Repertorisation with evaluated totality.
1. Mind: Indifference, apathy; loved once, to strangers, but animate to
2. Mind: Aversion, Family members, to: Talks pleasantly to others
3. Mind: Absentmindedness: Periodical attacks of, short lasting
4. Mind: Lascivious, lustfulness: Ogling, women on the street
5. Mind: Thoughts: Intrude & crowd around each other
6. Mind: Libertinism
7. Chest: Pain: Stitching sides: Left: Extending to Inguinal Region
8. Chest: Oppression: Bending: Agg.: Backward
9. Head Pain: Pressing: Occiput, Sitting while: Agg
10. Generalities; Constipation: Agg
11. Generalities; Weakness, …: Sudden: Evening
12. Male Genitalia: Sexual Desire: Increased: Night: Erections with: Violent
13. Male Genitalia: Erections, troublesome: Continued, Priapism: Night
14. Mind: Dreams: Death, of: Friend, death of a
15. Mind: Dreams: Death, of: Relatives
16. Generalities: Food & Drinks: Spices, …: Desires
17. Generalities: Food & Drinks: Refreshing things: Desires
18. Mouth: Cracked, fissured: Tongue: Directions, in all
19. Extremities: Varices: Leg: Left
1. Acid fluor 27/19
2. Phos 9/5
3. China 8/5
4. Caust 6/4
5. Phos Ac 6/4
6. Nat Mur 4/4
7. Sulph 6/3
So, Acid Fluor covers each & every aspect of the case & comes strikingly after regular Repertorisation.
1. ASPECT OF REDISCOVERY OF HOMOEOPATHY (ROH): i.e. taking in to consideration Present, Predominating & Persistent Mental State of the patient which is as follows:
1. Mind: Indifference, apathy; loved once, to strangers, but animate to
2. Mind: Aversion, Family members, to: Talks pleasantly to others
3. Mind: Absentmindedness: Periodical attacks of, short lasting
4. Mind: Lascivious, lustfulness: Ogling, women on the street
5. Mind: Thoughts: Intrude & crowd around each other
1. Acid Fluor 7/5
2. Cann ind 2/1
3. Merc sol 2/1
4. Nux Mos 2/1
5. Sulph 2/1
With this method also the same remedy comes out i.e. Acid Fluor.
Jan Sholten studied the elements as well as minerals in detail and explained characteristics of individual elements, ions, halogens thro’ concepts & then again he combines them to explain the Group Analysis. So that the understanding of the remedy becomes more clear. The Group Analysis of Acid Group & Fluor Group is as follows:
• Demanding total glamour
• Naive Psychopath
• Desire for total sexual experience
• Exhausted thro’ sex
• A real narcissist
• Totally superficial
• Totally ruthless
…which again totally covered by our case.
So whichever approach you may use, your answer should be the same if you thoroughly study them. But I always consider that the basic foundation of our Organon, Materia-Medica & Repertory should be the firm so that we get a perfect solution for the given case.
21 Feb 2003
• Avoid Tobacco
• Meditation
• Acid Fluor 1m 1 Dose
• Placebo tds… 10 Days
4 Mar 2003
• As soon as he enters in the room, the first sentence was: “Saheb,You have done miracle.”
• Chest Pain much reduced; twice suffered from the similar attacks of less severity in last 10 days due to some mental stress.
• Feeling much energetic
• Much Happy in his behavior
• Sexual thoughts much reduced
Homoeopathic Management
• Meditation continued
• Placebo bid… 1 mth
8 Apr 2003
• Very Happy looking
• Chest Pain very much reduced;
• Once suffered from the similar attacks of less severity in last 1 month
• Feeling much energetic
• Much confident in his behavior
• Sexual thoughts much controlled
• He said that he is able to concentrate in his work now a days which he could not
Homoeopathic Management
• Meditation continued
• Placebo od… 2 mth
10 Oct 2003
• Had brought his wife for the treatment of her Vitiligo;
• Never returned before for follow-up in between;
• When enquired, as he was not having any trouble there-after, he discontinued the treatment;
• Feeling much energetic
• Confident in his behavior
• No more Amorous Thoughts
• He said that he is able to concentrate in his work now a days which he could not
• Now a days he is working as a PA for one of the Politician since last month
• Has shown me some literature written by him useful for the society
Homoeopathic Management
• Meditation continued
• No Medicine
15 Aug 2004
• Got “Best Social Worker Award” of a Ahmednagar District
1ST May 2005
• Got “Best Social Worker Award” of a Maharashtra State
10TH Dec 2007
• Made a very hard effort to develop a in detail Souvenir of his society, the Koshti Society of a Ahmednagar District
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For details, Contact:
Dr Prasad Rasal
Sai-Swami Homoeopathic Hospital, Research Centre & Maternity Home,
Indira Nagar Lane No.1,
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Phone: +91 2425 223913
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email: drprasadrasal@rediffmail.com; drprasadrasal@gmail.com
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Land Marks:
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60 km away from Nasik Road Railway Station on Pune High Way
Do visit Dr Prasad Rasal's Sai-Swami Homoeopathic Clinic, Hospital, Research Centre & Maternity Home as well as Hahnemann Hall, at Sangamner in his Practical Homoeopathic Workshops, Seminars & Homoeopathic Training Programs.
For details, Contact:
Dr Prasad Rasal
Sai-Swami Homoeopathic Hospital, Research Centre & Maternity Home,
Indira Nagar Lane No.1,
Sangamner 422605,
Phone: +91 2425 223913
Mobile: +91 9890168872
email: drprasadrasal@rediffmail.com; drprasadrasal@gmail.com
Skype Name: drprasadrasal
Land Marks:
50 km away from Holy Place Shirdi
60 km away from Nasik Road Railway Station on Pune High Way