Mr. AM, a 70 year old politician came to me on 30 July 1911 for the treatment of actinomycosis on left foot for 20 years. It was between joint of his great toe and 2nd & 3rd toe. There were recurrent swelling, effusion, and eruptions. It was operated earlier followed by long continued use of antibiotics and antifungals, which were used to affect his Liver Metabolism as well as increased Serum Bilirubin levels. He has to do his Liver Profile every 3 months.
He also had fungal infection in the groin for which he used to apply local Antifungal along with steroid ointments.
He was known Hypertensive since 15 years.
He was having L5-S1 disc prolapse since 2002 for which he has consumed Allopathic Medicines.
Since 10 years, he is having Sun Dermatitis. He has to wear full shirts for the same.
He used to suffer a lot from Flatulence generally at 4 pm after eating farinaceous food.
He is also suffering from Nasal Polyps which used to obstruct his nose at night.
Past History:
Angioplasy was done 5 years back.
Prostatectomy was done 4 years back.
Both Cataract were operated.
Family History:
Father Hypertensive died 5 years back.
Personal history:
A typical Politician who was past minister sat in a chair with typical Pompous Attitude, Dominating, Dictatorial, Boasting about his achievements in a Egoistic tone. He was quiet Reserved used to frown a lot during conversation. He used to tell various Theories while explaining his disease. He is quiet Religious & used to follow religious aspects for longer period. He was very much Sensitive to all matters in the society as well as in the environment. He was quiet Doubtful about recovery of his disease.
General Examination:
Face: Greasy.
Weight: 89 Kg
Pulse: 77/Min
B.P.: 145/76 mm Hg
Miasmatic Analysis:
Rubrics Selected:
[Complete ] [Mind]Frown, disposed to:
[Complete ] [Mind]Dictatorial:
[Complete ] [Mind]Contradiction:Intolerant of:
[Complete ] [Mind]Theorizing:
[Complete ] [Mind]Boaster, braggart:
[Complete ] [Mind]Reserved:
[Complete ] [Mind]Importance, feels his, pompous:
[Complete ] [Mind]Sensitive, oversensitive:Impressions, to all external:
[Complete ] [Mind]Religious affections:
[Complete ] [Face]Greasy:
[Complete ] [Skin]Actinomycosis:
[Complete ] [Generalities]Food and drinks:Sweets:Desires:
[Complete ] [Generalities]Sun:Agg.:Sunburn:
[Complete ] [Mind]Egotism, self-esteem:
[Complete ] [Mind]Doubtful:Recovery, of:
[Complete ] [Abdomen]Flatulence:Afternoon:Four pm.:
[Complete ] [Nose]Obstruction, obstructed sensation:Night:
Result of the Repertorisation:
Lyc: 45/16
Sulph: 32/14
Calc: 26/11
Verat: 25/11
Ars: 24/11
Nux V: 24/11
Sep: 24/11
Puls: 23/11
Analysis of the Case:
In this case, thematic presentation also denotes the Lycopodium. After Repertorisation, the remedy was more confirmed. I have considered the miasmatic view i.e. Syphilitic aspect of the case & from Bio-chemic Medicines, I have considered the Calc Fluor. So, I have started the case as:
30 July 1911:
Advised: Weight Reduction
Lycopodium 30 3 Doses
Calc Fluor 6x tds 10 Days
9 August 1911:
No recurrence of the swelling, eruptions, nodules.
Nasal obstruction as it is.
Flatulence in abdomen is much better.
P: 82/Min B.P.: 142/78 mm Hg Wt: 88 Kg
Advised: Weight Reduction
Calc Fluor 6x bd 15 Days
27 August 1911:
No recurrence.
Nasal obstruction much better.
Flatulence much better.
P: 78/Min B.P.: 148/80 mm Hg Wt: 87 Kg
Advised: Weight Reduction
Calc Fluor 6x od 1 Month
1 October 1911:
Even though, there is no recurrence, his Ego was asking me where is the result? He was doubtful about the recovery & the way he asked me was having the tone of Domination & Egotism. So, I have increased the potency as:
Lycopodium 200 3 Doses
Calc Fluor 6x od 2 Months
6 December 1911:
No recurrence of the eruption or swelling or nodules.
His itching in the groin is increased & used to burn a lot < Night.
P: 80/Min B.P.: 144/76 mm Hg Wt: 88 Kg
Advised: Weight Reduction
Calc Fluor 6x od continued till the next follow-up as there was no recurrence which used to recur again & again earlier.
28 July 2012:
There is no recurrence of the eruptions, swelling, and nodules.
P: 88/Min B.P.: 150/86 mm Hg Wt: 89 Kg
But, he was still in doubt whether he will be cured completely or not. His dominating attitude which was much better in between again came up. His voice tone was again showing high pitch. He was not following the diet which was advised him to reduce the weight. So, I have again increased the potency of Lycopodium.
Advised: Weight Reduction
Lycopodium 1M 3 Doses
Calc Fluor 6x od continued...
Discussion: After starting the Homoeopathic Medicines, I have stopped all the allopathic medicines for Actinomycosis. Only, Anti-Hypertensive was continued as he was not ready to reduce or stop it. Even after one year, there is no recurrence of the disease is observed. But still, the case cannot be considered as cured. But, it definitely shows the rays of hope in Actinomycosis with Homoeopathy.
Past History:
Angioplasy was done 5 years back.
Prostatectomy was done 4 years back.
Both Cataract were operated.
Family History:
Father Hypertensive died 5 years back.
Personal history:
A typical Politician who was past minister sat in a chair with typical Pompous Attitude, Dominating, Dictatorial, Boasting about his achievements in a Egoistic tone. He was quiet Reserved used to frown a lot during conversation. He used to tell various Theories while explaining his disease. He is quiet Religious & used to follow religious aspects for longer period. He was very much Sensitive to all matters in the society as well as in the environment. He was quiet Doubtful about recovery of his disease.
General Examination:
Face: Greasy.
Weight: 89 Kg
Pulse: 77/Min
B.P.: 145/76 mm Hg
Miasmatic Analysis:
Rubrics Selected:
[Complete ] [Mind]Frown, disposed to:
[Complete ] [Mind]Dictatorial:
[Complete ] [Mind]Contradiction:Intolerant of:
[Complete ] [Mind]Theorizing:
[Complete ] [Mind]Boaster, braggart:
[Complete ] [Mind]Reserved:
[Complete ] [Mind]Importance, feels his, pompous:
[Complete ] [Mind]Sensitive, oversensitive:Impressions, to all external:
[Complete ] [Mind]Religious affections:
[Complete ] [Face]Greasy:
[Complete ] [Skin]Actinomycosis:
[Complete ] [Generalities]Food and drinks:Sweets:Desires:
[Complete ] [Generalities]Sun:Agg.:Sunburn:
[Complete ] [Mind]Egotism, self-esteem:
[Complete ] [Mind]Doubtful:Recovery, of:
[Complete ] [Abdomen]Flatulence:Afternoon:Four pm.:
[Complete ] [Nose]Obstruction, obstructed sensation:Night:
Result of the Repertorisation:
Lyc: 45/16
Sulph: 32/14
Calc: 26/11
Verat: 25/11
Ars: 24/11
Nux V: 24/11
Sep: 24/11
Puls: 23/11
Analysis of the Case:
In this case, thematic presentation also denotes the Lycopodium. After Repertorisation, the remedy was more confirmed. I have considered the miasmatic view i.e. Syphilitic aspect of the case & from Bio-chemic Medicines, I have considered the Calc Fluor. So, I have started the case as:
30 July 1911:
Advised: Weight Reduction
Lycopodium 30 3 Doses
Calc Fluor 6x tds 10 Days
9 August 1911:
No recurrence of the swelling, eruptions, nodules.
Nasal obstruction as it is.
Flatulence in abdomen is much better.
P: 82/Min B.P.: 142/78 mm Hg Wt: 88 Kg
Advised: Weight Reduction
Calc Fluor 6x bd 15 Days
27 August 1911:
No recurrence.
Nasal obstruction much better.
Flatulence much better.
P: 78/Min B.P.: 148/80 mm Hg Wt: 87 Kg
Advised: Weight Reduction
Calc Fluor 6x od 1 Month
1 October 1911:
Even though, there is no recurrence, his Ego was asking me where is the result? He was doubtful about the recovery & the way he asked me was having the tone of Domination & Egotism. So, I have increased the potency as:
Lycopodium 200 3 Doses
Calc Fluor 6x od 2 Months
6 December 1911:
No recurrence of the eruption or swelling or nodules.
His itching in the groin is increased & used to burn a lot < Night.
P: 80/Min B.P.: 144/76 mm Hg Wt: 88 Kg
Advised: Weight Reduction
Calc Fluor 6x od continued till the next follow-up as there was no recurrence which used to recur again & again earlier.
28 July 2012:
There is no recurrence of the eruptions, swelling, and nodules.
P: 88/Min B.P.: 150/86 mm Hg Wt: 89 Kg
But, he was still in doubt whether he will be cured completely or not. His dominating attitude which was much better in between again came up. His voice tone was again showing high pitch. He was not following the diet which was advised him to reduce the weight. So, I have again increased the potency of Lycopodium.
Advised: Weight Reduction
Lycopodium 1M 3 Doses
Calc Fluor 6x od continued...
Discussion: After starting the Homoeopathic Medicines, I have stopped all the allopathic medicines for Actinomycosis. Only, Anti-Hypertensive was continued as he was not ready to reduce or stop it. Even after one year, there is no recurrence of the disease is observed. But still, the case cannot be considered as cured. But, it definitely shows the rays of hope in Actinomycosis with Homoeopathy.