This is
one more case to explain the Role of Homoeopathy in Cancers. In fact this case
was considered to be Incurable & Hopeless according to Modern Science &
they send the patient home again in a hopeless state. Let’s study this case
& its miraculous result with Homoeopathy.
Name: N T Age:
Sex: Male / Female Date
of Birth: 15/07/1965
Married / Single
Occupation: Teaching Education: MA PhD
Main Complaint (Disease):
disease started as early as 2013, slow fever, weakness, fatigue, loss of
appetite became usual in everyday life. The reason was yet unknown to us due to
various failed diagnosis by different doctors. It has restricted my movements
severely due to two lesions forming on both legs close to the shin bones. One
of my eyes has been affected due to a lesion being present within my right eye.
Vision has completely diminished in these same eye. Another lesion, the very
first lesion that was noticed, is on my right arm close to the bicep. It causes
numbness in my fingers and inability to hold on tight to anything.
Other Complaints:
the lesion in the right eye causes it to swell up and hurt incessantly, the
swelling goes down after a few days but the experience is very painful. The
Right eye has collapsed completely and stays closed naturally. The wounds
caused in the leg due to the lesion cause pain and discomfort sometimes.
Occasionally suffer from mild headaches too. Fatigue is constant and walking and
even sitting up from the bed causes nausea and vertigo.
Past Diseases: No past Diseases, accidents or major
Family History:
Mother…back pain…Father: blood pressure, blood sugar…Brother…blood pressure
Personal Information:
- Appetite:
No appetite
at all for any form of food. Cannot eat solid food. Trying to do so results in
vomiting. I eat fruits and drink juices throughout the day.
Likes and dislikes in food:
Sweets ( +
) Fruits
( + ) Fruit juice ( +
) Vegetables ( + ) Eggs ( + ) Fish ( +
) Salad ( + ) Ice Cream/ Ice ( + )
- Thirst: Always thirsty. At night I keep drinking water due to dry throat. I drink 5ltrs of water per day but still feel thirsty.
- Sweating: Depends on the weather. While eating I may sweat. It occurs usually under arms.
- Urine: No problem.
- Stool: Yes hard stool becomes a problem sometimes for which I take laxatives.
- Weather: Cold and rainy weather. Very sensitive to heat and sunlight. I cannot tolerate heat.
- I prefer normal water. Sometimes when the night breeze is a little cold I use blanket. Fanning is necessary all the time.
- Sleep: Since four to five years I haven’t slept properly. Due to dry mouth I have to continue drinking water throughout the night every hour. Sometimes I sleep on back and sometimes on my side.
- Summer's the most difficult weather. Before rainy season I suffer a lot due to humidity.
- Noise makes me mad and I loose my concentration. My eyes are very sensitive to sunlight.
- Closed room: I do not feel comfortable.
- It feels good in the open air.
- Sometimes talkative but usually silent. Courageous, emotional, strong willed and affectionate.
- No such fears. While a young girl I feared commuting in the evening due to miscreants on the streets.
- When I do not get my due response even after working hard it hurts. Sometimes I feel extreme anger. I tremble and weep but nowadays I have become neutral to anything.
- Very comfortable being alone. I do not like Socialising. No parties or picnics for me.
- Mostly I have felt that jealousy, suspicion and feelings of revenge are self-destructive.
- Yes that's true. It hurts for long. Sometimes I want to take revenge but as I said it doesn't last for long.
- After having this disease, I saw my own people in a new light. I understood the selfish attitude of my own folks. I am thankful to god to bring me to this situation to realise relatives and friends.
- Since last one year I am without job due to ill health so no stress, worries.
- My husband and my two young children being with me is the greatest joy to me. My dog also gives me immense happiness.
- Yes I am particular about my appointments or my promises. No I usually do not make plans about my work. But somehow the work goes according to my expectation.
- Yes many times I have felt the illusion of thing while being awake or drowning into sub consciousness. Unwanted thoughts sometimes disturb me. Later I don't remember them in proper order.
- Brought up in a big family, led by my grandfather. As I child I was shy pampered by my father later became bold, playful, studious. I was obedient.
- Dreams:
- Journey, horse riding, flying, swimming, drowning ( + )
- Exercise, exertion-mental or physical, tiredness ( + )
- Misfortune, instability, danger, persecution-by whom? ( + )
Menstrual history: Regular,
24 Duration: 5 to 6 days.
During menses: Excessive pain on the first day. Heavy flow with big clotting causes
extreme weakness.
Before menses: feeling of heaviness and slow body
After menses: I feel light and full energy.
exertion and emotional turmoil affected it in negative way.
Menarche / Menopause:
At 15-16 it
became regular. It ended between 45-46. No complaints.
Pregnancy: nausea in the first trimester. During
second pregnancy I suffered anaemia. Due to which I started bleeding in the
fifth month.
] [Stomach]Appetite: Wanting:
] [Perspiration]Eating: While:
] [Mouth]Dryness: Night:
] [Generalities]Weather: Cold, wet, damp: Agg:
] [Generalities]Light: Agg. Sunlight:
] [Mind]Sensitive, oversensitive: Noise, to:
] [Mind]Indignation: Ailments from, Agg.
] [Mind]Love: Animals, for:
] [Mind]Dreams: Misfortune, of:
] [Generalities]Air: Open: Desires:
] [Mind]Courageous:
] [Mind]Affectionate:
] [Mind]Excitement, excitable: Ailments from, Agg. Mental and emotional
consequences of:
] [Generalities]Cancerous affections:
PULS 43/13; LYCO
38/13; SULPH 40/13; PHOS 37/14; ARS 40/13; CALC 37/13
Clinical History and Indication: Panniculitis like T cell
lymphoma (CD20 –ve) involving subcutaneous tissue and right orbit progressed
with CHOP, EPOCH and DHAP on Lenangio and RT for evaluation.
Context of Lymphoma: A lobular soft tissue lesion seen within
and protruding from the substance of right biceps brachii measuring 4.12 X 3.36
X 7.9 cm with peripheral FDG avidity and central necrosis, SUV MAX-3.25. Rest of esntire visualised skeletal muscles
of body appears unremarkable.
Few subcutaneous lesions seen in left lower
limb at medial thigh and medial/posterior left leg locations with increased FDG
activity. Many other subcutaneous lesions confirming to previously documented
lesions appear fibrotic. Bilateral breast parenchymas appear normal.
Few small 5 mm mediastinal nodes are likely
reactive at precarinal area.
(Reports attached below)
Homoeopathic Management
(15 April 2016):
Auxiliary Measures:
Asked her to walk regularly inside the house
Nutritious Diet
· Phosporous 30
3 doses on day first
· Nux Vomica 30 BD for 30 days
· Bio-combination No.26 BD
for 30 days
6x BD for 30 days
Follow Up (28
May 2016):
Lesion in the
eye little bit better
Nausea persist
· Carcinocin 30 3 doses on day first
· Nux Vomica 200 BD
for 30 days
· Bio-combination No.26 BD
for 30 days
6x BD for 30 days
Follow Up (8 august 2016):
· Weakness decreased
· Lesion in the eye improving
· Cervical Lymph nodes increased in size
· Walking inside the house
· Phosphorous 200 3 doses on day first
· Nux Vomica 200 BD for 30 days
· Bio-combination No.26 BD
for 30 days
· Bio-combination No.22 BD
for 30 days
Follow Up (28 November 2016):
In between she received Phosphorus in 1M dose
Lymphadenopathy disappeared
· Appetite
· Phosphorous 10M 3 doses on day first
· Nux Vomica 30 BD for 30 days
· Bio-combination No.26 BD
for 30 days
· Alfa alfa Q 15 drops BD for 30 days
Follow Up (9th February 2017):
Herpes Zoster around & inside the Left Eye
· Rhus tox 10m 3 doses on the first day
· Kali mur 6x
4 Pills TDS for 15 days
· Ferrum phos 6x
4 pills TDS for 15 days
Follow Up (16 March 2017):
· In between she received Phosphorus in 50M
· Herpes Zoster recovered completely with
· No more complaints
· Joined the Teaching Job again
· Phosporous CM 3 doses on the first day
· Nux Vomica 200 BD for 30 days
· Bio-combination No.26 BD
for 30 days
· Alfa alfa Q 15 drops BD for 30 day