Welcome to Dr Prasad Rasal's Practical Homoeopathic Discussion

Dear Viewer's,
Do visit Dr Prasad Rasal's Sai-Swami Homoeopathic Clinic, Hospital, Research Centre & Maternity Home as well as Hahnemann Hall, at Sangamner in his Practical Homoeopathic Workshops, Seminars & Homoeopathic Training Programs.

For details, Contact:

Dr Prasad Rasal
Sai-Swami Homoeopathic Hospital, Research Centre & Maternity Home,
Indira Nagar Lane No.1,
Sangamner 422605,
Phone: +91 2425 223913
Mobile: +91 9890168872
email: drprasadrasal@rediffmail.com; drprasadrasal@gmail.com
Skype Name: drprasadrasal

Land Marks:
50 km away from Holy Place Shirdi
60 km away from Nasik Road Railway Station on Pune High Way

Monday, July 23, 2018

Elaps Cor

Single Remedy Rubrics of Elaps Cor from Generalities

[Complete ] [Generalities]Food and drinks:Beef:Desires:Sauce, with sour: Elaps 3
[Complete ] [Generalities]Food and drinks:Buttermilk:Desires:Sweetened: Elaps 3
[Complete ] [Generalities]Food and drinks:Oranges:Aversion: Elaps 1
[Complete ] [Generalities]Motion, motions:Amel.:Oscillating: Elaps 3
[Complete ] [Generalities]Rain:Aversion: Elaps 1

Sunday, July 15, 2018

The Divine School of Homoeopathy: Organon of Medicine

Let's Learn Organon of Medicine with Dr Prasad Rasal...
Lecture no.7, Compiled by Dr Shukleshwar Tribhuvan:

Dr Samuel Hahnemann: The Scientific Experimenter

-Dr Hahnemann in all essential, a flawless experimenter.
-We all know the experiment of Peruvian Barks.
-If Hahnemann should not have experimented on himself but on dogs, or cats, or rats, or mice, has not entered the school of scientific logic.
-Disease manifests itself not merely by objective signs of sensory impressions, but also by subjective symptoms of motor expression.
-can the human experimenter record the subjective feelings of dogs, and cats, and rats, and mice cannot communicate to his understanding by their subjective feelings?
-There are no two human beings entirely the same in health and disease.
-Are dogs, or cats, or mice, or rats more nearly like to human beings are like to one another?
- The experimenter experiments but does not know why he is experiments.
- The moral justification may be that the he experiments because he is paid to experiment; but where is the scientific justification?
- Hahnemann had scientific justification for his experiments.
- That is the reason why his experiments were not sterile.
- Experimentation is for one of two purposes, observation for induction, or verification of inductions.
- Experimentation is analysis, deduction, analytic deduction.
- Hahnemann experimented for observation.
to be continued...

Thursday, July 12, 2018

The Divine School of Homoeopathy: Organon of Medicine

Let's Learn Organon of Medicine with Dr Prasad Rasal...
Lecture no.6, Compiled by Dr Shukleshwar Tribhuvan:

How Homoeopathy is Scientific?
-This is given in the introduction written by Dr James Krauss to the 6th Edition of Organon of Medicine.
-Empiric Medicine guesses, recommends, tries, hits and misses, misses and hits again.
-Scientific medicine does not guess.
-Scientific medicine like any other art, compares effects, sensations and motions with corresponding effects, corresponding sensations and motions.
-only the mountebanks in medicine decry method of comparison as a unscientific.
-All that we can humanly do, and scientifically do, is to observe and classify, to compare and infer.
-Hahnemann says, we must apply medicinal substance on the basis of knowledge of their actual effects. Since it is impossible to know all the antecedents causative of disease consequences.
-Disease effects are removed by the application of medicines having corresponding medicinal effects.
- If the disease effects are removed in toto (whole), we have a cure.
- If the disease effects are removed in parts, we have palliation.
-Scientific comparison of disease effects and medicinal effects for application leads to the diagnostic inferences of scientific medicine, makes scientific medicine possible.
to be continued....

The Divine School of Homoeopathy: Organon of Medicine

Let's Learn Organon of Medicine with Dr Prasad Rasal...
Lecture no.5, Compiled by Dr Shukleshwar Tribhuvan:

Tolle causam!
The term Tolle causam! is given in the Introduction written by Dr James Krauss to the 6th edition of Organon of Medicine.
Tolle Causam! meaning "Do you really know the cause of the disease?"
- It is impossible to know all the antecedents causative of disease consequences as they are always dynamic.
- "Tolle causam" is easier to said than done.
- How, then, shall we remove or palliate these effects by medical substances?
Here, Dr Hahnemann steps in to say, for the first time in all history: Remove the effects and you remove the disease, the cause of effects, "cessat effectus cessat causa".
to be continued.........

The Divine School of Homoeopathy: Organon of Medicine

Let's Learn Organon of Medicine with Dr Prasad Rasal...
Lecture no.4, Compiled by Dr Shukleshwar Tribhuvan:

-How we diagnose a case in Homoeopathy?
-The importance of diagnosis has been given In the third paragraph of introduction of the 6th edition given by Dr James Krauss in the 6th edition of Organon of Medicine.
which are as follows:
-We examine by observing the pathologic and comparing with the physiologic for diagnostic interpretation, prognostic, predication, and therapeutic application.
- We diagnose by classifying the pathologic condition with similar pathologic conditions.
-We diagnose the anatomic seat, the where, i.e, the organs and the parts of the parts affected.
-We diagnose the physiologic process, the what, i.e, the course of inflammations, exudations, degenerations, necrosis, atrophies, hypertrophies, aplasias, hyperplasias.
-We diagnose the etiologic factors, the how, i.e, developmental, traumatic, infectious, antecedents of predisposition and excitation.
-We diagnose the therapeutic application, the end, i.e, the remedial treatment for cure and palliation, and prophylactic treatment for hygience and sanitation.
This is how we diagnose a case in homoeopathy.
to be continued........

The Divine School of Homoeopathy: Organon of Medicine

Let's Learn Organon of Medicine with Dr Prasad Rasal...
Lecture no.3, Compiled by Dr Shukleshwar Tribhuvan:

-There are four Epochal figures in the history of the Practice of Medicine these are:
- Hippocrates: The observer, who introduced the art of clinical observation as a necessary basis for pathologic diagnosis.
-Galen: The disseminator, spread with powerful authority, the teachings of Hippocrates over the medical world.
-Paracelsus: The assailer introduced Chemical As well as Physical analysis into the practice of medicine.
-Hahnemann: The Experimenter, discover the symptomatic source of both pathologic and therapeutic diagnosis and thereby made the practice of medicine scientific.
to be continued......

The Divine School of Homoeopathy: Organon of Medicine

Let's Learn Organon of Medicine with Dr Prasad Rasal...
Lecture no.2, Compiled by Dr Shukleshwar Tribhuvan:
- What is the difference between 5th and 6th Edition of Organon of Medicine?
The difference is given in the translator's preface written by William Boericke in the 6th Edition of Organon of Medicine which is as follows.
-Foot note no 7: Dynamic Influence- Dynamis
-Aphorism 22 and 29 are termed as Life principle which termed Vital Force as in former Edition.
-Aphorism 52 to 56 are wholly rewritten about different pathies.
-Long foot Note 66 to 74 to aphorism 6o to74 are newly added.
-Aphorism 148 is wholly new rewritten which deals with Origin of disease.
-Aphorism 246 to 248 has the greatest importance because it denotes repetition of Doses.
-Aphorism 269 to 272 states the 50 millesimal scale.
-Aphorism 273 denotes Law Of Simplex
- Foot Note no 163 is Wholly Rewritten which States Chronic Diseases under consideration of miasm.
to be continued........

The Divine School of Homoeopathy: Organon of Medicine

Let's Learn Organon of Medicine with Dr Prasad Rasal...
Lecture no.1, Compiled by Dr Shukleshwar Tribhuvan:
-What is Homoeopathy?
Homoeopathy is a medical science which is based upon the LAW OF SIMILARS which states that a drug capable of producing in a healthy person a diseased state exactly similar to that happens in a diseased individual, acts as a curative agent, if the disease is in a curable state.
-What is Organon?
Organon is a method of Scientific Investigation.
Lets have a overlook on the Organon of Medicine
-Organon of Medicine has 6 Editions which are as follows:
*1st Edition has 259 Aphorisms.
*2nd Edition has 318 Aphorisms.
*3rd Edition has 320 Aphorisms
*4th Edition has 292 Aphorisms.
*5th Edition has 294 Aphorisms.
*6th Edition has 291 Aphorisms.
Here we are concerned with 6th Edition of Organon Of Medicine which is divided into Three parts i.e....
Theoretical Part- Aphorism 1 to Aphorism 70
Semi-practical Part- Aphorism 71 to Aphorism 145
Practical Part- Aphorism 146 to Aphorism 291
Name of Author : Dr Samuel Hahnemann
Translator of Book : William Boericke
Translator of Introduction : James Krauss, Boston 30 Sept 1921
Author's Preface : Dr Samuel Hahnemann, Kothen, 28 March 1843
to be continued.....

Dr Samuel Hahnemann, Dr Constantine Hering & Dr James Kent

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