Welcome to Dr Prasad Rasal's Practical Homoeopathic Discussion

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Do visit Dr Prasad Rasal's Sai-Swami Homoeopathic Clinic, Hospital, Research Centre & Maternity Home as well as Hahnemann Hall, at Sangamner in his Practical Homoeopathic Workshops, Seminars & Homoeopathic Training Programs.

For details, Contact:

Dr Prasad Rasal
Sai-Swami Homoeopathic Hospital, Research Centre & Maternity Home,
Indira Nagar Lane No.1,
Sangamner 422605,
Phone: +91 2425 223913
Mobile: +91 9890168872
email: drprasadrasal@rediffmail.com; drprasadrasal@gmail.com
Skype Name: drprasadrasal

Land Marks:
50 km away from Holy Place Shirdi
60 km away from Nasik Road Railway Station on Pune High Way

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Herpes Zoster & Homoeopathy

 Herpes Zoster before Treatment
 Herpes Zoster after Treatment on 7th Day
Treated with Rhus Tox 10M 3 doses followed by Ferrum Phos 6X & Kali Mur 6X for 7 days

Herpes Zoster Treated with homoeopathy...
Explanation given by Dr Prasad Rasal Sir as follows:
Why Rhus Tox?
In 28 years of my practice, I have not seen a single failure with this formula...
Rhus Tox is very specific for Herpes Zoster because typical Rhus Tox state develops during this illness...
-Can't sit in one place due to severe burning
-Patient is ready to do anything during pain... Superstitious
नागीन उतरवणं
-Generally appears in this rainy season
Ferrum Phos for 1st stage of Inflammation i.e. Redness, Pain
Kali Mur for 2nd stage of Inflammation i.e. Vesicular Eruptions containing Serious Plastic Exudate