Herpes Zoster before Treatment
Herpes Zoster after Treatment on 7th Day
Treated with Rhus Tox 10M 3 doses followed by Ferrum Phos 6X & Kali Mur 6X for 7 days
Herpes Zoster Treated with homoeopathy...
Explanation given by Dr Prasad Rasal Sir as follows:
Why Rhus Tox?
In 28 years of my practice, I have not seen a single failure with this formula...
Rhus Tox is very specific for Herpes Zoster because typical Rhus Tox state develops during this illness...
-Can't sit in one place due to severe burning
-Patient is ready to do anything during pain... Superstitious
नागीन उतरवणं
-Generally appears in this rainy season
Ferrum Phos for 1st stage of Inflammation i.e. Redness, Pain
Kali Mur for 2nd stage of Inflammation i.e. Vesicular Eruptions containing Serious Plastic Exudate
Rhus Tox is very specific for Herpes Zoster because typical Rhus Tox state develops during this illness...
-Can't sit in one place due to severe burning
-Patient is ready to do anything during pain... Superstitious
नागीन उतरवणं
-Generally appears in this rainy season
Ferrum Phos for 1st stage of Inflammation i.e. Redness, Pain
Kali Mur for 2nd stage of Inflammation i.e. Vesicular Eruptions containing Serious Plastic Exudate