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Do visit Dr Prasad Rasal's Sai-Swami Homoeopathic Clinic, Hospital, Research Centre & Maternity Home as well as Hahnemann Hall, at Sangamner in his Practical Homoeopathic Workshops, Seminars & Homoeopathic Training Programs.

For details, Contact:

Dr Prasad Rasal
Sai-Swami Homoeopathic Hospital, Research Centre & Maternity Home,
Indira Nagar Lane No.1,
Sangamner 422605,
Phone: +91 2425 223913
Mobile: +91 9890168872
email: drprasadrasal@rediffmail.com; drprasadrasal@gmail.com
Skype Name: drprasadrasal

Land Marks:
50 km away from Holy Place Shirdi
60 km away from Nasik Road Railway Station on Pune High Way

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I am practicing Homoeopathy since last 18 years with the classical method. Still, in number of cases, I got partial result. Patient settles regarding his/ her chief complaints but not wholly. It might have happened due to the thematic prescription based on different aspects like Constitutional/ Miasmatic/ Totality etc. Since, last year I am learning RH aspect to perceive the mental state of the patient & in those partially settled patients, I am trying to use this aspect & I was astonished after seeing the result. It doesn’t mean that a Classical method is wrong or it doesn’t work, but it shows that one should learn different aspects for the betterment of mankind.
Actually, this patient came to me for Left Renal Calculi & cured with Bebr Vulgaris 30 Single Dose. Along with she was suffering from Pain above Left Knee. I have tried number of medicines for the same on the basis of different modalities as well as her constitution without any result.

I have tried following rubrics considering the particulars without any result.
Complete Repertory:
• EXTREMITIES: PAIN, Lower limbs, Knee, Left
Androc, Apis, Arge, Asc-t, Aster, Ba-tn, Bac, Bamb-a, Bapt, Benz-ac, Brom, Calc-ph, Carb-ac, Caul, Chel, Chin, Dios, Eup-per, Kalm, Lith-c, Lycps, Ozone, Pall, Xan
• EXTREMITIES: PAIN, Lower limbs, Knee,… & all sub-rubrics

One day, the same patient came early in the morning & said…
Patient: Sir, I want to tell you something… but… I will tell you later.
Rubric: Hide, desire to
Patient: Sir, since 2-3 days I just want to remain in bed. Because of the duty, I have to wake up.
Rubric: Bed, desires to remain in
Patient asked casually: Sir, What may be the cause behind this?
Rubric: Light, desire for

This version was repertorised with Complete Repertory according to RH method.
Result of Repertorisation:
Chocolate: 3/3
Belladonna: 6/2
Stramonium: 5/2
Aconite: 3/2
I was astonished to see the Chocolate is the only remedy which was covering all three rubrics.

• Treatment: Chocolate 30, Single Dose
• Same day, patient turned back & told that since noon pain in the knee is stopped & till today it never pained again.


1. Hide, desire to: Here patient will not tell you that he wants to hide something.
It should be considered depending on the way patient expresses his feelings, his attitude while telling his symptoms. You can find it out that patient definitely tries to hide something like version of the above described patient.
2. Bed, desires to remain in: This rubric can be considered as it is if the patient expresses it in the same words as described in the above case. But, if you will analyze the dictionary & real meaning of the words in the rubric, then you can use same rubric in different way.
For e.g Bed is the comfortable place for the human being in whom he wants to lie down for rest or peace or comfort. Anything which provides the same comfort/ peace/ rest is nothing but the bed. So, when a person doesn’t want to change his service/ certain things which he is using since very long time e.g. Shoes, Chappals etc., you can use this rubric.
In the RH 1st volume by Master Dr M L Sehgal, the very first case explained by him, whom he cured, he explained it in detail regarding this rubric.
3. Light, desire for: Light has multiple meanings in the dictionary & you can use this rubric with respect to all of them.
For e.g. Light means really a light i.e. opposite to darkness. So, if a person doesn’t know regarding anything, he is in dark about the same thing. If he wants to know regarding the same i.e. he wants to throw light up on it, you can consider the same rubric as described in the above case. She was in dark regarding the cause of her illness & she casually asked the question which indicates she wants to throw a light on it. If you are using this rubric, always find it out the casual approach of the patient for asking this question. Even if you don’t answer his question, it doesn’t matter. Here it differs from the rubric Inquisitive in which there is no casual approach & person waits for perfect answer or he needs the complete answer of the question. He goes on asking till he gets satisfied answer.
If a person desires light in the same sense of light, you can consider the same rubric.
If a person likes comedy movies just to enjoy coming out of the heavy stress, you can use the same rubric.
If a person is obese & he wants to reduce his weight, you can consider him same rubric.
In the similar manner, you can use not only this rubric but the entire rubrics using proper logic.

Thank You!
Dr Prasad Rasal,

Sunday, March 28, 2010

BCG vaccination & Role of Homoeopathy

Question from Dr Vishnu Gadekar, Goa.
Resp Sir, I just read Dr Luc's miasm topic in his classical homp book, he says that after BCG vaccination we are exposed to and impose a tubercular miasm in our system. I want to know,
01. Is it possible to tackle the future tubercular miasmatic effects of BCG with homp remedy like giving say SILICEA which is tubercular in nature & also indicated for ill-effects of vaccination (even if no severe ill-reaction to BCG has been noted)?
02. Is it feasible to give say-- Sil after BCG,Diphtherinum after DPT etc just to clean a recently polluted system by vaccination?Will like to know your's esteemed views.
Answer: Dear Dr Vishnu, I am putting my view regarding your question on my blog because it will be useful to number of peoples who use to watch the blog regularly.
Its definately true that after BCG vaccination, we may get exposed to & may impose a tubercular miasm in our system. I am saying may be because it depends upon number of factors like:
1. Constitution of that Human being who is getting BCG.
2. Present Miasmatic State of the same human being.
3. Susceptibility of the same.
So, every time there will not be the same reaction after BCG vaccination. But, definately it alters the healthy state of that human being. It is our duty to perceive that altered state of that human being.
1. If it is not severely affected, one should not interefere because Human Vital Force, whose office is to preserve the Health is capable of tackling this material attack on human being from BCG vaccine.
2. Unless & until, Human System never cry with any symptoms, it is criminal to interfere the Natural Human Reactions. Otherwise, unnecessarily given our remedies can also alter the healthy state of the human being & produce the complex in the system.
3. Depending on the presenting state, we have to consider a Homoeopathic Remedy.
4. We should not be fixed regarding any remedy for the same like Silicea or Thuja etc.
So, I will advise that first perceive what is happening after the vaccination & then decide what to do?
Thank You!
Dr Prasad Rasal, Sangamner.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Two Extremes of Aurum Metallicum seen in the Same Patient

• Mr. V.J.K., Pune, 53yrs.
• D.O.E.: 9/8/1997.
Serviceman: Industrial worker doing machine work.
Education: 10th std.

Chief Complaint: Since 2yrs,
• Breathlessness on walking
• Sweating on exertion
• Diagnosed as a case of Post Gastrectomy Anaemia
• At present Hb: 4.6Gm%
• Till today, 15 bottles of blood transfusion given. Not responding to any Allopathic Medicines or Replacement Therapy & Iron Injections

Past History:
• 1973: Gastric Ulcer – Partial Gastrectomy done.
• 1975: Gastric Ulcer – Partial Gastrectomy done.
• At Present 1/4th Stomach is present.
• H/O: 15 bottles of Blood Transfusion.

Family History:
• Asthma: PGM & Brother
• Hypertension: Mother

Personal History:
• Diet & Daily Routine:
Not Fixed due to shift duty
• Appetite: Cannot eat more than 1.5 chapatti
• Thirst: Large quantities of water at 2 hrs interval
• Desires: Alcohol+++ for working mania
Coffee+++ as a stimulant for work
• Perspiration: +++ After midnight over whole body
• Sleeplessness: +++ After midnight
• Hobbies: Work +++, Photography ++
• Thermal: Ambi - thermal

Life Space Investigation
• Patient came from poor Socio-economic condition. Father died early.
Therefore, he started working immediately after passing 10th std. as a turner on a Lathe Machine. As he was a very Hard Worker & very Meticulous in his work, he got a permanent job in KSB pump factory.
• He is so Enthusiastic, Hurried, Cheerful, Ambitious, Brilliant, Sympathetic that in his company all use to call him Young Old-Man.
• While giving case, even though he was suffering from severe Anaemia, he was quiet Vivacious.
• Once he worked continuously for 72hrs for completing the job.
• He used to drink Alcohol to concentrate & as a stimulant for work.
• He is Conscientious enough to blame himself & not the others, whenever anything goes wrong.
• He always expects that others also follow him about his Punctuality, Meticulousness, Workaholic attitude, otherwise he used to be severe Angry, Critical, Censorious, Quarrelsome.
• He is very Religious & used to follow all religious Customs.
• He likes to take difficult jobs as a Responsibility. He said that he always gets Challenging jobs.
• He works without Expectation.
• He likes Classical Music.
• He becomes Restless whenever there is no work.
• He never believes on others.
• Patient’s wife is very dominating. He has three daughters. He worked for overtime to give best teaching to all of them in Convent schools. All of them are graduates.
• He has done his elder daughters marriage in 1992 in a good socio-economical family.

Physical General Examination
• Pulse:
• B.P.: 110/80 mm of Hg.
• Wt.: 55Kg.
• Tongue: Pale+++, Clear.

Investigations Done:
04/08/1997 (Sassoon General Hospital, Pune)
• Hb: 4.5Gm%
05/08/1997 (Golwilkar Lab, Pune)
• Hb: 4.6Gm%
Previous & Recent Treatment
• Iron, Vitamin B12 & Folic Acid Since last 20 Years off an on…

Repertorial Totality (Complete Repertory)
• Industrious
• Vivacious
• Hurry, Tendency, Occupation in
• Cheerful, Tendency
• Ambition, much ambitious
• Memory Active
• Sympathetic
• Alcoholism
• Food, Coffee desires
• Food, Milk desires
• Perspiration, Midnight after
• Sleeplessness, Midnight after

Repertorial Result:
• Aur Met: 23/12
• Nux Vom: 20/11
• Nat Mur: 15/11
• Lach: 20/10
• Phos: 18/10
• Ars Alb: 14/10
• Calc Carb: 14/10

Miasmatic Background:
As considering his Physical Disease i.e
• H/O Gastric Ulcer twice
• Suppression of Hb formation
As well as his Mental State i.e
• Extremist at every level Therefore, SYPHILITIC MIASM

Actual Prescription:
Aur Met 1M 1 Dose (9/8/1997)
Placebo tds for 1 Month
Auxiliary Measures:
Wheat grass therapy
in a Soup form, which contains Chlorophyll & iron required for the production of Hb & Oxygen

Follow Up (13/09/97):
• Breathlessness much better
• Sweating after exertion decreased
• Sweating midnight after decreased
• Hb: 6Gm%
• Wt: 57Kg

Placebo tds for 1 Month
Along with Same Auxiliary Measures

Follow Up (18/10/97):
• Breathlessness absent
• Sweating absent
• Sweating absent
• Hb: 10Gm%
• Wt: 58Kg

Placebo tds for 1 Month
Along with Same Auxiliary Measures

Follow Up (24/03/98):
• No Complaints
• Hb: 13.5Gm%
• Wt: 58.5Kg

No Medicine or Placebo

Follow Up (08/02/99):
• No Complaints
• Hb: 13Gm%
• Wt: 58Kg

Treatment Stopped.

Yearly Follow Up: Patient was all right in between without any complaint.

Same Patient in 9/7/2003:
• Extremely Opposite State of Same Individual
• Chief Complaint: Since 6months,
• Severe Depression/ Frustration
• Sadness with Suicidal thoughts & an attempt done 2 months back by consuming Sleeping Pills
• Consuming Alcohol daily
Cannot concentrate for meditation
• Total loss of interest to do anything
• Wants either to suicide or to go to Himalaya for rest of his life
Restless Mind
• Tremendous Forgetfulness since 2 Months
• What I earned in my life? Self contempt
• While expressing the state, using Abusive language about Family members
Severe weakness, slight work fatigues him
• Absolute Violent Anger & Aversion towards all Family members

Patient’s wife is very dominating. He has three daughters. He worked for overtime to give best teaching to all of them in Convent schools. All of them are graduates. He has done his 2nd daughters marriage in Jan 2001. He was exhausted due to physical & mental overexertion. That’s why he retired voluntarily in Aug 2001. Since there were always quarrels between him & his wife; She never liked his voluntary retirement. She expects money from him every time. 6 Month’s back, there was a big quarrel between them & she went from home towards her elder daughter along with a youngest daughter. All of them stopped relations with him. Since then he is staying alone in a severe frustrated, depressed mood. He told that he was having tremendous value in his company due to his workaholic, meticulous, active, sympathetic nature but nothing in his own family. He has done everything for them but what he got in return? Since he became contemptuous of himself, dipsomaniac & dwells on suicidal thoughts & an attempt done 2 months back by consuming Sleeping Pills. Now he doesn’t have a interest in anything & a strength to work. There is a tremendous anxiety with suicidal disposition. In order to come out of this situation, he visits various temples, meditates but cannot concentrate. Now a day, he forgets everything.

Physical General Examination:
• Pulse: 90/min.
• B.P.: 130/80 mm of Hg.
• Wt.: 50Kg.
• Tongue: Clear.

Repertorial Totality (Complete Repertory):
• A/F Anger, indignation with
• A/F Anger, suppressed
• A/F Mortification
• Sadness, suicidal disposition with
• Despair, religious
• Memory, weakness of, loss of
• Indolence, aversion to work
• Aversion to family members
• Abusive
• Contemptuous, self
• Work, fatigues
• Anger, irascibility, Tendency, violent

Repertorial Result:
• Aur Met: 27/12
• Lyco: 21/10
• Nat Mur: 18/10
• Staph: 22/9
• Ign: 15/9
• Sep: 16/8
• Sulph: 13/8

Miasmatic Background:
As considering his Past H/O Physical Disease i.e
• H/O Gastric Ulcer twice
• Suppression of Hb formation
As well as his Present Mental State i.e.
• Extremist at every level

Actual Prescription:
Aur Met CM 1 Dose (9/7/2003)
Placebo tds for 1 month
Auxiliary Measures:

Follow Up (09/08/2003):
• Entered inside Clinic with very happy mood
• Stopped Alcohol
• Weakness much decreased
• Appetite Increased
• Sleep Normal
• Doing regular Meditation
• Wt: 54Kg

Therefore, Placebo tds for 2 Months

Follow Up (19/10/2003)
• Happy mood
• Enjoying the aloneness by helping & Playing with the small children from his area
• No weakness
• Appetite Normal
• Sleep Normal
• Doing regular Meditation
• Wt: 56Kg

Therefore,Placebo tds for 2 Months

Yearly Follow Up:
• Still, The Patient is Enjoying the same state of Aloneness but with Accepting the situation.
• He used to help those who are in trouble.
• In last workshop conducted by our institute, he came voluntarily to serve the delegates. Literally, he used to wake up at 3 am to fire the boiler.
• Unfortunately, 2 months back, he had a snake bite & neuro-muscular paralysis & was on ventilator. Luckily he survived from the same.

So, we can see two extremes of Aur Met as wll as of Syphilitic Miasm in the same case at two different times.

A Case of Pyloric Stenosis

Mr. B.H.M., 67 yrs, staying at Sangamner, came on 4th Nov 2006,
a diagnosed case of Pyloric Stenosis with complaining of

C/O: Since 36 yrs, But more aggravated since 1 yrs,
Forced out Vomiting as soon as he takes anything;
<> Empty stomach, Vomiting
Pain in Stomach – Constricting, Oppressed, Spasmodic sensation; as if something coming out of it;
<> Warm Food in minimum quantity.
Associated with severe emaciation, weakness, enervation, nervousness;
So weak that not able to sit for Case Taking;
Came with Support of his Son

Past H/O:
Typhoid in childhood
Operated twice for Peptic Ulcer in 1981 & 1999

Family H/O:
Hemorrhoids – Father & Younger Brother
Ca rectum PGF Died
Ca liver Brother Died
Liver Cirrhosis Brother Died

Personal H/O:
Craving: Tobacco+
Aggravation: Onion+++
Stool: Hard; Once in two days
Sleep: Variable
Thermal: Ambi-thermal

Mental State including Life Space Investigation:
Patient was in a state of Anguish due to Pains in Stomach, looking Sad, depressed;
When asked regarding his disease, he told it’s better to die than remaining alive;
He has to get admitted every week for IV fluids due to weakness; Lot of Economical Stress; Done one attempt to suicide by consuming Sedative Pills;
Sighing intermittently when questioned;
Patient was not in a state to give details regarding Life Space Investigation due to pains;
So history is collected from his son.
Patient from Poor Socio-economic Family;
Childhood Average; Studied up to 7th std. Left school because of poverty; Still feels bad about it; started working since that time; Done over work; 12-16 hrs of sedentary work; Started getting Acid Peptic Trouble; Not taken any treatment for it; Later on diagnosed as a case of Peptic Ulcer; Operated first in 1981 for the same; Again in 1999;
Had 3 brothers; 2 died; 1 – due to Liver Cirrhosis & 1 Ca – Liver; Married in 1967; 1 Elder stays separate, never looks towards his illness; Feels left out from his family; Due to illness could not go in to the society; Feels rejected from the society.

Physical General Examination:
Weak, Emaciated, Sunken Face
Wt: 32kg
P: 100/min
BP: 110/70 mm of Hg
Tongue: Dry, denuded patches
Difficulty in Sitting & even Riding on Examination Table due to weakness
Looks: Anxious, Sadness, Depressed; Sighing off an on;

Clinical Examination:
GIT: Sunken Abdomen; Scars of previous Surgeries; Tenderness in epigastrium;

Barium meal study 22/301986
No evidence of hiatus hernia or reflux;
Stomach appears grossly dilated;
Persistence residue is seen in the stomach after 3 hours;
Suggestive of Pyloric Stenosis.

1. Anguish, Pain in, Stomach
2. Sadness, Suicidal disposition, with
3. Sighing, Grief, with
4. Gen: Emaciation
5. Gen: Weakness, Nervous
6. Gen: Onion, Agg.
7. Stomach: Constriction, Pylorus, of
8. Stomach, Oppression
9. Stomach, Pain, Cold, Drinks, after, Agg.
10. Stomamch, Pain, Warm food, Amel.
11. Stomach, Spasms, Pylorus

Result of Repertorisation:

1. Ornithogalum: 13/11

2. Lycopodium: 10/6

3. Nux vomica: 10/6

Homoeopathic Management:

4 Nov 2006

Avoid Tobacco Give Oral Rehydration Sip by Sip

Ornithogalum 200…1 Dose Placebo… tds 10 days

7 Nov 2006

Felt better immediately
Two days consumed some diet
Looking fresh
But today, has consumed onion in diet & again got
3 forceful vomiting
Wt: 33Kg
P: 90/min

Ornithogalum 200…1 Dose repeated

14 Nov 2006
No vomiting thereafter
Looking much happy & fresh
Taking food 2-3 times a day
Wt: 35Kg

Placebo bid… 15 days

Patient never returned for follow-ups
Till yesterday enjoying food & his work
Since morning again got 3-4 forceful vomiting
Again induced due to onion utappa
Wt: 37Kg
P: 78/min
Comparatively looking much healthy

Ornithogalum 200…1 Dose
Placebo… tds 10 days


Patient never returned for follow-ups
Till yesterday enjoying food & his work
Since morning again got 2-3 forceful vomiting
Yesterday consumed Pav Bhaji
Wt: 39Kg
P: 74/min

Ornithogalum 200… 1 Dose
Placebo… tds 10 days

Patient never returned for follow-ups
His son met me & told that he is not having trouble;
That’s why not coming for the treatment.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Case 1:
Mr R.A.M., 40 yrs, staying at Mumbai,
came on 7th Nov 2002,
a diagnosed case of Avascular Necrosis of Femoral Head Left > Right with complaining of

Severe Pain in Lt Hip Joint since 1 yrs
<> Continued Slow Motion
Pain in Lt Leg – Calf > Stretching the limb
Pain in Lt Leg – Calf > Uncovering at night
Lt Hip Swelling/ Inflammation/ Stiffness
Lt Leg shorter than Rt
Painful Varicose Veins both Lower Limbs Since 3-4 yrs

Past H/O: Since Childhood Allergic Bronchitis & Leucoderma – A lot of Steroids consumed in the past for the same.

Family H/O:
Paralysis PGM, MGF.

Personal H/O:
Craving: Sweets++, Tobacco++
Aversion: Fatty Food+++
Sleep: Disturbs due to pain as well as due to frightful dreams
Dreams: Cousin Brother who died in 1985+++; Frightful+++; Death of Relatives+++.
Thermal: Ambi-thermal

Mental State including Life Space Investigation:

Patient from Poor Socio-economic Family;
Childhood Average; Completed 10th & Went to Mumbai in 1985 for service;
Working as a Machine Operator in a company;
Married in 1986; Spouse – House wife;
Have 2 sons & 2 daughters;
Happy go Lucky life was going on till last year except off and on episodes of Allergic Bronchitis; Vitiligo settled with Allopathic Treatment consisting of long term use of Corticosteroids;
Very hasty in Nature; does everything very hurriedly;
Since last year, started getting recurrent pain in Lt Hip Joint; Consumed Treatment from a GP quiet a long; As recurrence and spread to Rt Hip increased, shown to Orthopedician Dr K J Kamat who advised him MRI of Hip and diagnosed as a case of Avascular Necrosis of Lt Femoral Head. He advised him Total Hip Replacement Surgery which is not at all affordable for the patient.
Since last 6 months, getting difficulty in concentrating at work due to pain; One interesting thing he told that when he doesn’t concentrate on his work, he use to eat something which makes him comfortable; He becomes so restless that he avoids the work & wants to quit the job but he can’t as whole family depends upon him; He is quiet anxious about Surgery and the consequences of it because it was told to him that after the surgery he cannot seat down forever & re-surgery requires every 5-10 yrs. That’s why he came for Homoeopathic Treatment to avoid the surgery.

Physical General Examination:
Wt: 77kg
P: 80/min
BP: 122/78 mm of Hg
Male Pattern Baldness
Tongue: Flabby
Difficulty in Walking & even Riding on Examination Table
Looks: Anxious, Sadness.

Clinical Examination:
Lt Leg shorter than Rt
Stiffness Lt Hip; Can’t bend it; Can’t lift the Lt Leg
Walks with limping

MRI OF HIP JOINTS (31/01/02)

MRI of both Hip Joints reveals:
Feature suggestive of Lt hip AVN with changes causing architectural distortion & subarticular irregularity seen in the left femoral head with mild joint effusion. The left acetabular margin is normal.
The right hip joint & both sacro-iliac joints are normal.

1. Concentration; Difficult
2. Concentration; Difficult, Eating, amel. from
3. Anxiety
4. Dreams; Dead, people, of, Weeping, with
5. Dreams; Death, of, Relatives
6. Dreams; Frightful
7. Fear; Poverty
8. Hurry, haste; Tendency
9.Generalities; Caries, necrosis, of, Bones
10.Generalities; Exostoses, Syphilitic
11.Generalities; Food & drinks, Fat & rich food, Aversion
12.Generalities; Food & drinks, Sweets, Desires
13.Generalities, Necrosis, Bones
14.Extremities, Pain; Lower limb, Hip, Motion, amel
15.Extremities, Pain; Lower limb, Leg, Calf, Stretching, amel.
16.Extremities, pain; Lower limb, Leg, Calf, Uncovering, amel.
17.Extremities, Swelling, Joints
18.Extremities, Shorter,one than other leg
19.Extremities, Varices,Leg,Painful
20.Extremities, Inflammations, Joints, Synovitis, Chronic

Calc fluor 33/20
Puls 27/13
Sulph 24/12
Lyco 24/11
Calc 22/12
Merc 22/11
Ars 22/10

Homoeopathic Management:

7 Nov 2002: Avoid Tobacco
Weight Reduction
Calc Fluor 6x tds… 3wks

30 Nov 2002: Lt Hip Pains Persistent <> Continued Motion
But feeling better at general level;
Wt: 76Kg
Can walk for 15-20 min freely

Calc Fluor 6x bid… 1mth

30 Dec 2002: Lt Hip Pains Much Better;
Work freely;
Looks Confident;
Thought of leaving the job totally gone;
Can walk freely without limping for 45min;
Wt: 74.5Kg

Syph 1M 1 Dose
Calc Fluor 6x…OD 6mth

14 June 2003: No Pain in Hip;
Working with full strength;
Walking freely for 1hr;
Normally climbing staircase;
O/E: Easily lift the Lt leg & bend it;
No Tenderness
Wt: 74Kg

Calc Fluor 6x…OD 6mth

7 March 2004: No Pain in Hip;
Working with full strength;
Walking freely for 1hr;
Normally climbing staircase;
O/E: Easily lift the Lt leg & bend it;
No Tenderness
Wt: 74Kg

Calc Fluor 6x…OD 6mth

24 Dec 2004:
MRI OF HIP JOINTS (21/12/04)
MRI of Pelvic & both Hip joint for a follow up case left hip AVN reveals
Changes in the superior weight bearing portion of the left femoral head noted with mild flattening of the head.
In comparison with previous MRI there is mild increase in the flattening. However, the marrow changes appear to be localized to the weight bearing portion with reduction of the marrow edema in the neck that was seen in previous study.
The hip effusion which was seen in previous MRI has also resolved. The left acetabulum margin is intact. No para articular soft tissue abnormality.
The right hip & both S.I. joints are normal.

No Pain in Hip;
Working with full strength;
Walking freely;
O/E: Easily lift the Lt Leg & bend it;
No Tenderness
Wt: 74Kg

Calc Fluor 6x…OD 12mth

3 Nov 2005: No Pain in Hip;
Working with full strength;
Walking freely;
O/E: Easily lift the Lt Leg & bend it;
No Tenderness
Wt: 74Kg

Calc Fluor 6x…OD 12mth

4 Sep 2006:
MRI OF HIP JOINTS (1/6/2006)

MRI of Pelvic & both Hip joint for a follow up case left hip AVN reveals
Sequelae of Avascular necrosis seen with architectural distortion with flattening of left femoral head. The left acetabular margin is intact. As compared to previous MRI dt. Dec 2004, no significant interval change noted. No further progression of the disease seen.
The right hip & both S.I. joints are normal.

No Pain in Hip;
Working with full strength;
Walking freely;
O/E: Easily lift the Lt Leg & bend it;
No Tenderness
Wt: 74Kg

Treatment stopped.Follow Up after 2 years.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Understanding the Rubrics

Dear Homoeopathic Collegues & Friends,
When we learn Homoeopathy, number of times we come across one difficulty & that is converting patient's language in to Homoeopathic Reperttorail language which we call by Rubrics. Unless, we understand this, it is quiet difficult to achieve a Perfect Similimum. For the same purpose, I am starting this blog to explain the meaning of the Rubric in Simple Words as well as in Patient's Version. So, share your experience & share knowledge of Homoeopathy.
Thank you!
Dr Prasad Rasal, Sangamner.
Mob: 09890168872

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Understanding the Rubrics

• STUPEFACTION, as if intoxicated weather, during hot: Gels2
• When the surroundings are very excited or the atmosphere is surcharged with excitement, the Gelsemium patient may loose his self control & may go to the state of stupefaction. He does not know how to respond to the surroundings.

Understanding the Rubrics

• STUPEFACTION, as if intoxicated delivery, parturition, during: Gels1
• STUPEFACTION, as if intoxicated diarrhoea with: Gels1
• STUPEFACTION, as if intoxicated urination, profuse amel: Gels2

• The state of stupefaction is relieved by profuse or excessive flow of the feeling which are stagnated inside.
Patient says, unless I bring out all my feelings, which are stuck up inside, I can not come into myself.

Understanding the Rubrics

SPIT, desire to afternoon: Gels1
• Spit: to express contempt or hatred by or as if spitting saliva
• Afternoon: any period of beginning decline
• When the decline starts in the Gelsemium patient’s carrier he starts hating & contempting other because failure causes humiliation to him.