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Dr Prasad Rasal
Sai-Swami Homoeopathic Hospital, Research Centre & Maternity Home,
Indira Nagar Lane No.1,
Sangamner 422605,
Phone: +91 2425 223913
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email: drprasadrasal@rediffmail.com; drprasadrasal@gmail.com
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Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I am practicing Homoeopathy since last 18 years with the classical method. Still, in number of cases, I got partial result. Patient settles regarding his/ her chief complaints but not wholly. It might have happened due to the thematic prescription based on different aspects like Constitutional/ Miasmatic/ Totality etc. Since, last year I am learning RH aspect to perceive the mental state of the patient & in those partially settled patients, I am trying to use this aspect & I was astonished after seeing the result. It doesn’t mean that a Classical method is wrong or it doesn’t work, but it shows that one should learn different aspects for the betterment of mankind.
Actually, this patient came to me for Left Renal Calculi & cured with Bebr Vulgaris 30 Single Dose. Along with she was suffering from Pain above Left Knee. I have tried number of medicines for the same on the basis of different modalities as well as her constitution without any result.

I have tried following rubrics considering the particulars without any result.
Complete Repertory:
• EXTREMITIES: PAIN, Lower limbs, Knee, Left
Androc, Apis, Arge, Asc-t, Aster, Ba-tn, Bac, Bamb-a, Bapt, Benz-ac, Brom, Calc-ph, Carb-ac, Caul, Chel, Chin, Dios, Eup-per, Kalm, Lith-c, Lycps, Ozone, Pall, Xan
• EXTREMITIES: PAIN, Lower limbs, Knee,… & all sub-rubrics

One day, the same patient came early in the morning & said…
Patient: Sir, I want to tell you something… but… I will tell you later.
Rubric: Hide, desire to
Patient: Sir, since 2-3 days I just want to remain in bed. Because of the duty, I have to wake up.
Rubric: Bed, desires to remain in
Patient asked casually: Sir, What may be the cause behind this?
Rubric: Light, desire for

This version was repertorised with Complete Repertory according to RH method.
Result of Repertorisation:
Chocolate: 3/3
Belladonna: 6/2
Stramonium: 5/2
Aconite: 3/2
I was astonished to see the Chocolate is the only remedy which was covering all three rubrics.

• Treatment: Chocolate 30, Single Dose
• Same day, patient turned back & told that since noon pain in the knee is stopped & till today it never pained again.


1. Hide, desire to: Here patient will not tell you that he wants to hide something.
It should be considered depending on the way patient expresses his feelings, his attitude while telling his symptoms. You can find it out that patient definitely tries to hide something like version of the above described patient.
2. Bed, desires to remain in: This rubric can be considered as it is if the patient expresses it in the same words as described in the above case. But, if you will analyze the dictionary & real meaning of the words in the rubric, then you can use same rubric in different way.
For e.g Bed is the comfortable place for the human being in whom he wants to lie down for rest or peace or comfort. Anything which provides the same comfort/ peace/ rest is nothing but the bed. So, when a person doesn’t want to change his service/ certain things which he is using since very long time e.g. Shoes, Chappals etc., you can use this rubric.
In the RH 1st volume by Master Dr M L Sehgal, the very first case explained by him, whom he cured, he explained it in detail regarding this rubric.
3. Light, desire for: Light has multiple meanings in the dictionary & you can use this rubric with respect to all of them.
For e.g. Light means really a light i.e. opposite to darkness. So, if a person doesn’t know regarding anything, he is in dark about the same thing. If he wants to know regarding the same i.e. he wants to throw light up on it, you can consider the same rubric as described in the above case. She was in dark regarding the cause of her illness & she casually asked the question which indicates she wants to throw a light on it. If you are using this rubric, always find it out the casual approach of the patient for asking this question. Even if you don’t answer his question, it doesn’t matter. Here it differs from the rubric Inquisitive in which there is no casual approach & person waits for perfect answer or he needs the complete answer of the question. He goes on asking till he gets satisfied answer.
If a person desires light in the same sense of light, you can consider the same rubric.
If a person likes comedy movies just to enjoy coming out of the heavy stress, you can use the same rubric.
If a person is obese & he wants to reduce his weight, you can consider him same rubric.
In the similar manner, you can use not only this rubric but the entire rubrics using proper logic.

Thank You!
Dr Prasad Rasal,

1 comment:

  1. sir what is RH method

    have never heard about it...........

    im student of mhaske homoeopathic medical college 4th year
