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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Study of the Rubrics generally associated with each other

In some disorders of the skin which are generally disturbs beauty of an Individual & also if there is a big chronic disappointment in the life of a person, the following state of disposition & mind is expressed commonly.

  1. Ailments from, Disappointment, deception, old: NAT-M
    Disappointment means fails to meet the expectations, hopes, desires & generally sadness develops as a result of it.
    Deception means the act of deceiving or cheating.
    An ailment means an illness.
    When disease is expressing on the Patient’s face or in his or her personality due to some old, long standing disappointment or if someone has cheated this person, one should definitely consider this rubric.
    Generally Physician can get the cause from the patient or attendant.
  2. Absorbed, buried in thought, Become of him, as to what would: Nat-m
  3. Thoughts, Himself, about, Become of him, what would: Nat-m
    Absorbed means deeply involved. Buried in thought means as if covered with earth; meaning deeply involved in the thoughts. As to what would become of him means due to such disappointment or deception or illness what will be the future of him.
    Such thoughts get crowded in such personalities & they look depressed. State of despair is expressing on their face. They look like as if in their own world & never understand what is happening around them.
  4. Answer, answering, answers, Reluctantly, Physician, to: Nat-m
    Answer means to say something in return when questioned. Reluctantly means unwillingly. Physician means the person who is having knowledge of human being & their diseases & who treats the diseased individual.
    Generally, these people are so disturbed & depressed either due to their disappointment/ deception or diseases, they don’t want to share anything with anyone, not even the Physician who want to treat them & that’s why when questioned by him, they answer reluctantly.

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