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Monday, July 19, 2010

Understanding the Rubric with a Case: Opium

Fear, Extravagance, of: Opium

Let us first understand the dictionary meaning of the words.

Fear means
1 a feeling of anxiety and agitation caused by the presence or nearness of danger, evil, pain, etc.; timidity; dread; terror; fright; apprehension
2 respectful dread; awe; reverence
3 a feeling of uneasiness or apprehension; concern (a fear that it will rain)
4 a cause for fear; possibility; chance (there was no fear of difficulty)

Extravagance means
1 a going beyond reasonable or proper limits in conduct or speech; unreasonable excess
2 a spending of more than is reasonable or necessary; excessive expenditure; wastefulness
3 an instance of excess in spending, behavior, or speech Also

The meaning of the whole rubric is: Fear of going beyond limits, unreasonable excess.

Case: A patient of hair fall came to me & I observed on his face a lot of anxiety as if he is suffering from a very severe illness. He uttered with lot of fear on his face: Doctor, I am suffering from so severe hair fall that I feel that after a month there will not remain a single hair on my scalp. Dr. please, please give me some medicine.
So, I considered a fear which is out of proportion to his illness or suffering. He is considering that he will get bald within a month. So, I considered two rubrics:
1. Fear, Extravagance, of
along with one more rubric i.e.
2. Praying
Result of Repertorisation:
Opium 2/2

We never think of Opium for a hair fall because we use to consider only a Materia Medica picture of the Opium. But, because of proper understanding of the rubrics, one becomes unprejudiced which Dr Samuel hahnemann says one of the basic quality Homoeopathic Physician should possess.
I have prescribed him Opium 30 a single dose followed by placebo & revived him after 10days when he said in a very happy mood: Doctor, first time after a long time I am enjoying my life. Hair fall is 90% reduced & because of which my anxiety is also disappeared. Thanks!

One more versions of the same rubric:
(Everything in a Frightful appearance) Doctor, you told me that my disease will be cured within three months. It’s already 6 months passed. Doctor, whether I will become all right? Why I am not getting cured? Is there any major problem?

Thank You!
The Value of Objective Rubrics with ExamplesA Case of Avascular Necrosis of Femoral Head

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