Whenever a patient comes to us, he is in a diseased state. So, naturally whatever he utters & his expressions, tone of discussion during that state is his state of disposition & mind. I use to concentrate on the same & try to convert it in to the Rubrics because Dr Samuel Hahnemann defined the Law of Similars as:
A drug capable of producing in a healthy individual a diseased state exactly similar to that observed in a diseased individual acts as a curative agent if the disease is in a curable state.
He has specifically used the word Diseased State & not the symptoms or disease.
Why the State of disposition & mind?
Because our master Dr Samuel Hahnemann explained it in the 6th edition of Organon of Medicine, in
§ 211: This holds good to such an extent, that the state of the disposition of the patient often chiefly determines the selection of the homoeopathic remedy, as being a decidedly characteristic symptom which can least of all remain concealed from the accurately observing physician.
So, what is a state?
State is nothing but the Individuality expressed thro’ symptoms, words, language, tone, emotions & body language etc.
For e.g. Person’s version (Sentence): How are you?
“How are you?” can be asked with different tones & expressions like Sympathetic, Curious, Dominating, Vindictive etc. So, “how are you” words are not important but the man behind these words is important. So, state expresses with the help of the words which we have to find it out thro’ unprejudiced observation, sound senses, keen observation & fidelity in tracing the picture of the disease. This captured diseased state of the individual we have to repertories to get the Perfect Similimum.
Now we will turn towards the rubric:
Philosophy, Ability for: At first we will understand the meaning of the words.
Philosophy means:
1 [Archaic] love of, or the search for, wisdom or knowledge
2 theory or logical analysis of the principles underlying conduct, thought, knowledge, and the nature of the universe: included in philosophy are ethics, aesthetics, logic, epistemology, metaphysics, etc.
3 the general principles or laws of a field of knowledge, activity, etc.! The philosophy of economics"
4 a) a particular system of principles for the conduct of life b) a treatise covering such a system
5 a study of human morals, character, and behavior
6 mental balance or composure thought of as resulting from the study of philosophy
Ability means:
1 a being able; power to do (something physical or mental)
2 skill, expertness, or talent
So, the complete meaning of the rubric is:
These people have the ability to explain each & everything with the help of certain social principles. For every discussion they used to take the help of those principles.
Common versions of those people’s discussion are:
1. Doctor, don’t you feel that his/ her behavior is not like social norms? Actually, one should behave like normal social norms. He/she should consider how to behave in the society.
2. Doctor, my brother doesn’t understand how to behave with the parents. His behavior is absolutely wrong. He must respect the parents.
3. Every doctor should do ethical medical practice. They should not cheat their patients. But now a day, we never get such type of peoples.
4. I use to follow all human ethics. Generally, I never trouble anyone without reason. Even anyone troubles me I use to consider that this might be a tendency of that individual. Ultimately, every human being is having a different nature.
So, people go on discussing in such a way that we can easily understand their philosophical ability.
I generally never come to conclusion of the rubric with a single version. If we get similar version 2 or more time in a case, we get confirmation about the state of the individual & then we must consider that rubric.
Thank You!
thank you sir for such a nice explanation and valueble information.