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Friday, July 9, 2010

Understanding the Rubric

Understanding the Rubric:

Conflict between higher consciousness & worldly existence: Hydrogen

First we will study the dictionary meanings of few words of this rubric.
Conflict means - 1 [Obs.] to fight; battle; contend
2 to be antagonistic, incompatible, or contradictory; be in opposition; clash! Ideas that conflict"
1 a fight or struggle, esp. a protracted one; war
2 sharp disagreement or opposition, as of interests or ideas; clash
3 emotional disturbance resulting from a clash of opposing impulses or from an inability to reconcile impulses with realistic or moral considerations
4 [Rare] collision of moving bodies

SYN.—conflict refers to a sharp disagreement or collision as in interests or ideas and emphasizes the process rather than the end [the conflict over slavery]; fight, a rather general word for any contest, struggle, or quarrel, stresses physical or hand-to-hand combat; struggle implies great effort or violent exertion, physical or otherwise [the struggle for existence]; contention most frequently applies to heated verbal strife, or dispute [religious contention broke out]; contest refers to a struggle, either friendly or hostile, for supremacy in some matter [athletic contests, a contest of wits]

Consciousness means – 1 the state of being conscious; awareness of one's own feelings, what is happening around one, etc.
2 the totality of one's thoughts, feelings, and impressions; conscious mind

Existence means – 1 the act of existing; state or fact of being
2 continuance of being; life; living
3 occurrence; specific manifestation
4 a manner of existing, being, or living! Derelicts have a poor existence"
5 a being; entity; thing that exists

– 1 of or limited to this world; temporal or secular
2 devoted to or concerned with the affairs, pleasures, etc. of this world:
3 worldly-wise; sophisticated

So, now if you will understand the meaning of the whole rubric, it shows: There is a conflict in the persons mind regarding his physical & metaphysical existence or in a simple language the material & dynamic aspect of the human being. He is in a confused state regarding his physical existence on this earth & at the same time the spiritual – dynamic aspect of him in this universe.

Let me explain a case:
This is a case of Eczema which I was not able to understand seven years back. The Patient’s version was:
Doctor, I am in a confused state. Number of times, I feel whether I am a part of this universe or not. My thoughts never get coped with the people of this world. Sometimes, I feel who I am? I am embarrassed because of these thoughts. Every human being is part of the Spirit & I thank he should be.
He goes on discussing number of things continuously like a Loquacious person.
I made a mistake of prescribing him Sulphur because at that time I was not knowing this Rubric because rest of the rubrics are common in both remedies i.e. Hydrogen & Sulphur. Ultimately, I never cot a perfect similimum & I have to reconsider this case for 2-3 times to get cured.

1. Conflict between higher consciousness & worldly existence
2. Egotism
3. Theorizing
4. Embarrassment
5. Philosophy, Ability for
6. Loquacity

Result of Repertorisation:

1. Hydrogen 6/6
2. Sulphur 8/5
3. Lachesis 9/4

So, if I would have prescribed this perfect similimum Hydrogen as a first prescription, I might not have to reconsider the case.
This is the importance of perfect similimum & perceiving the right rubric.
Thank You!

Dr Prasad Rasal,

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