He is likewise a preserver of health if he knows the things that derange health and cause disease, and how to remove them from persons in health.
Prasad Rasal:
In this aphorism, Dr Samuel Hahnemann has added one more most important qualitative requirement of the Homoeopathic Physician & has written in separate aphorism because in fact this is the basic one which every Homoeopathic Physician should develop.
He expects that the Homoeopathic Physician should not be only a Healer but at first, he should be the Preserver of the health. Dr Hahnemann says that if He knows that any person is having certain bad habits which can create the disorder in that person, it id his duty to tell or advise that fellow. There are number of peoples who are having different habits, addictions which can create the disorders in them. It is his sole duty to advise them in a proper way & remove their addictions or habits in order to preserve their health. He should not wait till the disease will develop & then he will treat it.
Welcome to Dr Prasad Rasal's Practical Homoeopathic Discussion
Dear Viewer's,
Do visit Dr Prasad Rasal's Sai-Swami Homoeopathic Clinic, Hospital, Research Centre & Maternity Home as well as Hahnemann Hall, at Sangamner in his Practical Homoeopathic Workshops, Seminars & Homoeopathic Training Programs.
For details, Contact:
Dr Prasad Rasal
Sai-Swami Homoeopathic Hospital, Research Centre & Maternity Home,
Indira Nagar Lane No.1,
Sangamner 422605,
Phone: +91 2425 223913
Mobile: +91 9890168872
email: drprasadrasal@rediffmail.com; drprasadrasal@gmail.com
Skype Name: drprasadrasal
Land Marks:
50 km away from Holy Place Shirdi
60 km away from Nasik Road Railway Station on Pune High Way
Do visit Dr Prasad Rasal's Sai-Swami Homoeopathic Clinic, Hospital, Research Centre & Maternity Home as well as Hahnemann Hall, at Sangamner in his Practical Homoeopathic Workshops, Seminars & Homoeopathic Training Programs.
For details, Contact:
Dr Prasad Rasal
Sai-Swami Homoeopathic Hospital, Research Centre & Maternity Home,
Indira Nagar Lane No.1,
Sangamner 422605,
Phone: +91 2425 223913
Mobile: +91 9890168872
email: drprasadrasal@rediffmail.com; drprasadrasal@gmail.com
Skype Name: drprasadrasal
Land Marks:
50 km away from Holy Place Shirdi
60 km away from Nasik Road Railway Station on Pune High Way
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Organon of Medicine
If the physician clearly perceives what is to be cured in diseases, that is to say, in every individual case of disease (knowledge of disease, indication), if he clearly perceives what is curative in medicines, that is to say, in each individual medicine (knowledge of medical powers), and if he knows how to adapt, according to clearly defined principles, what is curative in medicines to what he has discovered to be undoubtedly morbid in the patient, so that the recovery must ensue – to adapt it, as well in respect to the suitability of the medicine most appropriate according to its mode of action to the case before him (choice of the remedy, the medicine indicated), as also in respect to the exact mode of preparation and quantity of it required (proper dose), and the proper period for repeating the dose; – if, finally, he knows the obstacles to recovery in each case and is aware how to remove them, so that the restoration may be permanent, then he understands how to treat judiciously and rationally, and he is a true practitioner of the healing art .
Dr Prasad Rasal:
After defining the Mission i.e. Ideal Cure, Dr Samuel Hahnemann now turns to explain that for achieving the same, how the Homoeopathic Physician should be? This is very logical sequence he has used. He explains the detail the criteria regarding the qualities of the Homoeopathic Physician in order to become a True Practitioner of the Healing Art.
He says that the physician should have:
1. Knowledge of disease, indication: Here in one sentence, he used to put two important things i.e. the He should have in detail knowledge of all types of Diseases in order to understand its pathogenesis along with the prognosis so that he can understand the type of the disease & at the same time He says 'Indication' means how the disease is expressing in the individual thro' the characteristic individualizing symptoms from prescription point of view.
2. Knowledge of medicinal powers: Here He want to explain that only knowledge of the medicine is not important because as the medicines are dynamic, every potency of the medicine acts differently in healthy individual i.e. for e.g. Rhus tox 6, 1M, 10M will show the different reactions in a healthy human beings after proving & act as a different medicine. So, if he understand the medicinal power, he can achieve an exact similimum.
3. Choice of the remedy, the medicine indicated, proper dose, and the proper period for repeating the dose: He should have an Intelligence to utilize both the knowledge to find out the perfect similimum in proper potency & knowledge regarding the repetition of the medicine.
Here regarding the Repetition of the Medicine, the Words of Dr J T Kent are very important to understand. Kent says:
" Last, & least important of all, comes the names of the patients malady. Look it up, if you like, at the very end, and it may joyfully confirm your choice of drug , which it must not unduly bias.
If your patient is an asthmatic patient, it is comforting to know that the drug his symptoms demand has again and again cured bad cases of asthma. But remedies that have never been recorded as having cured asthma will do the trick, if the symptoms of the patient cry out for them, as their similimum.
Drugs have not all been pushed far enough to produce lesions, and their voices do not carry, as a rule, deeper than function – except in the cases of accidental poisoning.
But get the right drug, the stimulus needed, and you will find the reaction of the organism deep enough in all conscience, and long-sustained.
Then KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF! Wait long for a second very definite cry, before you dare to interfere. You may have to wait months – then wait!
Remember, it is the patient who has to cure himself; the drug can not cure him, the drug is only the stimulus that starts the vital reaction.
So long has curative reaction is in progress, it is senseless – criminal – to interfere. This is the way to crush your work, to vitiate your experience, to break your heart.
So long the patient is improving, let him be, and never meddle till he begins to sleep back: that is the first possible moment to repeat, or to reconsider the case.
It is safer to be a little late than a little soon. You must “ go fast slowly ”, there is no other way."
4. Obstacles to Recovery: This is last but not the least He should know i.e. Maintaining Cause of the disease or Causa occasionalis. Unless, one removes them, it is not possible to get the recovery or cure.
With the help of these weapons, He can achieve the Mission i.e. Ideal Cure & then He understands how to treat judiciously and rationally, and He is a true practitioner of the healing art .
If the physician clearly perceives what is to be cured in diseases, that is to say, in every individual case of disease (knowledge of disease, indication), if he clearly perceives what is curative in medicines, that is to say, in each individual medicine (knowledge of medical powers), and if he knows how to adapt, according to clearly defined principles, what is curative in medicines to what he has discovered to be undoubtedly morbid in the patient, so that the recovery must ensue – to adapt it, as well in respect to the suitability of the medicine most appropriate according to its mode of action to the case before him (choice of the remedy, the medicine indicated), as also in respect to the exact mode of preparation and quantity of it required (proper dose), and the proper period for repeating the dose; – if, finally, he knows the obstacles to recovery in each case and is aware how to remove them, so that the restoration may be permanent, then he understands how to treat judiciously and rationally, and he is a true practitioner of the healing art .
Dr Prasad Rasal:
After defining the Mission i.e. Ideal Cure, Dr Samuel Hahnemann now turns to explain that for achieving the same, how the Homoeopathic Physician should be? This is very logical sequence he has used. He explains the detail the criteria regarding the qualities of the Homoeopathic Physician in order to become a True Practitioner of the Healing Art.
He says that the physician should have:
1. Knowledge of disease, indication: Here in one sentence, he used to put two important things i.e. the He should have in detail knowledge of all types of Diseases in order to understand its pathogenesis along with the prognosis so that he can understand the type of the disease & at the same time He says 'Indication' means how the disease is expressing in the individual thro' the characteristic individualizing symptoms from prescription point of view.
2. Knowledge of medicinal powers: Here He want to explain that only knowledge of the medicine is not important because as the medicines are dynamic, every potency of the medicine acts differently in healthy individual i.e. for e.g. Rhus tox 6, 1M, 10M will show the different reactions in a healthy human beings after proving & act as a different medicine. So, if he understand the medicinal power, he can achieve an exact similimum.
3. Choice of the remedy, the medicine indicated, proper dose, and the proper period for repeating the dose: He should have an Intelligence to utilize both the knowledge to find out the perfect similimum in proper potency & knowledge regarding the repetition of the medicine.
Here regarding the Repetition of the Medicine, the Words of Dr J T Kent are very important to understand. Kent says:
" Last, & least important of all, comes the names of the patients malady. Look it up, if you like, at the very end, and it may joyfully confirm your choice of drug , which it must not unduly bias.
If your patient is an asthmatic patient, it is comforting to know that the drug his symptoms demand has again and again cured bad cases of asthma. But remedies that have never been recorded as having cured asthma will do the trick, if the symptoms of the patient cry out for them, as their similimum.
Drugs have not all been pushed far enough to produce lesions, and their voices do not carry, as a rule, deeper than function – except in the cases of accidental poisoning.
But get the right drug, the stimulus needed, and you will find the reaction of the organism deep enough in all conscience, and long-sustained.
Then KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF! Wait long for a second very definite cry, before you dare to interfere. You may have to wait months – then wait!
Remember, it is the patient who has to cure himself; the drug can not cure him, the drug is only the stimulus that starts the vital reaction.
So long has curative reaction is in progress, it is senseless – criminal – to interfere. This is the way to crush your work, to vitiate your experience, to break your heart.
So long the patient is improving, let him be, and never meddle till he begins to sleep back: that is the first possible moment to repeat, or to reconsider the case.
It is safer to be a little late than a little soon. You must “ go fast slowly ”, there is no other way."
4. Obstacles to Recovery: This is last but not the least He should know i.e. Maintaining Cause of the disease or Causa occasionalis. Unless, one removes them, it is not possible to get the recovery or cure.
With the help of these weapons, He can achieve the Mission i.e. Ideal Cure & then He understands how to treat judiciously and rationally, and He is a true practitioner of the healing art .
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Question & Answers

Prasad Rasal:
A bacteria, responsible to transmit the Sycotic Miasm in Human Race...
Homeopath Viraj Shah:
Prasad Rasal: plz explain logic behind it......
Partha Sarathi Ray:
Prasad Sir: Can a bacteria transmit the Hahnemann's Sycosis? Please explain.
Prasad Rasal:
Gonorrhoeal bacteria is not a bacteria of human origin. It has transmitted to human being because of sexual perversions of the human being & transmitted thro' sexual contacts in human race. When a person suffering from gonorrhoea keep sexual relations with others, he transmit this infection & is responsible to transmit the same miasm. Even it get transmitted from one generation to another.
Let me share one case in very early stage of my practice, may be 20 years back. A 2 years child was brought to me for recurrent bronchitis with typical totality of Cina. I prescribed him Cina 30 & to my surprise, his cough stopped immediately within a day & he started getting yellowish muco-purulent discharge per urethra. Then his father told me the history that he suffered from the similar discharge 7 years before & was treated with antibiotics. It was typical of gonorrhoeal discharge. At that time, I started believing on the miasmatic theory very much.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Organon of Medicine
The highest ideal of cure is rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of the health, or removal and annihilation of the disease in its whole extent, in the shortest, most reliable, and most harmless way, on easily comprehensible principles.
Prasad Rasal:
In the first aphorism, Dr Samuel Hahnemann has explained the Mission, the Goal of the Homoeopathic Physician. Now, he defines it in the exact manner i.e. one should know exactly the details regarding the mission & that's why he defines it.
The way he defines it is also very much important to get understand. He says..The highest ideal of cure... means ideally speaking how it should be; it is one of the thought. He never say like the Cure should be but how one should think about the Cure. Dr Samuel Hahnemann also knows that it's not possible to achieve what he says regarding the cure but one should go for achieving in that way. This is one of the concept or fantasy regarding the highest ideal of cure.
So, he says that ...is rapid means as fast as possible; ...gentle means without causing the much suffering to the sick person when it is getting achieved; ...and permanent means there should not be any recurrence; ...restoration of health means again bringing back the harmony of mind, body & soul with the help of the Vital Force; means nothing but the removal & annihilation of the disease in its whole extent by removing the totality of the symptoms; ...in the shortest again means as early as possible; ...most reliable means with the known Homoeopathic medicines already proved on healthy human beings i.e. reliability; ...and most harmless way means without causing any damage to the vital organs as happens in the allopathic science; ...based on easily comprehensible principles means it follows the 7 cardinal principles of the Homoeopathy along with the Hering's Law of the direction of the cure.
The highest ideal of cure is rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of the health, or removal and annihilation of the disease in its whole extent, in the shortest, most reliable, and most harmless way, on easily comprehensible principles.
Prasad Rasal:
In the first aphorism, Dr Samuel Hahnemann has explained the Mission, the Goal of the Homoeopathic Physician. Now, he defines it in the exact manner i.e. one should know exactly the details regarding the mission & that's why he defines it.
The way he defines it is also very much important to get understand. He says..The highest ideal of cure... means ideally speaking how it should be; it is one of the thought. He never say like the Cure should be but how one should think about the Cure. Dr Samuel Hahnemann also knows that it's not possible to achieve what he says regarding the cure but one should go for achieving in that way. This is one of the concept or fantasy regarding the highest ideal of cure.
So, he says that ...is rapid means as fast as possible; ...gentle means without causing the much suffering to the sick person when it is getting achieved; ...and permanent means there should not be any recurrence; ...restoration of health means again bringing back the harmony of mind, body & soul with the help of the Vital Force; means nothing but the removal & annihilation of the disease in its whole extent by removing the totality of the symptoms; ...in the shortest again means as early as possible; ...most reliable means with the known Homoeopathic medicines already proved on healthy human beings i.e. reliability; ...and most harmless way means without causing any damage to the vital organs as happens in the allopathic science; ...based on easily comprehensible principles means it follows the 7 cardinal principles of the Homoeopathy along with the Hering's Law of the direction of the cure.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Organon of Medicine
§ 1:
The physician’s high and only mission is to restore the sick to health, to cure, as it is termed.1
Foot Note 1:
His mission is not, however, to construct so-called systems, by interweaving empty speculations and hypotheses concerning the internal essential nature of the vital processes and the mode in which diseases originate in the interior of the organism, (whereon so many physicians have hitherto ambitiously wasted their talents and their time); nor is it to attempt to give countless explanations regarding the phenomena in diseases and their proximate cause (which must ever remain concealed), wrapped in unintelligible words and an inflated abstract mode of expression, which should sound very learned in order to astonish the ignorant – whilst sick humanity sighs in vain for aid. Of such learned reveries (to which the name of theoretic medicine is given, and for which special professorships are instituted) we have had quite enough, and it is now high time that all who call themselves physicians should at length cease to deceive suffering mankind with mere talk, and begin now, instead, for once to act, that is, really to help and to cure.
Prasad Rasal:
I made a request to Saloni to restart the aphorisms from 1-14 because if these are well discussed, everyone will be benefited from them. And Organon is the base of the Homoeopathy because it is a THOUGHT which has given birth to Homoeopathy as a medical science from the intellectual mind of our master Dr Samuel Hahnemann. If one is thorough with the concepts, he can do Homoeopathy very confidently. Organon of Medicine develops the thoughts & concepts in every ones mind.
If you perceive all the aphorisms right from 1 to 291 & look them retrospectively, then you will recognize the beauty & perfectionist mind of the Master. All the aphorisms are written haphazardly but are arranged in such a way that one must study them in sequence from 1 to 291.
He start them with Mission, the Goal of the Homoeopathic Physician in the first aphorism. Unless the mission is fixed, it is not possible to go ahead & that's why one should know his Aim, Goal, Mission.
He has used every word in the whole Organon very specifically. He start with THE PHYSICIAN"S. He has not used the word Doctor but very specifically Physician because Doctorate is given to any person who used to work in any specific part & even to them who are not from medical field. In allopathic science this terminology is used very commonly as they deal with the parts of the human being. The Physician is the person who deals with the Complete Human being including his Physical as well as Dynamic aspect. He is Holistic in his approach.
Then he uses HIGH & ONLY. If one has to achieve anything, he should concentrate on his Only Goal. Goal is always Single & not diversified. Homoeopathic Physician has to deal with the Live Human Being & at that time there should not be negligence from his part. He should focus his mind only on The Sick.
Later comes MISSION. The Homoeopathic Physician's work should be a devotion like Missionaries who work for their propagation of religion without expecting anything. There is no selfishness or expectation of gaining anything. HE expects the Homoeopathic Physician should work in the similar manner in order to achieve his goal i.e. Cure.
TO RESTORE are the next words indicates to bring back to original Healthy State from which an Individual became THE SICK.
The whole aphorism revolves around the two words i.e. THE SICK. Dr J.T.KENT has given the detailed explanation regarding why the master has used these words. It is The Man who is Sick & not his parts. It is something Prior invisible present inside which gets Sick at first followed by the manifestations of the disease. It is the invisible, dynamic Vital Force whose office is to preserve the Health gets diseased at first & i.e. Sickness. It's not just doing the nomenclature of the disease on the basis of some common symptoms & labeling it with Diagnosis. In fact it is understanding the Human Being from every aspect to find out the Individuality in order to match with the Similimum on the basis of Symptom Similarity which is necessary to bring The Sick to HEALTH, to CURE.
When a person's Mind, Body & Soul remains in perfect harmony for higher purpose of his existence with the the help of a governing Vital Force, he is called to be Healthy. It is the original state before the sickness which is necessary to achieve by bringing back the diseased Vital Force in to the harmony by perfect dynamic Homoeopathic Similimum is called as the CURE.
Last four words AS IT IS TERMED are also too important meaning the cure should be based on the Seven Cardinal Principles of Homoeopathy according to Master & also in the direction of Hering's Law as per Homoeopathic development after Dr Samuel Hahnemann.
Foot Note: Every foot is very important as it gives us exactly opposite aspect used in other medical systems prevalent during Hahnemannian time with detailed explanations & proper criticism against them. In this foot note, he criticized a lot on the allopathy on their Theoretic Aspect. Because, number of allopathic doctors waste their talent & time to find out the Material or Pathological cause of the disease which is difficult to achieve as it is dynamic in nature. Number of Professorships, Doctorates are given to them for finding out something material as a Prima Causa Morbi or finding out some pathological work to label a disease which is not at all useful practically for a suffering sick. He needs a help to come out of the diseased state but instead of helping him by giving some medicine, these people goes on discussing on the material or pathological causes. This attitude of the Allopaths is criticized by the Master. The things are same even today. Even today maximum chronic disease conditions are either labeled as Idiopathic or Psycho-somatic or Auto-immune & there are no medicines to cure them in allopathy except the Steroids, Immuno-suppressives.
That's why Dr Samuel Hahnemann at last says: it is now high time that all who call themselves physicians should at length cease to deceive suffering mankind with mere talk, and begin now, instead, for once to act, that is, really to help and to cure.
This explanation might look very easy or unnecessary for the Seniors or Homoeopathic Physicians but I feel that there are many new comers in this Homoeopathic Field who should know the Homoeopathic Philosophy thoroughly in order to remain stuck with the same medical science. If you feel there is repetition, I apologize all the senior colleagues.
The physician’s high and only mission is to restore the sick to health, to cure, as it is termed.1
Foot Note 1:
His mission is not, however, to construct so-called systems, by interweaving empty speculations and hypotheses concerning the internal essential nature of the vital processes and the mode in which diseases originate in the interior of the organism, (whereon so many physicians have hitherto ambitiously wasted their talents and their time); nor is it to attempt to give countless explanations regarding the phenomena in diseases and their proximate cause (which must ever remain concealed), wrapped in unintelligible words and an inflated abstract mode of expression, which should sound very learned in order to astonish the ignorant – whilst sick humanity sighs in vain for aid. Of such learned reveries (to which the name of theoretic medicine is given, and for which special professorships are instituted) we have had quite enough, and it is now high time that all who call themselves physicians should at length cease to deceive suffering mankind with mere talk, and begin now, instead, for once to act, that is, really to help and to cure.
Prasad Rasal:
I made a request to Saloni to restart the aphorisms from 1-14 because if these are well discussed, everyone will be benefited from them. And Organon is the base of the Homoeopathy because it is a THOUGHT which has given birth to Homoeopathy as a medical science from the intellectual mind of our master Dr Samuel Hahnemann. If one is thorough with the concepts, he can do Homoeopathy very confidently. Organon of Medicine develops the thoughts & concepts in every ones mind.
If you perceive all the aphorisms right from 1 to 291 & look them retrospectively, then you will recognize the beauty & perfectionist mind of the Master. All the aphorisms are written haphazardly but are arranged in such a way that one must study them in sequence from 1 to 291.
He start them with Mission, the Goal of the Homoeopathic Physician in the first aphorism. Unless the mission is fixed, it is not possible to go ahead & that's why one should know his Aim, Goal, Mission.
He has used every word in the whole Organon very specifically. He start with THE PHYSICIAN"S. He has not used the word Doctor but very specifically Physician because Doctorate is given to any person who used to work in any specific part & even to them who are not from medical field. In allopathic science this terminology is used very commonly as they deal with the parts of the human being. The Physician is the person who deals with the Complete Human being including his Physical as well as Dynamic aspect. He is Holistic in his approach.
Then he uses HIGH & ONLY. If one has to achieve anything, he should concentrate on his Only Goal. Goal is always Single & not diversified. Homoeopathic Physician has to deal with the Live Human Being & at that time there should not be negligence from his part. He should focus his mind only on The Sick.
Later comes MISSION. The Homoeopathic Physician's work should be a devotion like Missionaries who work for their propagation of religion without expecting anything. There is no selfishness or expectation of gaining anything. HE expects the Homoeopathic Physician should work in the similar manner in order to achieve his goal i.e. Cure.
TO RESTORE are the next words indicates to bring back to original Healthy State from which an Individual became THE SICK.
The whole aphorism revolves around the two words i.e. THE SICK. Dr J.T.KENT has given the detailed explanation regarding why the master has used these words. It is The Man who is Sick & not his parts. It is something Prior invisible present inside which gets Sick at first followed by the manifestations of the disease. It is the invisible, dynamic Vital Force whose office is to preserve the Health gets diseased at first & i.e. Sickness. It's not just doing the nomenclature of the disease on the basis of some common symptoms & labeling it with Diagnosis. In fact it is understanding the Human Being from every aspect to find out the Individuality in order to match with the Similimum on the basis of Symptom Similarity which is necessary to bring The Sick to HEALTH, to CURE.
When a person's Mind, Body & Soul remains in perfect harmony for higher purpose of his existence with the the help of a governing Vital Force, he is called to be Healthy. It is the original state before the sickness which is necessary to achieve by bringing back the diseased Vital Force in to the harmony by perfect dynamic Homoeopathic Similimum is called as the CURE.
Last four words AS IT IS TERMED are also too important meaning the cure should be based on the Seven Cardinal Principles of Homoeopathy according to Master & also in the direction of Hering's Law as per Homoeopathic development after Dr Samuel Hahnemann.
Foot Note: Every foot is very important as it gives us exactly opposite aspect used in other medical systems prevalent during Hahnemannian time with detailed explanations & proper criticism against them. In this foot note, he criticized a lot on the allopathy on their Theoretic Aspect. Because, number of allopathic doctors waste their talent & time to find out the Material or Pathological cause of the disease which is difficult to achieve as it is dynamic in nature. Number of Professorships, Doctorates are given to them for finding out something material as a Prima Causa Morbi or finding out some pathological work to label a disease which is not at all useful practically for a suffering sick. He needs a help to come out of the diseased state but instead of helping him by giving some medicine, these people goes on discussing on the material or pathological causes. This attitude of the Allopaths is criticized by the Master. The things are same even today. Even today maximum chronic disease conditions are either labeled as Idiopathic or Psycho-somatic or Auto-immune & there are no medicines to cure them in allopathy except the Steroids, Immuno-suppressives.
That's why Dr Samuel Hahnemann at last says: it is now high time that all who call themselves physicians should at length cease to deceive suffering mankind with mere talk, and begin now, instead, for once to act, that is, really to help and to cure.
This explanation might look very easy or unnecessary for the Seniors or Homoeopathic Physicians but I feel that there are many new comers in this Homoeopathic Field who should know the Homoeopathic Philosophy thoroughly in order to remain stuck with the same medical science. If you feel there is repetition, I apologize all the senior colleagues.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Genetics & Homoeopathic Medicine
Chandran Nambiar K C:
Dr Prasad Rasal:
Respected Sir,
If the potentized Homoeopathic Medicines are repeated continuously, they can produce hazardous effects because any long sustained trauma can injure dynamics of the human being.
Any long standing disturbed mental state during pregnancy can produce dynamic hazardous effects on the new born & can affect the genetics of the infant, similarly the long standing dynamic stimulus can affect the genetics of the human being.
That's why there is a Law of Minimum Dose.
Dr Prasad Rasal:
Respected Sir,
If the potentized Homoeopathic Medicines are repeated continuously, they can produce hazardous effects because any long sustained trauma can injure dynamics of the human being.
Any long standing disturbed mental state during pregnancy can produce dynamic hazardous effects on the new born & can affect the genetics of the infant, similarly the long standing dynamic stimulus can affect the genetics of the human being.
That's why there is a Law of Minimum Dose.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Organon of Medicine
§ 26:
This depends on the following homoeopathic law of nature which was sometimes, indeed, vaguely surmised but not hitherto fully recognized, and to which is due every real cure that has ever taken place:
A weaker dynamic affection is permanently extinguished in the living organism by a stronger one, if the latter (whilst differing in kind) is very similar to the former in its manifestations.1
Prasad Rasal:
This is the beauty of Dr Samuel Hahnemann that gradually after explaining the details regarding the systems prevalent during his time & explaining their laws with merit & demerits, he now turn to explain the Natures Law of Cure discovered by him. Before, he explained that the Antipathic Principle & Allopathic Heteropathic aspect is not at all curative but either palliative or suppressive. Now, he says that, the Nature's Law is the only curative mode of treatment.
A law states that: A weaker dynamic affection is permanently extinguished in the living organism by a stronger one, if the latter (whilst differing in kind) is very similar to the former in its manifestations.
Now, let's discuss the law with the help of few examples.
1. A tube light & the Sun are two different entities(kind) but the dynamic manifestations of both are same i.e. Light. When Sun arises, the effect of the tube light gets extinguished completely.
2. When you are talking with someone & a loudspeaker starts. Immediately the effect of your voice sound disappears completely by the sound of the loudspeaker.
Everywhere this law is applicable & that's why it is called as Nature's Law of Cure. And the same is applicable, when you apply it therapeutically, using the Dynamic Medicines on the basis of symptom similarity.
Homoeopathic Medicines are dynamic in nature because we can find out the manifestations on healthy human being but we cannot detect the original medicine in material quantity in it. It produces the Symptoms as a manifestation when proved on healthy human. Any Natural disease can get expressed in the form of symptoms as the manifestations. When natural disease has to appear in a healthy human being, it has to fulfill the conditions like the Constitution, Miasm, Susceptibility etc etc i.e. it is conditional while when a medicine is given to healthy human, it acts unconditionally. It itself suggests, Medicine is Stronger than Natural Disease. When you use this Medicine on the basis of Symptom Similarity, it fulfills the Nature's Law & removes the Natural Disease permanently.
In the foot note to this aphorism, Dr Samuel Hahnemann has explained number of examples to explain the truth of this Nature's Law.
This depends on the following homoeopathic law of nature which was sometimes, indeed, vaguely surmised but not hitherto fully recognized, and to which is due every real cure that has ever taken place:
A weaker dynamic affection is permanently extinguished in the living organism by a stronger one, if the latter (whilst differing in kind) is very similar to the former in its manifestations.1
Prasad Rasal:
This is the beauty of Dr Samuel Hahnemann that gradually after explaining the details regarding the systems prevalent during his time & explaining their laws with merit & demerits, he now turn to explain the Natures Law of Cure discovered by him. Before, he explained that the Antipathic Principle & Allopathic Heteropathic aspect is not at all curative but either palliative or suppressive. Now, he says that, the Nature's Law is the only curative mode of treatment.
A law states that: A weaker dynamic affection is permanently extinguished in the living organism by a stronger one, if the latter (whilst differing in kind) is very similar to the former in its manifestations.
Now, let's discuss the law with the help of few examples.
1. A tube light & the Sun are two different entities(kind) but the dynamic manifestations of both are same i.e. Light. When Sun arises, the effect of the tube light gets extinguished completely.
2. When you are talking with someone & a loudspeaker starts. Immediately the effect of your voice sound disappears completely by the sound of the loudspeaker.
Everywhere this law is applicable & that's why it is called as Nature's Law of Cure. And the same is applicable, when you apply it therapeutically, using the Dynamic Medicines on the basis of symptom similarity.
Homoeopathic Medicines are dynamic in nature because we can find out the manifestations on healthy human being but we cannot detect the original medicine in material quantity in it. It produces the Symptoms as a manifestation when proved on healthy human. Any Natural disease can get expressed in the form of symptoms as the manifestations. When natural disease has to appear in a healthy human being, it has to fulfill the conditions like the Constitution, Miasm, Susceptibility etc etc i.e. it is conditional while when a medicine is given to healthy human, it acts unconditionally. It itself suggests, Medicine is Stronger than Natural Disease. When you use this Medicine on the basis of Symptom Similarity, it fulfills the Nature's Law & removes the Natural Disease permanently.
In the foot note to this aphorism, Dr Samuel Hahnemann has explained number of examples to explain the truth of this Nature's Law.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Organon of Medicine
§ 17 Sixth Edition:
Now, as in the cure effected by the removal of the whole of the perceptible signs and symptoms of the disease the internal alteration of the vital principle to which the disease is due – consequently the whole of the disease – is at the same time removed,1 it follows that the physician has only to remove the whole of the symptoms in order, at the same time, to abrogate and annihilate the internal change, that is to say, the morbid derangement of the vital force – consequently the totality of the disease, the disease itself.2 But when the disease is annihilated the health is restored, and this is the highest, the sole aim of the physician who knows the true object of his mission, which consists not in learned – sounding prating, but in giving aid to the sick.
Foot Note 1:
A warning dream, a superstitious fancy, or a solemn prediction that death would occur at a certain day or at a certain hour, has not unfrequently produced all the signs of commencing and increasing disease, of approaching death and death itself at the hour announced, which could not happen without the simultaneous production of the inward change (corresponding to the state observed internally); and hence in such cases all the morbid signs indicative of approaching death have frequently been dissipated by an identical cause, by some cunning deception or persuasion to a belief in the contrary, and health suddenly restored, which could not have happened without the removal, by means of this mortal remedy, of the internal and external morbid change that threatened death.
Foot Note 2:
It is only thus that God the preserver of mankind, could reveal His wisdom and goodness in reference to the cure of the disease to which man is liable here below, by showing to the physician what he had to remove in disease in order to annihilate them and thus re-establish health. But what would we think of His wisdom and goodness if He has shrouded in mysterious obscurity that which was to be cured in diseases (as is asserted by the dominant school of medicine, which affects to possess a supernatural insight into the nature of things), and shut it up in the hidden interior, and thus rendered it impossible for man to know the malady accurately, consequently impossible for him to cure it?
Prasad Rasal:
In this aphorism, Dr Samuel Hahnemann wants to explain the Importance of Totality of the Symptoms for prescription point of view. It is the Nature, which brings out the symptoms to show the disturbed internal derangement i.e. actual disease through which we understand the person is diseased & he needs your help. If we remove this totality of symptoms on toto, we achieve the Cure & bring back the Health of a Diseased Individual. It is so simple.
But the old practitioners instead of using this simple method& giving an aid to the Sick, tries to discuss on finding out the material cause of the disease or some pathological change in the body. Actually, it is impossible to find out the Dynamic Cause of the disease for which they waste their time & talent against which He criticized in this aphorism.
Foot Note 1:
In order to explain the Dynamic Cause of the Disease, he has given an beautiful example of the dream as the cause of disorder. A person getting a warning dream about his death might get all the signs & symptoms approaching the death. Here nothing material enters the body still he suffers. This is his question that where is that material cause of the disease which they are finding inside the human beings? So, this state of this diseased individual cannot be removed by any material medicine but only by dynamic entity. Anything which used to produce similar features either by cheating the patient & producing in him a frightened state by telling him something frightening will remove the whole diseased state in total or by giving him a dynamic Homoeopathic Medicine but not by any Material Medicine.
Foot Note 2:
As already mentioned in the explanation of this aphorism, the Nature or the God or the Preserver of Health i.e. Vital Principle, tries to throw away a disease on the exterior of the Human Being in order to save the internal vital organs. It is our duty to understand this language of the disease & need for help of the Vital Principle to get the right Similimum to get an Ideal Cure. But the old practitioners to find out cause of the disorder inside in the form of some material or in the form of some pathology & tries to remove the unknown cause by means of the hazardous measures as using Emetics, Purgatives, Blood Letting etc. Because of those measures, the vitality of the diseased person gets weak due to loss of Vital Juices & naturally the symptoms on the exterior diminishes & becomes vague without getting cured the internal disease (which they considers as cure). Due to which, a disease which was easy to cure on the basis of Symptom Similarity, now becomes difficult because of lack of symptoms. The Curable Disease can become Incurable due to this method.
What Dr Samuel Hahnemann have explained 200 years back is applicable even today. Only the methods are different in Allopathy. Now they are using Immuno-suppressive drugs or Antipathic drugs in their management to remove the symptoms without removing the internal dynamic cause & disease & making the disorders more incurable.
Now, as in the cure effected by the removal of the whole of the perceptible signs and symptoms of the disease the internal alteration of the vital principle to which the disease is due – consequently the whole of the disease – is at the same time removed,1 it follows that the physician has only to remove the whole of the symptoms in order, at the same time, to abrogate and annihilate the internal change, that is to say, the morbid derangement of the vital force – consequently the totality of the disease, the disease itself.2 But when the disease is annihilated the health is restored, and this is the highest, the sole aim of the physician who knows the true object of his mission, which consists not in learned – sounding prating, but in giving aid to the sick.
Foot Note 1:
A warning dream, a superstitious fancy, or a solemn prediction that death would occur at a certain day or at a certain hour, has not unfrequently produced all the signs of commencing and increasing disease, of approaching death and death itself at the hour announced, which could not happen without the simultaneous production of the inward change (corresponding to the state observed internally); and hence in such cases all the morbid signs indicative of approaching death have frequently been dissipated by an identical cause, by some cunning deception or persuasion to a belief in the contrary, and health suddenly restored, which could not have happened without the removal, by means of this mortal remedy, of the internal and external morbid change that threatened death.
Foot Note 2:
It is only thus that God the preserver of mankind, could reveal His wisdom and goodness in reference to the cure of the disease to which man is liable here below, by showing to the physician what he had to remove in disease in order to annihilate them and thus re-establish health. But what would we think of His wisdom and goodness if He has shrouded in mysterious obscurity that which was to be cured in diseases (as is asserted by the dominant school of medicine, which affects to possess a supernatural insight into the nature of things), and shut it up in the hidden interior, and thus rendered it impossible for man to know the malady accurately, consequently impossible for him to cure it?
Prasad Rasal:
In this aphorism, Dr Samuel Hahnemann wants to explain the Importance of Totality of the Symptoms for prescription point of view. It is the Nature, which brings out the symptoms to show the disturbed internal derangement i.e. actual disease through which we understand the person is diseased & he needs your help. If we remove this totality of symptoms on toto, we achieve the Cure & bring back the Health of a Diseased Individual. It is so simple.
But the old practitioners instead of using this simple method& giving an aid to the Sick, tries to discuss on finding out the material cause of the disease or some pathological change in the body. Actually, it is impossible to find out the Dynamic Cause of the disease for which they waste their time & talent against which He criticized in this aphorism.
Foot Note 1:
In order to explain the Dynamic Cause of the Disease, he has given an beautiful example of the dream as the cause of disorder. A person getting a warning dream about his death might get all the signs & symptoms approaching the death. Here nothing material enters the body still he suffers. This is his question that where is that material cause of the disease which they are finding inside the human beings? So, this state of this diseased individual cannot be removed by any material medicine but only by dynamic entity. Anything which used to produce similar features either by cheating the patient & producing in him a frightened state by telling him something frightening will remove the whole diseased state in total or by giving him a dynamic Homoeopathic Medicine but not by any Material Medicine.
Foot Note 2:
As already mentioned in the explanation of this aphorism, the Nature or the God or the Preserver of Health i.e. Vital Principle, tries to throw away a disease on the exterior of the Human Being in order to save the internal vital organs. It is our duty to understand this language of the disease & need for help of the Vital Principle to get the right Similimum to get an Ideal Cure. But the old practitioners to find out cause of the disorder inside in the form of some material or in the form of some pathology & tries to remove the unknown cause by means of the hazardous measures as using Emetics, Purgatives, Blood Letting etc. Because of those measures, the vitality of the diseased person gets weak due to loss of Vital Juices & naturally the symptoms on the exterior diminishes & becomes vague without getting cured the internal disease (which they considers as cure). Due to which, a disease which was easy to cure on the basis of Symptom Similarity, now becomes difficult because of lack of symptoms. The Curable Disease can become Incurable due to this method.
What Dr Samuel Hahnemann have explained 200 years back is applicable even today. Only the methods are different in Allopathy. Now they are using Immuno-suppressive drugs or Antipathic drugs in their management to remove the symptoms without removing the internal dynamic cause & disease & making the disorders more incurable.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Organon of Medicine
Aphorism 25:
Now, however, in all careful trials, pure experience,1 the sole and infallible oracle of the healing art, teaches us that actually that medicine which, in its action on the healthy human body, has demonstrated its power of producing the greatest number of symptoms similar to those observable in the case of disease under treatment, does also, in doses of suitable potency and attenuation, rapidly, radically and permanently remove the totality of the symptoms of this morbid state, that is to say (? 6 – 16), the whole disease present, and change it into health; and that all medicines cure, without exception, those diseases whose symptoms most nearly resemble their own, and leave none of them uncured.
Foot Note:
I do not mean that sort of experience of which the ordinary practitioners of the old school boast, after they have for years worked away with a lot of complex prescriptions on a number of diseases which they never carefully investigate, but which, faithful to their school, they consider as already described in works of systematic pathology, and dreamed that they could detect in them some imaginary morbific matter, or ascribe to them some other hypothetical internal abnormality. They always saw something in them, but knew not what it was they saw, and they got results, from the complex forces acting on an unknown object, that no human being but only a God could have unraveled – results from which nothing can be learned, no experience gained. Fifty years of experience of this sort is like fifty years of looking into a kaleidoscope filled with unknown colored objects, and perpetually turning round; thousands of ever changing figures and no accounting for them!
Prasad Rasal:
Now, he is explaining the importance of Pure Experience.
This is his method to put forward both the views i.e. in the aphorisms regarding the Homoeopathic aspect & at the same time the opposite i.e. either Allopathic or Antipathic in the Foot Note so that a reader can understand the truth very easily.
Pure experience is nothing but the Homoeopathic Medicine Proving on Healthy Human Beings in dynamic potentized form. As it has been proved on Human being, we can get the real effect of it at the level of Physic as well as at Mind which is a very useful data for all of us to find out a medicine on symptom similarity. These medicines produces the functional alteration in the state of health of the human being & not the pathological effects as in material doses of Allopathic Proving on Animals. That's why our Materia Medicas are rich with the functional symptoms on Physical as well as the Mental levels. These are the useful tools to work on the patients with confidence & without any hesitation which is very common while using the Allopathic medicines because very less is known while using those medicines.
Here in the Foot Note, he criticized the Allopathic Proving as well as their method of finding out the material cause inside the human being in the form of some altered pathologies. Even today, the method of Allopathic Proving is the same i.e. using them in animals & then finding out the pathological alterations caused by the medicines & considering in mind that Human Being is also an Animal & the medicine will produce similar effect in him. Naturally, when one is using this medicine proved on animals, how can he be so sure regarding the action it produces in the patient. If it works in a different manner, it is considered as a Side Effect which is actually a Effect. And because of which in Allopathy, they have to withdraw their medicines from the market. For e.g. Thaliomide which was considered as a best drug for morning sickness found to be a drug producing maximum congenital anomalies.
At the same time he criticizes their aspect of finding out the cause of the disease. As he has very thoroughly explained that the cause of the disease is always the dynamic derangement of the Vital Force, then how can it be possible to find it out looking inside the Human being or thro' microscopes. If the things are dynamic, they are dynamic. That's why he says: Fifty years of experience of this sort is like fifty years of looking into a kaleidoscope filled with unknown colored objects, and perpetually turning round; thousands of ever changing figures and no accounting for them! It's nothing but waste of time. That's why in the first foot note only, he says: It is now high time that all who call themselves physicians should at least cease to deceive suffering mankind with mere talk, & begin now, instead, for once to act, that is, really to help & to cure.
Now, however, in all careful trials, pure experience,1 the sole and infallible oracle of the healing art, teaches us that actually that medicine which, in its action on the healthy human body, has demonstrated its power of producing the greatest number of symptoms similar to those observable in the case of disease under treatment, does also, in doses of suitable potency and attenuation, rapidly, radically and permanently remove the totality of the symptoms of this morbid state, that is to say (? 6 – 16), the whole disease present, and change it into health; and that all medicines cure, without exception, those diseases whose symptoms most nearly resemble their own, and leave none of them uncured.
Foot Note:
I do not mean that sort of experience of which the ordinary practitioners of the old school boast, after they have for years worked away with a lot of complex prescriptions on a number of diseases which they never carefully investigate, but which, faithful to their school, they consider as already described in works of systematic pathology, and dreamed that they could detect in them some imaginary morbific matter, or ascribe to them some other hypothetical internal abnormality. They always saw something in them, but knew not what it was they saw, and they got results, from the complex forces acting on an unknown object, that no human being but only a God could have unraveled – results from which nothing can be learned, no experience gained. Fifty years of experience of this sort is like fifty years of looking into a kaleidoscope filled with unknown colored objects, and perpetually turning round; thousands of ever changing figures and no accounting for them!
Prasad Rasal:
Now, he is explaining the importance of Pure Experience.
This is his method to put forward both the views i.e. in the aphorisms regarding the Homoeopathic aspect & at the same time the opposite i.e. either Allopathic or Antipathic in the Foot Note so that a reader can understand the truth very easily.
Pure experience is nothing but the Homoeopathic Medicine Proving on Healthy Human Beings in dynamic potentized form. As it has been proved on Human being, we can get the real effect of it at the level of Physic as well as at Mind which is a very useful data for all of us to find out a medicine on symptom similarity. These medicines produces the functional alteration in the state of health of the human being & not the pathological effects as in material doses of Allopathic Proving on Animals. That's why our Materia Medicas are rich with the functional symptoms on Physical as well as the Mental levels. These are the useful tools to work on the patients with confidence & without any hesitation which is very common while using the Allopathic medicines because very less is known while using those medicines.
Here in the Foot Note, he criticized the Allopathic Proving as well as their method of finding out the material cause inside the human being in the form of some altered pathologies. Even today, the method of Allopathic Proving is the same i.e. using them in animals & then finding out the pathological alterations caused by the medicines & considering in mind that Human Being is also an Animal & the medicine will produce similar effect in him. Naturally, when one is using this medicine proved on animals, how can he be so sure regarding the action it produces in the patient. If it works in a different manner, it is considered as a Side Effect which is actually a Effect. And because of which in Allopathy, they have to withdraw their medicines from the market. For e.g. Thaliomide which was considered as a best drug for morning sickness found to be a drug producing maximum congenital anomalies.
At the same time he criticizes their aspect of finding out the cause of the disease. As he has very thoroughly explained that the cause of the disease is always the dynamic derangement of the Vital Force, then how can it be possible to find it out looking inside the Human being or thro' microscopes. If the things are dynamic, they are dynamic. That's why he says: Fifty years of experience of this sort is like fifty years of looking into a kaleidoscope filled with unknown colored objects, and perpetually turning round; thousands of ever changing figures and no accounting for them! It's nothing but waste of time. That's why in the first foot note only, he says: It is now high time that all who call themselves physicians should at least cease to deceive suffering mankind with mere talk, & begin now, instead, for once to act, that is, really to help & to cure.
Organon of Medicine
§ 23:
All pure experience, however, and all accurate research convince us that persistent symptoms of disease are far from being removed and annihilated by opposite symptoms of medicines (as in the antipathic, enantiopathic or palliative method), that, on the contrary, after transient, apparent alleviation, they break forth again, only with increased intensity, and become manifestly aggravated (see § 58 – 62 and 69).
Prasad Rasal:
In this aphorism, Dr Samuel Hahnemann explains regarding the palliative effect of the Antipathic medicines. He has given lot of proofs from different sources to explain this thought in Organon & that's why he says, all pure experiences...
Th...e last part of the aphorism is regarding the action of the Antipathic medicines. After the palliative action of the antipathic medicine is over, aggravation definitely follows. He has explained this in detail while explaining the Secondary Counter action in aphorism 58-69. In day today practice, we use to get its proof number of times. Patients on purgatives used to suffer a lot from severe constipation once they stop taking the purgatives etc.
All pure experience, however, and all accurate research convince us that persistent symptoms of disease are far from being removed and annihilated by opposite symptoms of medicines (as in the antipathic, enantiopathic or palliative method), that, on the contrary, after transient, apparent alleviation, they break forth again, only with increased intensity, and become manifestly aggravated (see § 58 – 62 and 69).
Prasad Rasal:
In this aphorism, Dr Samuel Hahnemann explains regarding the palliative effect of the Antipathic medicines. He has given lot of proofs from different sources to explain this thought in Organon & that's why he says, all pure experiences...
Th...e last part of the aphorism is regarding the action of the Antipathic medicines. After the palliative action of the antipathic medicine is over, aggravation definitely follows. He has explained this in detail while explaining the Secondary Counter action in aphorism 58-69. In day today practice, we use to get its proof number of times. Patients on purgatives used to suffer a lot from severe constipation once they stop taking the purgatives etc.
Organon of Medicine
§ 24:
There remains, therefore, no other mode of employing medicines in diseases that promises to be of service besides the homoeopathic, by means of which we seek, for the totality of the symptoms of the case of disease, a medicine which among all medicines (whose pathogenetic effects are known from having been tested in healthy individuals) has the power and the tendency to produce an artificial morbid state most similar to that of the case of disease in question.
Prasad Rasal:
After explaining the details about the Allopathic & Antipathic modes of treatment prevalent during his time, now he turn towards the third more convincing mode of the treatment available to treat the diseased humanity which is based on the Natures Laws & i.e. Homoeopathy. Now, he is turning to give explanation of the method discovered by him & which is based on the Symptom Similarity in which the pure effects of the medicines are available as they are already proved on healthy human beings. There pathogenetic effects are already known before prescribing & that's why they are pure. So that, one can use them for sick person by finding out the totality of the symptoms from him & matching the same from the proved medicines
There remains, therefore, no other mode of employing medicines in diseases that promises to be of service besides the homoeopathic, by means of which we seek, for the totality of the symptoms of the case of disease, a medicine which among all medicines (whose pathogenetic effects are known from having been tested in healthy individuals) has the power and the tendency to produce an artificial morbid state most similar to that of the case of disease in question.
Prasad Rasal:
After explaining the details about the Allopathic & Antipathic modes of treatment prevalent during his time, now he turn towards the third more convincing mode of the treatment available to treat the diseased humanity which is based on the Natures Laws & i.e. Homoeopathy. Now, he is turning to give explanation of the method discovered by him & which is based on the Symptom Similarity in which the pure effects of the medicines are available as they are already proved on healthy human beings. There pathogenetic effects are already known before prescribing & that's why they are pure. So that, one can use them for sick person by finding out the totality of the symptoms from him & matching the same from the proved medicines
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Perceiving the Non-Verbal State in Children: A Repertorial Study
Generally, in our consulting, number of times we have to tackle the infants or children. Once a child takes Homoeopathic medicine, he never goes to Allopath because of the sweet Homoeopathic pills. In fact number of times, he ask for those pills even though he is not ill. We get maximum pediatric OPD due to our sweet & gentle Homoeopathic Medicines. But the budding Homoeopaths fear to take the case of a child or infant & they consider that Case Taking is only possible thro’ questions. In fact due to maximum energy is present in those infants & kids; we can get a very clear picture due to their expression if we are able to perceive that. Perceiving this picture without words or sentences is nothing but the Non-verbal Communication. If you master this, perceiving the state of disposition & mind becomes very easy task in infants & children. Few aspects of pediatric case can come right from parent’s discussion. Today, we will learn few aspects of it with the help of examples.
Dr Samuel Hahnemann says in aphorism no.83 regarding the qualities of Homoeopathic Physician as:
1. Free from prejudice
2. Sound senses
3. Attention in observing
4. Fidelity in tracing the picture of the disease
So, one should always utilize & develop those qualities in every pediatric case taking. He must consider every pediatric case with unprejudiced mind & with the help of his own Sound Senses should observe whatever is happening with the child. He should not miss anything because without asking anything, you have to find out the state of his disposition & mind.
Let’s explore it with the help of few examples.
Example: An infant is brought to you by the parents in a frightened state telling you that he is continuously crying since last 4-5 hours. We think that he might be suffering from the colic or earache. When the infant is brought to your clinic, is not crying, but as soon as it is kept on the table starts crying piteously. Unless carried, he doesn’t stop crying. Parents suffer because of continuous carrying him.
So, we can get following rubrics:
1. Weeping, Children, In, Carried & held, when, Amel.
2. Carried, Desires to be, Constantly
3. Weeping, Piteous
Here, we can get two remedies: Cham & Cina but we can differentiate them easily because in
• Weeping, Piteous, Carried, when - there is only Cina.
Naturally, we can prescribe Chamomilla to this weeping child with successful result.
Example: An infant is brought to you for the complaint of shrieking at the time of feeding him since one or two days. He refuses the feeding otherwise he is not having complaints. Here again we can get following rubric:
• Shrieking, screaming, shouting, Children, in, Nursed, when being: Bor
Example: An infant is brought to you for the complaint of weeping whole day & sleeps better at night without crying. Here we can get the rubric:
• Weeping, Children, In, Day, all, & sleeps all night: Lyco, Psor
Here we can differentiate between Lyco from Psor with the help of following rubric:
• Weeping, Children, In, Night, All night, good at day: Jalapa, Psor
So, Psorinum is indicated in both the rubrics which show that both the possibilities are possible in Psor but not in Lyco & we can prescribe Lyco along with rest of the things present in the case.
Example: A common complaint of the parents is that child has become too obstinate. If we take, Obstinate, Children as a rubric, we get 34 remedies for the same & it becomes a difficult task to differentiate those remedies. If we ask details regarding this Obstinacy & if the answer is: Doctor, we don’t know what has happened to him since last few days; if we don’t listen to whatever he says, he starts weeping & weeps a lot for hours piteously. So, we can consider a proper rubric which suggests a remedy directly as:
• Weeping, Children, In, Will is not done, when: Cina
And if the answer is: Doctor, we don’t know what has happened to him since last few days; he asks for number of things & when not given, he weeps a lot for hour together. So, we can consider a proper rubric which suggests a remedy directly as:
• Weeping, Children, In, Refused, the least thing, when: Cham
Example: A child is brought to you for weeping continuously since 8 days when summer has started. If we open the repertory, we get:
• Weeping, Children, In, Summer complaints, in: Ant-c
It indicates that we should be keen observer about all the factors which modifies the health of the children, as well as we should be intelligent enough to apply the knowledge of the Repertory.
Now, we will discuss few more common situations.
Example: A child brought to your consulting by the parents & as soon as they enter inside the clinic, the child starts crying loudly. When they enter inside the consulting, the child clings to parents tightly, cries a lot, pulling them outside, avoiding the look of the Physician. This is the state of his disposition & mind along with the physical complaints for which he is brought.
It is necessary to perceive regarding the crying of the children. Children fear a lot to injections because of which they weep a lot. We can consider following rubrics for this state:
• Fear, Injured, of being
• Clinging, Persons or furniture, to
• Escape, attempts to
• Looked at, to be, Evading the look of other persons
On the basis of above rubrics, we can very easily prescribe Stramonium.
Example: A child is sitting along with the parents. If you ask him a question or his name, instead of answering to you, he answers in his parents ears as if muttering or whispering. Here, we can take following rubric:
• Mind, Speech, Whispering, Answering to the mother instead of to the prescriber directly: Sil
Example: A child is brought to you by parents for any physical problem. He is too restless & not sitting in position, biting nails while moving here & there, looking curiously to each & everything present in the consulting, trying to touch them, asking the parents regarding them. If you ask any question, he hides behind the parents or chair. Following rubrics tell us the remedy:
• Restlessness, Children, in
• Biting, Nails
• Touch things, Impelled to
• Inquisitive
• Hide, Desire to
• Timidity, Bashful
Hyoscyamus covers all those rubrics.
Example: A very mild, quiet, cute, & affectionate baby who kisses her parents is brought to you for some physical complaints.
• Affectionate, Children kiss & caresses: Puls
Example: A rough, irritable, shrieking child brought to you. If you put him a question, he talks in rough tone & does not give proper answers.
• Answer, Civil, cannot give: Cham
Example: If you put a question to a child, you feel that his attention is somewhere else & answers in a very confused way.
• Answer, Confusedly as if thinking of something else, Children, in: Bar-m
Example: If you put any question to a child, you find that child is unaware what has been asked, he looks totally absentminded.
• Absent-mindedness, Children, in: Bac
Example: You can observe children who craves sympathy, affection from everyone continuously
• Affection, Children craving for: Carc
Example: You can observe biting children who goes on biting anything or anyone
• Biting, Children, in: Bell
Example: You can find capricious children who are continuously busy in doing anything.
• Capriciousness, Children, in: CHAM, CINA, Rheum, Sac-alb
• Busy, Children: Cina
Example: You can find happy go lucky, cheerful children who enjoy the life without sadness.
• Cheerfulness, gaiety, happiness, Children, in: Bor
Example: You can find a crawling child who crawls in to the corner & wails, cries, howls.
• Crawling, rolling, Child crawls into corners, howls, cries: Camph
Example: Parent tells us that the child is so frightful that he cannot observe anything cruel, horrible things even on television.
• Cruelty, brutality, inhumanity, Children cannot bear to see cruelty in cinema: Calc
Example: You can find a child who gets frightened easily, fears to remain alone & always holds the hand of a mother
• Fear, Alone, of being, Child wants mother to hold her hand: Bism
• Clinging, Children, of, Take the hand of mother, will always: Bism, Gels, Kali-c, Lil-t, Lyc, Phos
Example: Sometimes, we com across rough, harsh, restless behavior of the children
• Harshness, rough, Children, in: Bac
Example: Sometimes, we find idiotic children
• Idiocy, Children, in: Aeth
Example: We can get impolitely behaving rude children
• Impolite, Children: Lyc
Example: We find some silly children who use to laugh unnecessarily at every occasion
• Laughing, Tendency, Silly, Children at every occasion, in: Croc
Example: We can get two types of children who are having weakness of memory. One whose memory is weak as:
• Memory, Weakness, loss of, Children, in: Agar
And another type who cannot understand, dwarfed with loss of, or weak memory:
• Memory, Weakness, loss of, Labor, for mental, Child cannot be taught: Bar-c
Example: Few children never like to be taken up; they become furious when taken up:
• Rage, fury, Taken up, child on being: Stram
Example: We can find two extreme types of children about taking responsibility. One who develops physically but are very late to understand or take the responsibility as:
• Responsibility, Late, in children: Bar-c
And another who are very strong to carry the responsibility as
• Responsibility, Strong, Children, in: Carc
Example: Sometimes we come across very serious children who behave like adults as:
• Seriousness, earnestness, Children: Sep
Example: Whereas sometimes we get shameless children as:
• Shameless, Children, in: Tub
Example: And sometimes we get very wild children as:
• Wildness, Children, in: Petr
These are very few examples to explain how one should utilize the Repertory in practice of pediatrics.
In such a manner if we study the repertory, it becomes very easy to perceive the state of disposition & mind from the infants & children & practice Homoeopathy with confidence.
Dr Samuel Hahnemann says in aphorism no.83 regarding the qualities of Homoeopathic Physician as:
1. Free from prejudice
2. Sound senses
3. Attention in observing
4. Fidelity in tracing the picture of the disease
So, one should always utilize & develop those qualities in every pediatric case taking. He must consider every pediatric case with unprejudiced mind & with the help of his own Sound Senses should observe whatever is happening with the child. He should not miss anything because without asking anything, you have to find out the state of his disposition & mind.
Let’s explore it with the help of few examples.
Example: An infant is brought to you by the parents in a frightened state telling you that he is continuously crying since last 4-5 hours. We think that he might be suffering from the colic or earache. When the infant is brought to your clinic, is not crying, but as soon as it is kept on the table starts crying piteously. Unless carried, he doesn’t stop crying. Parents suffer because of continuous carrying him.
So, we can get following rubrics:
1. Weeping, Children, In, Carried & held, when, Amel.
2. Carried, Desires to be, Constantly
3. Weeping, Piteous
Here, we can get two remedies: Cham & Cina but we can differentiate them easily because in
• Weeping, Piteous, Carried, when - there is only Cina.
Naturally, we can prescribe Chamomilla to this weeping child with successful result.
Example: An infant is brought to you for the complaint of shrieking at the time of feeding him since one or two days. He refuses the feeding otherwise he is not having complaints. Here again we can get following rubric:
• Shrieking, screaming, shouting, Children, in, Nursed, when being: Bor
Example: An infant is brought to you for the complaint of weeping whole day & sleeps better at night without crying. Here we can get the rubric:
• Weeping, Children, In, Day, all, & sleeps all night: Lyco, Psor
Here we can differentiate between Lyco from Psor with the help of following rubric:
• Weeping, Children, In, Night, All night, good at day: Jalapa, Psor
So, Psorinum is indicated in both the rubrics which show that both the possibilities are possible in Psor but not in Lyco & we can prescribe Lyco along with rest of the things present in the case.
Example: A common complaint of the parents is that child has become too obstinate. If we take, Obstinate, Children as a rubric, we get 34 remedies for the same & it becomes a difficult task to differentiate those remedies. If we ask details regarding this Obstinacy & if the answer is: Doctor, we don’t know what has happened to him since last few days; if we don’t listen to whatever he says, he starts weeping & weeps a lot for hours piteously. So, we can consider a proper rubric which suggests a remedy directly as:
• Weeping, Children, In, Will is not done, when: Cina
And if the answer is: Doctor, we don’t know what has happened to him since last few days; he asks for number of things & when not given, he weeps a lot for hour together. So, we can consider a proper rubric which suggests a remedy directly as:
• Weeping, Children, In, Refused, the least thing, when: Cham
Example: A child is brought to you for weeping continuously since 8 days when summer has started. If we open the repertory, we get:
• Weeping, Children, In, Summer complaints, in: Ant-c
It indicates that we should be keen observer about all the factors which modifies the health of the children, as well as we should be intelligent enough to apply the knowledge of the Repertory.
Now, we will discuss few more common situations.
Example: A child brought to your consulting by the parents & as soon as they enter inside the clinic, the child starts crying loudly. When they enter inside the consulting, the child clings to parents tightly, cries a lot, pulling them outside, avoiding the look of the Physician. This is the state of his disposition & mind along with the physical complaints for which he is brought.
It is necessary to perceive regarding the crying of the children. Children fear a lot to injections because of which they weep a lot. We can consider following rubrics for this state:
• Fear, Injured, of being
• Clinging, Persons or furniture, to
• Escape, attempts to
• Looked at, to be, Evading the look of other persons
On the basis of above rubrics, we can very easily prescribe Stramonium.
Example: A child is sitting along with the parents. If you ask him a question or his name, instead of answering to you, he answers in his parents ears as if muttering or whispering. Here, we can take following rubric:
• Mind, Speech, Whispering, Answering to the mother instead of to the prescriber directly: Sil
Example: A child is brought to you by parents for any physical problem. He is too restless & not sitting in position, biting nails while moving here & there, looking curiously to each & everything present in the consulting, trying to touch them, asking the parents regarding them. If you ask any question, he hides behind the parents or chair. Following rubrics tell us the remedy:
• Restlessness, Children, in
• Biting, Nails
• Touch things, Impelled to
• Inquisitive
• Hide, Desire to
• Timidity, Bashful
Hyoscyamus covers all those rubrics.
Example: A very mild, quiet, cute, & affectionate baby who kisses her parents is brought to you for some physical complaints.
• Affectionate, Children kiss & caresses: Puls
Example: A rough, irritable, shrieking child brought to you. If you put him a question, he talks in rough tone & does not give proper answers.
• Answer, Civil, cannot give: Cham
Example: If you put a question to a child, you feel that his attention is somewhere else & answers in a very confused way.
• Answer, Confusedly as if thinking of something else, Children, in: Bar-m
Example: If you put any question to a child, you find that child is unaware what has been asked, he looks totally absentminded.
• Absent-mindedness, Children, in: Bac
Example: You can observe children who craves sympathy, affection from everyone continuously
• Affection, Children craving for: Carc
Example: You can observe biting children who goes on biting anything or anyone
• Biting, Children, in: Bell
Example: You can find capricious children who are continuously busy in doing anything.
• Capriciousness, Children, in: CHAM, CINA, Rheum, Sac-alb
• Busy, Children: Cina
Example: You can find happy go lucky, cheerful children who enjoy the life without sadness.
• Cheerfulness, gaiety, happiness, Children, in: Bor
Example: You can find a crawling child who crawls in to the corner & wails, cries, howls.
• Crawling, rolling, Child crawls into corners, howls, cries: Camph
Example: Parent tells us that the child is so frightful that he cannot observe anything cruel, horrible things even on television.
• Cruelty, brutality, inhumanity, Children cannot bear to see cruelty in cinema: Calc
Example: You can find a child who gets frightened easily, fears to remain alone & always holds the hand of a mother
• Fear, Alone, of being, Child wants mother to hold her hand: Bism
• Clinging, Children, of, Take the hand of mother, will always: Bism, Gels, Kali-c, Lil-t, Lyc, Phos
Example: Sometimes, we com across rough, harsh, restless behavior of the children
• Harshness, rough, Children, in: Bac
Example: Sometimes, we find idiotic children
• Idiocy, Children, in: Aeth
Example: We can get impolitely behaving rude children
• Impolite, Children: Lyc
Example: We find some silly children who use to laugh unnecessarily at every occasion
• Laughing, Tendency, Silly, Children at every occasion, in: Croc
Example: We can get two types of children who are having weakness of memory. One whose memory is weak as:
• Memory, Weakness, loss of, Children, in: Agar
And another type who cannot understand, dwarfed with loss of, or weak memory:
• Memory, Weakness, loss of, Labor, for mental, Child cannot be taught: Bar-c
Example: Few children never like to be taken up; they become furious when taken up:
• Rage, fury, Taken up, child on being: Stram
Example: We can find two extreme types of children about taking responsibility. One who develops physically but are very late to understand or take the responsibility as:
• Responsibility, Late, in children: Bar-c
And another who are very strong to carry the responsibility as
• Responsibility, Strong, Children, in: Carc
Example: Sometimes we come across very serious children who behave like adults as:
• Seriousness, earnestness, Children: Sep
Example: Whereas sometimes we get shameless children as:
• Shameless, Children, in: Tub
Example: And sometimes we get very wild children as:
• Wildness, Children, in: Petr
These are very few examples to explain how one should utilize the Repertory in practice of pediatrics.
In such a manner if we study the repertory, it becomes very easy to perceive the state of disposition & mind from the infants & children & practice Homoeopathy with confidence.
Organon of medicine
§ 22:
But as nothing is to be observed in diseases that must be removed in order to change them into health besides the totality of their signs and symptoms, and likewise medicines can show nothing curative besides their tendency to produce morbid symptoms in healthy persons and to remove them in diseased persons; it follows, on the one hand, that medicines only become remedies and capable of annihilating disease, because the medicinal substance, by exciting certain effects and symptoms, that is to say, by producing a certain artificial morbid state, removes and abrogates the symptoms already present, to wit, the natural morbid state we wish to cure. On the other hand, it follows that, for the totality of the symptoms of the disease to be cured, a medicine must be sought which (according as experience shall prove whether the morbid symptoms are most readily, certainly, and permanently removed and changed into health by similar or opposite medicinal symptoms1) have the greatest tendency to produce similar or opposite symptoms.
1 The other possible mode of employing medicines for diseases besides these two is the allopathic method, in which medicines are given, whose symptoms have no direct pathological relation to the morbid state, neither similar nor opposite, but quite heterogeneous to the symptoms of the disease. This procedure plays, as I have shown elsewhere, an irresponsible murderous game with the life of the patient by means of dangerous, violent medicines, whose action is unknown and which are chosen on mere conjectures and given in large and frequent doses. Again, by means of painful operations, intended to lead the disease to other regions and taking the strength and vital juices of the patient, through evacuations above and below, sweat or salivation, but especially through squandering the irreplaceable blood, as is done by the reigning routine practice, used blindly and relentlessly, usually with the pretext that the physician should imitate and further the sick nature in its efforts to help itself, without considering how irrational it is, to imitate and further these very imperfect, mostly inappropriate efforts of the instinctive unintelligent vital energy which is implanted in our organism, so long as it is healthy to carry on life in harmonious development, but not to heal itself in disease. For, were it possessed of such a model ability, it would never have allowed the organism to get sick. When made ill by noxious agents, our life principle cannot do anything else than express its depression caused by disturbance of the regularity of its life, by symptoms, by means of which the intelligent physician is asked for aid. If this is not given, it strives to save by increasing the ailment, especially through violent evacuations, no matter what this entails, often with the largest sacrifices or destruction of life itself.
For the purpose of cure, the morbidly depressed vital energy possesses so little ability worthy of imitation since all changes and symptoms produced by it in the organism are the disease itself. What intelligent physician would want to imitate it with the intention to heal if he did not thereby sacrifice his patient?
Dr Prasad Rasal:
While explaining this aphorism, Dr Samuel Hahnemann now turns towards the different modes of treatments available during his time giving out the details of each method boldly without hesitation because what he was saying was the indubitable Truth. In fact, this is the reason, why he has used the words Aude Sapere on the first page of Organon.
He start explaining about the two methods of treatment in this aphorism which considers the symptoms for prescription. First based on the Symptom Similarity i.e. Homoeopathy & Second one based on Contradictory Symptoms i.e. Antipathy. The details about Antipathy are explained in further aphorisms.
In the foot note to this paragraph, he criticizes a lot on the third mode of treatment prevalent during his time in which there is no relation between the patients symptoms & the medicine used i.e. heteropathic mode - Allopathy. The different methods prevalent were Blood Sucking-Letting, using Laxative or Purgatives, Emetics used to cure the patient on the wrong logic i.e. they are copying the Nature i.e. Duce Naturae without understanding the real logic. Those allopathic practitioners used to call them as a Rational Practitioner of the healing art because they considers that they are removing the (Material) cause of the disease by using all these methods. Their logic was that the disease appears because of entrance of some material cause inside the human body & that's why body tries to throw it away by means of producing the Vomiting/ Diarrhea/ some Discharge. So, if the itself tries to throw away the cause thro' those methods, why we should not copy the nature? This was the Allopath's logic at that time. And all those methods were reigning the therapeutic world at that time.
But, due to use of this wrong logic, they use to make the patients more sick due to removal of the vital juices necessary for the health. In fact, they use to produce more deaths due to these wrong methods. And that's why Dr Samuel Hahnemann boldly criticized this allopathic method as an irresponsible murderous game with the life of the patient.
But as nothing is to be observed in diseases that must be removed in order to change them into health besides the totality of their signs and symptoms, and likewise medicines can show nothing curative besides their tendency to produce morbid symptoms in healthy persons and to remove them in diseased persons; it follows, on the one hand, that medicines only become remedies and capable of annihilating disease, because the medicinal substance, by exciting certain effects and symptoms, that is to say, by producing a certain artificial morbid state, removes and abrogates the symptoms already present, to wit, the natural morbid state we wish to cure. On the other hand, it follows that, for the totality of the symptoms of the disease to be cured, a medicine must be sought which (according as experience shall prove whether the morbid symptoms are most readily, certainly, and permanently removed and changed into health by similar or opposite medicinal symptoms1) have the greatest tendency to produce similar or opposite symptoms.
1 The other possible mode of employing medicines for diseases besides these two is the allopathic method, in which medicines are given, whose symptoms have no direct pathological relation to the morbid state, neither similar nor opposite, but quite heterogeneous to the symptoms of the disease. This procedure plays, as I have shown elsewhere, an irresponsible murderous game with the life of the patient by means of dangerous, violent medicines, whose action is unknown and which are chosen on mere conjectures and given in large and frequent doses. Again, by means of painful operations, intended to lead the disease to other regions and taking the strength and vital juices of the patient, through evacuations above and below, sweat or salivation, but especially through squandering the irreplaceable blood, as is done by the reigning routine practice, used blindly and relentlessly, usually with the pretext that the physician should imitate and further the sick nature in its efforts to help itself, without considering how irrational it is, to imitate and further these very imperfect, mostly inappropriate efforts of the instinctive unintelligent vital energy which is implanted in our organism, so long as it is healthy to carry on life in harmonious development, but not to heal itself in disease. For, were it possessed of such a model ability, it would never have allowed the organism to get sick. When made ill by noxious agents, our life principle cannot do anything else than express its depression caused by disturbance of the regularity of its life, by symptoms, by means of which the intelligent physician is asked for aid. If this is not given, it strives to save by increasing the ailment, especially through violent evacuations, no matter what this entails, often with the largest sacrifices or destruction of life itself.
For the purpose of cure, the morbidly depressed vital energy possesses so little ability worthy of imitation since all changes and symptoms produced by it in the organism are the disease itself. What intelligent physician would want to imitate it with the intention to heal if he did not thereby sacrifice his patient?
Dr Prasad Rasal:
While explaining this aphorism, Dr Samuel Hahnemann now turns towards the different modes of treatments available during his time giving out the details of each method boldly without hesitation because what he was saying was the indubitable Truth. In fact, this is the reason, why he has used the words Aude Sapere on the first page of Organon.
He start explaining about the two methods of treatment in this aphorism which considers the symptoms for prescription. First based on the Symptom Similarity i.e. Homoeopathy & Second one based on Contradictory Symptoms i.e. Antipathy. The details about Antipathy are explained in further aphorisms.
In the foot note to this paragraph, he criticizes a lot on the third mode of treatment prevalent during his time in which there is no relation between the patients symptoms & the medicine used i.e. heteropathic mode - Allopathy. The different methods prevalent were Blood Sucking-Letting, using Laxative or Purgatives, Emetics used to cure the patient on the wrong logic i.e. they are copying the Nature i.e. Duce Naturae without understanding the real logic. Those allopathic practitioners used to call them as a Rational Practitioner of the healing art because they considers that they are removing the (Material) cause of the disease by using all these methods. Their logic was that the disease appears because of entrance of some material cause inside the human body & that's why body tries to throw it away by means of producing the Vomiting/ Diarrhea/ some Discharge. So, if the itself tries to throw away the cause thro' those methods, why we should not copy the nature? This was the Allopath's logic at that time. And all those methods were reigning the therapeutic world at that time.
But, due to use of this wrong logic, they use to make the patients more sick due to removal of the vital juices necessary for the health. In fact, they use to produce more deaths due to these wrong methods. And that's why Dr Samuel Hahnemann boldly criticized this allopathic method as an irresponsible murderous game with the life of the patient.
Organon of Medicine
§ 21:
Now, as it is undeniable that the curative principle in medicines is not in itself perceptible, and as in pure experiments with medicines conducted by the most accurate observers, nothing can be observed that can constitute them medicines or remedies except that power of causing distinct alterations in the state of health of the human body, and particularly in that of the healthy individual, and of exciting in him various definite morbid symptoms; so it follows that when medicines act as remedies, they can only bring their curative property into play by means of this their power of altering man’s state of health by the production of peculiar symptoms; and that, therefore, we have only to rely on the morbid phenomena which the medicines produce in the healthy body as the sole possible revelation of their in-dwelling curative power, in order to learn what disease-producing power, and at the same time what disease-curing power, each individual medicine possesses.
Dr Prasad Rasal:
In this aphorism, Dr Samuel Hahnemann wants to explain the importance of Drug Proving on healthy human beings in order to understand the pure effects of the Medicines. Unless we prove it on them, we cannot understand the medicinal i.e. disease producing powers of those medicines which we can utilize as disease-curing properties on the basis of Law of Similars. The hidden properties of those medicine come in to activity when we use them on healthy human being in dynamic doses. We get the functional morbid alterations at the level of altered sensations & functions which are very much useful to find out Similimum. This is the only method to find out the hidden properties of the Medicines.
Now, as it is undeniable that the curative principle in medicines is not in itself perceptible, and as in pure experiments with medicines conducted by the most accurate observers, nothing can be observed that can constitute them medicines or remedies except that power of causing distinct alterations in the state of health of the human body, and particularly in that of the healthy individual, and of exciting in him various definite morbid symptoms; so it follows that when medicines act as remedies, they can only bring their curative property into play by means of this their power of altering man’s state of health by the production of peculiar symptoms; and that, therefore, we have only to rely on the morbid phenomena which the medicines produce in the healthy body as the sole possible revelation of their in-dwelling curative power, in order to learn what disease-producing power, and at the same time what disease-curing power, each individual medicine possesses.
Dr Prasad Rasal:
In this aphorism, Dr Samuel Hahnemann wants to explain the importance of Drug Proving on healthy human beings in order to understand the pure effects of the Medicines. Unless we prove it on them, we cannot understand the medicinal i.e. disease producing powers of those medicines which we can utilize as disease-curing properties on the basis of Law of Similars. The hidden properties of those medicine come in to activity when we use them on healthy human being in dynamic doses. We get the functional morbid alterations at the level of altered sensations & functions which are very much useful to find out Similimum. This is the only method to find out the hidden properties of the Medicines.
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