Generally, in our consulting, number of times we have to tackle the infants or children. Once a child takes Homoeopathic medicine, he never goes to Allopath because of the sweet Homoeopathic pills. In fact number of times, he ask for those pills even though he is not ill. We get maximum pediatric OPD due to our sweet & gentle Homoeopathic Medicines. But the budding Homoeopaths fear to take the case of a child or infant & they consider that Case Taking is only possible thro’ questions. In fact due to maximum energy is present in those infants & kids; we can get a very clear picture due to their expression if we are able to perceive that. Perceiving this picture without words or sentences is nothing but the Non-verbal Communication. If you master this, perceiving the state of disposition & mind becomes very easy task in infants & children. Few aspects of pediatric case can come right from parent’s discussion. Today, we will learn few aspects of it with the help of examples.
Dr Samuel Hahnemann says in aphorism no.83 regarding the qualities of Homoeopathic Physician as:
1. Free from prejudice
2. Sound senses
3. Attention in observing
4. Fidelity in tracing the picture of the disease
So, one should always utilize & develop those qualities in every pediatric case taking. He must consider every pediatric case with unprejudiced mind & with the help of his own Sound Senses should observe whatever is happening with the child. He should not miss anything because without asking anything, you have to find out the state of his disposition & mind.
Let’s explore it with the help of few examples.
Example: An infant is brought to you by the parents in a frightened state telling you that he is continuously crying since last 4-5 hours. We think that he might be suffering from the colic or earache. When the infant is brought to your clinic, is not crying, but as soon as it is kept on the table starts crying piteously. Unless carried, he doesn’t stop crying. Parents suffer because of continuous carrying him.
So, we can get following rubrics:
1. Weeping, Children, In, Carried & held, when, Amel.
2. Carried, Desires to be, Constantly
3. Weeping, Piteous
Here, we can get two remedies: Cham & Cina but we can differentiate them easily because in
• Weeping, Piteous, Carried, when - there is only Cina.
Naturally, we can prescribe Chamomilla to this weeping child with successful result.
Example: An infant is brought to you for the complaint of shrieking at the time of feeding him since one or two days. He refuses the feeding otherwise he is not having complaints. Here again we can get following rubric:
• Shrieking, screaming, shouting, Children, in, Nursed, when being: Bor
Example: An infant is brought to you for the complaint of weeping whole day & sleeps better at night without crying. Here we can get the rubric:
• Weeping, Children, In, Day, all, & sleeps all night: Lyco, Psor
Here we can differentiate between Lyco from Psor with the help of following rubric:
• Weeping, Children, In, Night, All night, good at day: Jalapa, Psor
So, Psorinum is indicated in both the rubrics which show that both the possibilities are possible in Psor but not in Lyco & we can prescribe Lyco along with rest of the things present in the case.
Example: A common complaint of the parents is that child has become too obstinate. If we take, Obstinate, Children as a rubric, we get 34 remedies for the same & it becomes a difficult task to differentiate those remedies. If we ask details regarding this Obstinacy & if the answer is: Doctor, we don’t know what has happened to him since last few days; if we don’t listen to whatever he says, he starts weeping & weeps a lot for hours piteously. So, we can consider a proper rubric which suggests a remedy directly as:
• Weeping, Children, In, Will is not done, when: Cina
And if the answer is: Doctor, we don’t know what has happened to him since last few days; he asks for number of things & when not given, he weeps a lot for hour together. So, we can consider a proper rubric which suggests a remedy directly as:
• Weeping, Children, In, Refused, the least thing, when: Cham
Example: A child is brought to you for weeping continuously since 8 days when summer has started. If we open the repertory, we get:
• Weeping, Children, In, Summer complaints, in: Ant-c
It indicates that we should be keen observer about all the factors which modifies the health of the children, as well as we should be intelligent enough to apply the knowledge of the Repertory.
Now, we will discuss few more common situations.
Example: A child brought to your consulting by the parents & as soon as they enter inside the clinic, the child starts crying loudly. When they enter inside the consulting, the child clings to parents tightly, cries a lot, pulling them outside, avoiding the look of the Physician. This is the state of his disposition & mind along with the physical complaints for which he is brought.
It is necessary to perceive regarding the crying of the children. Children fear a lot to injections because of which they weep a lot. We can consider following rubrics for this state:
• Fear, Injured, of being
• Clinging, Persons or furniture, to
• Escape, attempts to
• Looked at, to be, Evading the look of other persons
On the basis of above rubrics, we can very easily prescribe Stramonium.
Example: A child is sitting along with the parents. If you ask him a question or his name, instead of answering to you, he answers in his parents ears as if muttering or whispering. Here, we can take following rubric:
• Mind, Speech, Whispering, Answering to the mother instead of to the prescriber directly: Sil
Example: A child is brought to you by parents for any physical problem. He is too restless & not sitting in position, biting nails while moving here & there, looking curiously to each & everything present in the consulting, trying to touch them, asking the parents regarding them. If you ask any question, he hides behind the parents or chair. Following rubrics tell us the remedy:
• Restlessness, Children, in
• Biting, Nails
• Touch things, Impelled to
• Inquisitive
• Hide, Desire to
• Timidity, Bashful
Hyoscyamus covers all those rubrics.
Example: A very mild, quiet, cute, & affectionate baby who kisses her parents is brought to you for some physical complaints.
• Affectionate, Children kiss & caresses: Puls
Example: A rough, irritable, shrieking child brought to you. If you put him a question, he talks in rough tone & does not give proper answers.
• Answer, Civil, cannot give: Cham
Example: If you put a question to a child, you feel that his attention is somewhere else & answers in a very confused way.
• Answer, Confusedly as if thinking of something else, Children, in: Bar-m
Example: If you put any question to a child, you find that child is unaware what has been asked, he looks totally absentminded.
• Absent-mindedness, Children, in: Bac
Example: You can observe children who craves sympathy, affection from everyone continuously
• Affection, Children craving for: Carc
Example: You can observe biting children who goes on biting anything or anyone
• Biting, Children, in: Bell
Example: You can find capricious children who are continuously busy in doing anything.
• Capriciousness, Children, in: CHAM, CINA, Rheum, Sac-alb
• Busy, Children: Cina
Example: You can find happy go lucky, cheerful children who enjoy the life without sadness.
• Cheerfulness, gaiety, happiness, Children, in: Bor
Example: You can find a crawling child who crawls in to the corner & wails, cries, howls.
• Crawling, rolling, Child crawls into corners, howls, cries: Camph
Example: Parent tells us that the child is so frightful that he cannot observe anything cruel, horrible things even on television.
• Cruelty, brutality, inhumanity, Children cannot bear to see cruelty in cinema: Calc
Example: You can find a child who gets frightened easily, fears to remain alone & always holds the hand of a mother
• Fear, Alone, of being, Child wants mother to hold her hand: Bism
• Clinging, Children, of, Take the hand of mother, will always: Bism, Gels, Kali-c, Lil-t, Lyc, Phos
Example: Sometimes, we com across rough, harsh, restless behavior of the children
• Harshness, rough, Children, in: Bac
Example: Sometimes, we find idiotic children
• Idiocy, Children, in: Aeth
Example: We can get impolitely behaving rude children
• Impolite, Children: Lyc
Example: We find some silly children who use to laugh unnecessarily at every occasion
• Laughing, Tendency, Silly, Children at every occasion, in: Croc
Example: We can get two types of children who are having weakness of memory. One whose memory is weak as:
• Memory, Weakness, loss of, Children, in: Agar
And another type who cannot understand, dwarfed with loss of, or weak memory:
• Memory, Weakness, loss of, Labor, for mental, Child cannot be taught: Bar-c
Example: Few children never like to be taken up; they become furious when taken up:
• Rage, fury, Taken up, child on being: Stram
Example: We can find two extreme types of children about taking responsibility. One who develops physically but are very late to understand or take the responsibility as:
• Responsibility, Late, in children: Bar-c
And another who are very strong to carry the responsibility as
• Responsibility, Strong, Children, in: Carc
Example: Sometimes we come across very serious children who behave like adults as:
• Seriousness, earnestness, Children: Sep
Example: Whereas sometimes we get shameless children as:
• Shameless, Children, in: Tub
Example: And sometimes we get very wild children as:
• Wildness, Children, in: Petr
These are very few examples to explain how one should utilize the Repertory in practice of pediatrics.
In such a manner if we study the repertory, it becomes very easy to perceive the state of disposition & mind from the infants & children & practice Homoeopathy with confidence.
Welcome to Dr Prasad Rasal's Practical Homoeopathic Discussion
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For details, Contact:
Dr Prasad Rasal
Sai-Swami Homoeopathic Hospital, Research Centre & Maternity Home,
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60 km away from Nasik Road Railway Station on Pune High Way
Do visit Dr Prasad Rasal's Sai-Swami Homoeopathic Clinic, Hospital, Research Centre & Maternity Home as well as Hahnemann Hall, at Sangamner in his Practical Homoeopathic Workshops, Seminars & Homoeopathic Training Programs.
For details, Contact:
Dr Prasad Rasal
Sai-Swami Homoeopathic Hospital, Research Centre & Maternity Home,
Indira Nagar Lane No.1,
Sangamner 422605,
Phone: +91 2425 223913
Mobile: +91 9890168872
Skype Name: drprasadrasal
Land Marks:
50 km away from Holy Place Shirdi
60 km away from Nasik Road Railway Station on Pune High Way
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very nice blog! thanks!!