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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Organon of medicine

§ 22:
But as nothing is to be observed in diseases that must be removed in order to change them into health besides the totality of their signs and symptoms, and likewise medicines can show nothing curative besides their tendency to produce morbid symptoms in healthy persons and to remove them in diseased persons; it follows, on the one hand, that medicines only become remedies and capable of annihilating disease, because the medicinal substance, by exciting certain effects and symptoms, that is to say, by producing a certain artificial morbid state, removes and abrogates the symptoms already present, to wit, the natural morbid state we wish to cure. On the other hand, it follows that, for the totality of the symptoms of the disease to be cured, a medicine must be sought which (according as experience shall prove whether the morbid symptoms are most readily, certainly, and permanently removed and changed into health by similar or opposite medicinal symptoms1) have the greatest tendency to produce similar or opposite symptoms.

1 The other possible mode of employing medicines for diseases besides these two is the allopathic method, in which medicines are given, whose symptoms have no direct pathological relation to the morbid state, neither similar nor opposite, but quite heterogeneous to the symptoms of the disease. This procedure plays, as I have shown elsewhere, an irresponsible murderous game with the life of the patient by means of dangerous, violent medicines, whose action is unknown and which are chosen on mere conjectures and given in large and frequent doses. Again, by means of painful operations, intended to lead the disease to other regions and taking the strength and vital juices of the patient, through evacuations above and below, sweat or salivation, but especially through squandering the irreplaceable blood, as is done by the reigning routine practice, used blindly and relentlessly, usually with the pretext that the physician should imitate and further the sick nature in its efforts to help itself, without considering how irrational it is, to imitate and further these very imperfect, mostly inappropriate efforts of the instinctive unintelligent vital energy which is implanted in our organism, so long as it is healthy to carry on life in harmonious development, but not to heal itself in disease. For, were it possessed of such a model ability, it would never have allowed the organism to get sick. When made ill by noxious agents, our life principle cannot do anything else than express its depression caused by disturbance of the regularity of its life, by symptoms, by means of which the intelligent physician is asked for aid. If this is not given, it strives to save by increasing the ailment, especially through violent evacuations, no matter what this entails, often with the largest sacrifices or destruction of life itself.

For the purpose of cure, the morbidly depressed vital energy possesses so little ability worthy of imitation since all changes and symptoms produced by it in the organism are the disease itself. What intelligent physician would want to imitate it with the intention to heal if he did not thereby sacrifice his patient?

Dr Prasad Rasal:
While explaining this aphorism, Dr Samuel Hahnemann now turns towards the different modes of treatments available during his time giving out the details of each method boldly without hesitation because what he was saying was the indubitable Truth. In fact, this is the reason, why he has used the words Aude Sapere on the first page of Organon.
He start explaining about the two methods of treatment in this aphorism which considers the symptoms for prescription. First based on the Symptom Similarity i.e. Homoeopathy & Second one based on Contradictory Symptoms i.e. Antipathy. The details about Antipathy are explained in further aphorisms.
In the foot note to this paragraph, he criticizes a lot on the third mode of treatment prevalent during his time in which there is no relation between the patients symptoms & the medicine used i.e. heteropathic mode - Allopathy. The different methods prevalent were Blood Sucking-Letting, using Laxative or Purgatives, Emetics used to cure the patient on the wrong logic i.e. they are copying the Nature i.e. Duce Naturae without understanding the real logic. Those allopathic practitioners used to call them as a Rational Practitioner of the healing art because they considers that they are removing the (Material) cause of the disease by using all these methods. Their logic was that the disease appears because of entrance of some material cause inside the human body & that's why body tries to throw it away by means of producing the Vomiting/ Diarrhea/ some Discharge. So, if the itself tries to throw away the cause thro' those methods, why we should not copy the nature? This was the Allopath's logic at that time. And all those methods were reigning the therapeutic world at that time.
But, due to use of this wrong logic, they use to make the patients more sick due to removal of the vital juices necessary for the health. In fact, they use to produce more deaths due to these wrong methods. And that's why Dr Samuel Hahnemann boldly criticized this allopathic method as an irresponsible murderous game with the life of the patient.

1 comment:

  1. Can you plz explain what is duce naturae!
    It comes in xam for 3 marks v need to almost fill 1 page.. !!
    Elaborate duce naturae as well as minister naturae and other terminology which are used in Organon txt! 6th edition. .. especially in introduction part!

    Thank you sooo much
    Your obediently
