Prasad Rasal:
A bacteria, responsible to transmit the Sycotic Miasm in Human Race...
Homeopath Viraj Shah:
Prasad Rasal: plz explain logic behind it......
Partha Sarathi Ray:
Prasad Sir: Can a bacteria transmit the Hahnemann's Sycosis? Please explain.
Prasad Rasal:
Gonorrhoeal bacteria is not a bacteria of human origin. It has transmitted to human being because of sexual perversions of the human being & transmitted thro' sexual contacts in human race. When a person suffering from gonorrhoea keep sexual relations with others, he transmit this infection & is responsible to transmit the same miasm. Even it get transmitted from one generation to another.
Let me share one case in very early stage of my practice, may be 20 years back. A 2 years child was brought to me for recurrent bronchitis with typical totality of Cina. I prescribed him Cina 30 & to my surprise, his cough stopped immediately within a day & he started getting yellowish muco-purulent discharge per urethra. Then his father told me the history that he suffered from the similar discharge 7 years before & was treated with antibiotics. It was typical of gonorrhoeal discharge. At that time, I started believing on the miasmatic theory very much.
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