Aphorism 25:
Now, however, in all careful trials, pure experience,1 the sole and infallible oracle of the healing art, teaches us that actually that medicine which, in its action on the healthy human body, has demonstrated its power of producing the greatest number of symptoms similar to those observable in the case of disease under treatment, does also, in doses of suitable potency and attenuation, rapidly, radically and permanently remove the totality of the symptoms of this morbid state, that is to say (? 6 – 16), the whole disease present, and change it into health; and that all medicines cure, without exception, those diseases whose symptoms most nearly resemble their own, and leave none of them uncured.
Foot Note:
I do not mean that sort of experience of which the ordinary practitioners of the old school boast, after they have for years worked away with a lot of complex prescriptions on a number of diseases which they never carefully investigate, but which, faithful to their school, they consider as already described in works of systematic pathology, and dreamed that they could detect in them some imaginary morbific matter, or ascribe to them some other hypothetical internal abnormality. They always saw something in them, but knew not what it was they saw, and they got results, from the complex forces acting on an unknown object, that no human being but only a God could have unraveled – results from which nothing can be learned, no experience gained. Fifty years of experience of this sort is like fifty years of looking into a kaleidoscope filled with unknown colored objects, and perpetually turning round; thousands of ever changing figures and no accounting for them!
Prasad Rasal:
Now, he is explaining the importance of Pure Experience.
This is his method to put forward both the views i.e. in the aphorisms regarding the Homoeopathic aspect & at the same time the opposite i.e. either Allopathic or Antipathic in the Foot Note so that a reader can understand the truth very easily.
Pure experience is nothing but the Homoeopathic Medicine Proving on Healthy Human Beings in dynamic potentized form. As it has been proved on Human being, we can get the real effect of it at the level of Physic as well as at Mind which is a very useful data for all of us to find out a medicine on symptom similarity. These medicines produces the functional alteration in the state of health of the human being & not the pathological effects as in material doses of Allopathic Proving on Animals. That's why our Materia Medicas are rich with the functional symptoms on Physical as well as the Mental levels. These are the useful tools to work on the patients with confidence & without any hesitation which is very common while using the Allopathic medicines because very less is known while using those medicines.
Here in the Foot Note, he criticized the Allopathic Proving as well as their method of finding out the material cause inside the human being in the form of some altered pathologies. Even today, the method of Allopathic Proving is the same i.e. using them in animals & then finding out the pathological alterations caused by the medicines & considering in mind that Human Being is also an Animal & the medicine will produce similar effect in him. Naturally, when one is using this medicine proved on animals, how can he be so sure regarding the action it produces in the patient. If it works in a different manner, it is considered as a Side Effect which is actually a Effect. And because of which in Allopathy, they have to withdraw their medicines from the market. For e.g. Thaliomide which was considered as a best drug for morning sickness found to be a drug producing maximum congenital anomalies.
At the same time he criticizes their aspect of finding out the cause of the disease. As he has very thoroughly explained that the cause of the disease is always the dynamic derangement of the Vital Force, then how can it be possible to find it out looking inside the Human being or thro' microscopes. If the things are dynamic, they are dynamic. That's why he says: Fifty years of experience of this sort is like fifty years of looking into a kaleidoscope filled with unknown colored objects, and perpetually turning round; thousands of ever changing figures and no accounting for them! It's nothing but waste of time. That's why in the first foot note only, he says: It is now high time that all who call themselves physicians should at least cease to deceive suffering mankind with mere talk, & begin now, instead, for once to act, that is, really to help & to cure.
Welcome to Dr Prasad Rasal's Practical Homoeopathic Discussion
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For details, Contact:
Dr Prasad Rasal
Sai-Swami Homoeopathic Hospital, Research Centre & Maternity Home,
Indira Nagar Lane No.1,
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Phone: +91 2425 223913
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email: drprasadrasal@rediffmail.com; drprasadrasal@gmail.com
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Land Marks:
50 km away from Holy Place Shirdi
60 km away from Nasik Road Railway Station on Pune High Way
Do visit Dr Prasad Rasal's Sai-Swami Homoeopathic Clinic, Hospital, Research Centre & Maternity Home as well as Hahnemann Hall, at Sangamner in his Practical Homoeopathic Workshops, Seminars & Homoeopathic Training Programs.
For details, Contact:
Dr Prasad Rasal
Sai-Swami Homoeopathic Hospital, Research Centre & Maternity Home,
Indira Nagar Lane No.1,
Sangamner 422605,
Phone: +91 2425 223913
Mobile: +91 9890168872
email: drprasadrasal@rediffmail.com; drprasadrasal@gmail.com
Skype Name: drprasadrasal
Land Marks:
50 km away from Holy Place Shirdi
60 km away from Nasik Road Railway Station on Pune High Way
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