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Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Question by Veeraraghavan A.R. on February 4, 2011 at 11:00am
Dear Veeraraghavan,

we can very easily differentiate between Quiet, Wants to be, Desires repose & tranquility & Bed, Desires ti remain in because in Quiet, wants to be, the patient is in a agitated state from which he wants an absolute quietness. He doesn't like slightest noise & desires an absolute tranquility. It is more related to his mental state for which he desires repose & tranquility. Whereas in Bed, Desires to remain in, the patient wants to remain in the same comfortable state or position. He doesn't want to change his condition whether related to his physique or mind. Bed is nothing but a place where a person gets relaxed in a comfort. Every time patient will not going to tell us that he wants to remain in bed but he will going to express the same feeling in different ways. For e.g. a person who doesn't wants to change his job even though he is getting better salary than present but away from his present place.

And regarding your second question: Also if some patient says, "I don't know how to get rid of my problem (disease)".

First of all, find out whether patient has tried to find out solution for his problem or whether he is only thinking regarding his problem? Groping is an ACT where a person tries to find out the solution everywhere to get rid of his problem. It is very close to gambling & finding out the solution in the dark by groping. Whereas in Delusion Blind, he is just thinking on the problem without doing any ACT. It is nothing but only FEELING because of his problem & he feels what to do as if he is in the dark or as if he is totally blind. And you have asked about Fear, Dark, of which is absolutely a different condition because if Fear is present in the patient, it should get expressed in his behavior, sentences, expressions. In fact, Delusion, Dark comes closer to earlier versions than Fear, Dark.

What I want to tell you is please,"don't concentrate on sentences or words but on MAN behind these sentences". For e.g. the question,"How are you?" can be asked in SYMPATHETIC tone, LIGHT tone, INQUISITIVE tone, SUPERIORITY tone etc. So, the only words never shows the INDIVIDUALITY or MAN, but perceiving the MAN behind those words/ sentences are very important to individualize a patient.
Dr Prasad Rasal...

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