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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Carcinocin: Part 2

Carcinosinum……In Grievous situation

Carcinocin patient is anxious about forebodings. He fears and has anticipation about BAD HAPPENINGS.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM – anticipation: Carc3
MIND - FEAR - happen, something will - horrible; something: Carc
MIND - FEAR - happen, something will - terrible is going to happen; something: Carc
MIND - FEAR - happen, something will - himself; to: Carc
MIND - DELUSIONS - annihilation; about to sink into: Carc2
Annihilation means total destruction
Sink means fall or descend to a lower place or level, decline markedly

These forebodings come when he feels he is “ALL GONE.”
“Abhi to meri wat lag gai hain.” Or “lagne wali hain”
MIND - DESPAIR - existence, about miserable: Carc
Miserable means very unhappy, full of misery, deserving pity
Existence is the state or fact of existing,

He feels hopeless when he realizes that he is in a situation from which he can not be saved. He has been wrong suffered but due to Helplessness he can not do anything. This is MISERABLE EXISTENCE of Carcinocin patient.

MIND - DELUSIONS - cancer, has a: Carc
If a patient’s health is deteriorating day by day and it is not getting diagnosed, he starts believing that he has cancer meaning, this dangerous disease will take away his life. This state is because of the extreme suffering and the feeling that he has some serious incurable disease.

Cancer = Death like suffering rather sufferings of death in living body
And carc patient has fear about this disease.

MIND - FEAR - cancer; of: Carc
People believe that this disease can not be cured by any means. It spoils or deteriorates your body. It spreads to other organs and slowly spoils the whole body. Cancer is a state of helplessness where the person does not die but keeps sufferings for a long time till death finally takes over him. It is very painful condition where many would rather prefer dying than live such a miserable life.
He has fears of such INCURABLE situations or diseases.
MIND - FEAR - death, of - cancer; of: Carc
MIND - FEAR - disease, of impending - incurable, of being: Carc
Once he would get it he can not be cured. This fear makes him restless.
MIND - FEAR - recover, he will not: Carc
This is one side of explanation. On other side, if he loses faith of parents of any authority he fears he can not RECOVER this faith.
Recover means to get or find back, to regain a former condition after a loss, to make up for.

He always remains in the thoughts of disease, the miserable situation of life etc. In this situation one can not console him. He never gets pacified with assurance that everything will be alright.

MIND - THOUGHTS - disease, of: Carc
Once he recognizes that he is in grievous state, it is unbearable to him. He thinks or attempts suicide due to this sufferings. He feels life is boring now.
It’s better to die. He wants death by him or others.
“Muze nahi jina, mar dalo muze”

Ennui is the feeling of being bored by something tedious.
Tedious means so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness.
Weary means exhausted or get tired through overuse or great strain or stress, lose interest or become bored with something or somebody, physically and mentally fatigued.
MIND - DEATH – desires: Carc
MIND - KILLED; desire to be: Carc
MIND - SUICIDAL disposition - anguish; during: Carc
MIND - SUICIDAL disposition - pains, from: Carc

Dr Sanjay Jadhav MD (Hom)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

CARCINOCINUM: A brief study

This article is prepared by my student Dr Sanjay Jadhav (M.D.). If one has to study Materia Medica thro' Repertorail aspect, this is an ideal example. He has explained the Carcinocin in much detail.

CARCINOCINUM…..A brief study

Development from the expectation of others

In this world of competition every parents expect their child should earn money, fame, etc. They expect that their child should do much more in life (when they see the achievements of children around them esp. of relatives, neighbors). They have “Extraordinary expectation” from child. Carcinosinum person evolves from this situation as a child.

MIND - AILMENTS FROM - expectations of parents too high: Carc

Here, parents do not care whether their child is having ability to achieve, compete, etc. Out of selfish motive to gain esteem in society, they expect child should complete their wishes and please them AT ANY COST!!!
At this time, what is the passion of child, what they really want, what is the aim of them, or what they want to become is ignored. By keeping aside all the wishes (of children), it is important that they should fulfill their parents wishes.

MIND - AILMENTS FROM - mentally suppressed; from being: Carc
MIND - DESIRES - suppressing his desires: Carc

He does not get chance to recognize his abilities, what can he do.

MIND - AILMENTS FROM - opportunities to realize his abilities; lack of: Carc

In this situation, he is dominated by parents. He is abused. His upbringing is done very harshly. They behave to him very rudely. They reproach, reprimand, and punish him. He remains sad due to this “hard influence of others.”

MIND - AILMENTS FROM - domination - children; in: Carc
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - domination - children; in - parental control; long history of excessive - harsh upbringing: Carc
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - domination - long time; for a: Carc
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - abused; after being: Carc
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - abused; after being – children: Carc
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - abused; after being – sexually: Carc2
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - abused; after being - sexually - children; in: Carc2
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - abused; after being - sexually – rape: Carc2
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - abused; after being - violence; from: Carc2
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - abused; after being - violence; from – children: Carc2
MIND - AILMENTS FROM – punishment: Carc2
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - punishment – children: Carc
MIND - AILMENTS FROM – reprimands: Carc2
MIND - AILMENTS FROM – reproaches: Carc
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - rudeness of others: Carc
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - scorned; being: Carc
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - unhappiness - influence of other people; due to: Carc

This is the ‘Wrong suffered’ state of Carcinocin patient.

MIND - DELUSIONS - wrong - suffered wrong; he has: Carc
MIND - DELUSIONS - wrong - suffered wrong; he has - children; in: Carc

Due to this torturing, he becomes angry but he swallows his anger.

MIND - AILMENTS FROM - anger – suppressed: Carc
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - anger - indignation; with: Carc
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - anger - silent grief; with: Carc

MIND - ANGER - abused; after being: Carc
MIND - ANGER - abused; after being – children: Carc
MIND - ANGER - children; in: Carc
MIND - ANGER - humiliated; after being: Carc

Humiliation means:
1) State of disgrace or loss of self-respect
2) An instance in which you are caused to lose your prestige or self-respect

MIND - ANGER - asthmatic respiration; with: Carc

Asthmatic respiration means smothering feeling; inability to breath as per one’s wish i.e. can not live according to one’s wish- ‘Ghutansi Hoti Hain.’

WHY? Because he is helpless on emotional and mental level:
MIND - HELPLESSNESS; feeling of - emotional level; on: Carc
MIND - HELPLESSNESS; feeling of - mental level; on: Carc

He feels if he revolts against them, he will not be accepted, cared i.e. he will be rejected. Already he has suffered a lot where he has not got emotional attachment for which he starved since long time.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - rejected; from being: Carc
Reject means refuse to accept or acknowledge. His proposals, his emotions, his passions, are always rejected.

Actually, a Carcinocin child feels:
MIND - CARESSED; being - wants to be caressed: Carc

But what happens? Only sadness comes to him and he feels unfortunate.
MIND - SADNESS - love; from disappointed: Carc

He goes into the grief state, but this grief is not expressed.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - grief - silent grief: Carc

Though he is sad, he can not weep (weep mean to make visible, to express) and this grief remain for long time.
MIND - WEEPING - cannot weep, though sad: Carc
MIND - GRIEF – prolonged: Carc

Then it leads to ‘hollowing out’ of him.
MIND - GRIEF - undermining the constitution: Carc
Undermine means:
1. Damage or weaken esp. gradually or insidiously
2. Dig or excavate beneath so as to make it collapse.

‘Forsaken feeling’ is the theme of Carcinocin

He feels that:
‘I am not loved by anyone.’
‘No one pay attention to me.’
‘No one praise for what is done by me.’
‘I have no friend.’
‘No one understands me.’
‘He is discarded by world.’
Now, he fears for aloneness that seems to come. He feels very sad when he feels alone.

MIND - FORSAKEN feeling - isolation; sensation of: Carc
MIND - DELUSIONS - alone, being - always alone; she is: Carc
MIND - DELUSIONS - alone, being - belong to anyone; she did not: Carc
MIND - DELUSIONS - appreciated, she is not: Carc2
MIND - DELUSIONS - forsaken; is: Carc
MIND - DELUSIONS - friendless, he is: Carc
MIND - DELUSIONS - misunderstood; she is: Carc
MIND - DELUSIONS - neglected - he or she is neglected: Carc
MIND - DELUSIONS - protection, defense; has no: Carc
MIND - DELUSIONS - separated - world; from the - he is separated: Carc
MIND - FEAR - alone, of being: Carc
MIND - FEAR - solitude, of: Carc2
Actually this rubric is from cross reference for Fear-abandoned being.
Abandoned means forsaken by owner; leave someone who needs or counts on you.
MIND - SADNESS - alone – when: Carc

When he is alone, he is in need of company, caressing, kind words, etc.
MIND - COMPANY - desire for – amel in company: Carc
MIND - COMPANY - desire for - children; in: Carc
MIND - COMPANY - desire for - children; in - rejected; who are: Carc

In this state of sadness, he feels like to talk to someone, wants to share. Once he tells or shares for a long time (because it is aggregated for a long time and to the deepest level) he feels better.

MIND - TALKING - amel the complaints – prolonged: Carc

Out of it he desires sympathy and affection from others. He longs for sympathy and affection which is not given to him.
MIND - SYMPATHY, compassion - desire for: Carc
MIND - AFFECTION - children craving for: Carc

He expects someone should talk ‘sweet words’ with him, should listen to him, which gives him relief.
MIND - CARESSED; being - wants to be caressed: Carc
MIND - CONSOLATION - kind words; from: Carc2

Meticulousness of Carcinosinum

The meticulousness of Carcinocin patient is MALIGNANT (i.e. it is too much extreme, hyper).
It is said that Over Perfectionist person prone to CANCER. So is the disposition of Carcinocin patient.

The rubrics in this category are:
MIND - FASTIDIOUS - disease; in: Carc
Disease is the condition in which you are unable to do normal activities i.e. dis-ease; discomfort feeling. Means even in any condition (worst, discomfort) he has to be fastidious. It is out of helplessness feeling.

MIND - FASTIDIOUS - work; in his: Carc
MIND - CLEANNESS - mania for: Carc
Mania- irresistible motive for a belief or action i.e. it is a passion.
Cleanness- without dirt or other impurities Here dirt means disgraceful gossip about the private lives of other people. ‘Jo bhi karega itna perfect karega ki koi ungli na utha sake.’

MIND - ORDER - desire for: Carc
Order is the quality or meticulous nature.

MIND - PROPER - too - children; in: Carc4
Proper means marked by suitability or rightness or appropriateness.
Too means to a degree exceeding normal or proper limits.

Tasteful means showing good aesthetic judgment or appropriate behavior; free from what is unbecoming. Synonym neat which means clear and organized.

Tidy means
1. Marked by order and cleanliness in appearance or habits e.g. a tidy person, a tidy house.
2. Put (things or places) in order e.g. Tidy up your room!
3. Neat and clean.

WHY he is so?
The fastidiousness of Carcinocin patient is not inborn. It is conditional.
MIND - UNTIDY - perform; except when he has to: Carc

He is fastidious for the wishes of others. He is tidy till he has to impress others, please others. Otherwise he is not tidy enough. If he does not behave like this, he will confront PROBLEM!
This is reality of Fastidiousness of carc. He has TO BE fastidious to please others esp. parents for the fear of rejection, reproaches etc.
MIND - PLEASING - desire to please others: Carc2
MIND - PLEASING - desire to please others – parents: Carc
MIND - PLEASING - desire to please others - parents – father: Carc
Father is the highest authority, dominating person in the family. Otherwise he will be reproached, criticized which Carcinocin does not want.
This is the ONLY reason why Carcinocin becomes fastidious.

MIND - FEAR - reproaches; of: Carc
‘Koi chillaega, datega ye teri vajah se hua hain’ is bat ka dar rahata hain.

MIND - FEAR - dirt; of: Carc
Dirt means disgraceful gossip about the private lives of other people.

MIND - SENSITIVE - criticism; to: Carc3
‘Log meri taraf kichad uchalenge, jo main nahi chahata.’

To please others, Carcinocin works hard, does not take rest until everything is done meticulously.
MIND - REST - cannot rest when things are not in the proper place: Carc

Due to such hard work prostration comes upon him.
MIND - PROSTRATION of mind - working too hard: Carc

Then he feels to take rest.
MIND - REST - desire for: Carc

But, fear and anxieties remains in his mind that if he does not work or perform properly, he will be in problem. So, even in disease condition he is fastidious.
If he unable to fulfill the expectation of others esp. parents he will be troubled, hurt, reproached, reprimanded, punished, and lastly will be rejected. And he will not able to gain position in the eyes of parents.
MIND - FEAR - recover, he will not: Carc

List of rubrics that support the theme of reason of carc to be a fastidious are as follows:

MIND - ANXIETY - time is set, if a: Carc
MIND - CHECKING - twice or more; must check: Carc
MIND - FEAR - attacked; fear of being: Carc
MIND - FEAR - danger, of impending: Carc
MIND - FEAR - everything, constant of: Carc
MIND - FEAR - failure, of - children; in: Carc
MIND - FEAR - failure, of - examinations; in: Carc
MIND - FEAR - humiliated, of being: Carc2
MIND - FEAR - hurt, of being – emotionally: Carc
MIND - FEAR - punishment; of: Carc
MIND - FEAR - reproaches; of: Carc
MIND - FEAR - suffering, of: Carc

All this is because of

MIND - AILMENTS FROM - rejected; from being: Carc

The aim ‘to fulfill expectation of others’ becomes duty and responsibility for him and he performs conscientiously for it as he becomes used to this situation.
MIND - DUTY - too much sense of duty: Carc
MIND - RESPONSIBILITY - taking responsibility too seriously - children; in: Carc
MIND - CONSCIENTIOUS about trifles - children; in: Carc

While doing so, he suppresses his desires, anger, and emotions which are the big SADNESSES in his life.
But, when it becomes unbearable for him, he revolts against AUTHORITY. Now, he does not listen to anyone. He becomes indifferent to the feelings of others.
Reaction of Carcinocin is expressed in the following rubrics.
MIND - DISOBEDIENCE - children, in: Carc
MIND - FIRE - set things on fire; wants to: Carc
MIND - INDIFFERENCE - loved ones, to: Carc
‘unke khusi ya gum ka asar padata tha vo ab nahi padata.’

MIND - CONTRARY - parents; with: Carc
MIND - ANGER - destroy things; with tendency to - children; in: Carc
MIND - SPEECH – sharp: Carc
Sharp means clearly defined, ending in a sharp point, harsh.

MIND - INJUSTICE, cannot support: Carc3
MIND - TOUCHED - aversion to be: Carc
Touch means to come in contact with; a communicative interaction; affect emotionally.

Previously, he desires Caressing, but now due to dissatisfaction, he is reluctant to sympathy and consolation.
MIND - CONSOLATION - agg - sympathy agg: Carc
MIND - SADNESS - sympathy agg: Carc

He is in discontentment now.
MIND - DISCONTENTED – children: Carc
This feeling takes him away from humankind and he develops affinity toward nature.
Nature ONLY gives us but does not EXPECT in return.
MIND - NATURE - loves - children; in: Carc
MIND - SEASIDE – loves: Carc
MIND - ANIMALS - love for animals - children; in: Carc

He becomes artistic due to which he feels happy because here he can live life according to HIS WISH. There is nothing expected from him.
MIND - ART - ability for: Carc
MIND - DANCING – amel: Carc
Dancing is to enjoy to the fullest what is being done, to involve complete happily.
MIND - DANCING – children: Carc
MIND - DANCING - love to: Carc
MIND - DANCING - rhythm; with marked sense of: Carc

It is out Fastidious, Proper too, Tasteful nature to which he become habituated.
MIND - MUSIC – amel: Carc
Music is any agreeable (pleasing and harmonious) sound.
MIND - MUSIC - desire for - children; in: Carc

This is from my understanding. It is one view, which may vary person to person. Suggestions, additions are always welcome.

Thank you!

Dr Sanjay Jadhav M.D.(Hom)
Mobile: 09970831063
emailid: drssjadhav5@rediffmail.com