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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Carcinocin: Part 2

Carcinosinum……In Grievous situation

Carcinocin patient is anxious about forebodings. He fears and has anticipation about BAD HAPPENINGS.
MIND - AILMENTS FROM – anticipation: Carc3
MIND - FEAR - happen, something will - horrible; something: Carc
MIND - FEAR - happen, something will - terrible is going to happen; something: Carc
MIND - FEAR - happen, something will - himself; to: Carc
MIND - DELUSIONS - annihilation; about to sink into: Carc2
Annihilation means total destruction
Sink means fall or descend to a lower place or level, decline markedly

These forebodings come when he feels he is “ALL GONE.”
“Abhi to meri wat lag gai hain.” Or “lagne wali hain”
MIND - DESPAIR - existence, about miserable: Carc
Miserable means very unhappy, full of misery, deserving pity
Existence is the state or fact of existing,

He feels hopeless when he realizes that he is in a situation from which he can not be saved. He has been wrong suffered but due to Helplessness he can not do anything. This is MISERABLE EXISTENCE of Carcinocin patient.

MIND - DELUSIONS - cancer, has a: Carc
If a patient’s health is deteriorating day by day and it is not getting diagnosed, he starts believing that he has cancer meaning, this dangerous disease will take away his life. This state is because of the extreme suffering and the feeling that he has some serious incurable disease.

Cancer = Death like suffering rather sufferings of death in living body
And carc patient has fear about this disease.

MIND - FEAR - cancer; of: Carc
People believe that this disease can not be cured by any means. It spoils or deteriorates your body. It spreads to other organs and slowly spoils the whole body. Cancer is a state of helplessness where the person does not die but keeps sufferings for a long time till death finally takes over him. It is very painful condition where many would rather prefer dying than live such a miserable life.
He has fears of such INCURABLE situations or diseases.
MIND - FEAR - death, of - cancer; of: Carc
MIND - FEAR - disease, of impending - incurable, of being: Carc
Once he would get it he can not be cured. This fear makes him restless.
MIND - FEAR - recover, he will not: Carc
This is one side of explanation. On other side, if he loses faith of parents of any authority he fears he can not RECOVER this faith.
Recover means to get or find back, to regain a former condition after a loss, to make up for.

He always remains in the thoughts of disease, the miserable situation of life etc. In this situation one can not console him. He never gets pacified with assurance that everything will be alright.

MIND - THOUGHTS - disease, of: Carc
Once he recognizes that he is in grievous state, it is unbearable to him. He thinks or attempts suicide due to this sufferings. He feels life is boring now.
It’s better to die. He wants death by him or others.
“Muze nahi jina, mar dalo muze”

Ennui is the feeling of being bored by something tedious.
Tedious means so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness.
Weary means exhausted or get tired through overuse or great strain or stress, lose interest or become bored with something or somebody, physically and mentally fatigued.
MIND - DEATH – desires: Carc
MIND - KILLED; desire to be: Carc
MIND - SUICIDAL disposition - anguish; during: Carc
MIND - SUICIDAL disposition - pains, from: Carc

Dr Sanjay Jadhav MD (Hom)

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