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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Organon of Medicine


The highest ideal of cure is rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of the health, or removal and annihilation of the disease in its whole extent, in the shortest, most reliable, and most harmless way, on easily comprehensible principles.

Prasad Rasal:
In the first aphorism, Dr Samuel Hahnemann has explained the Mission, the Goal of the Homoeopathic Physician. Now, he defines it in the exact manner i.e. one should know exactly the details regarding the mission & that's why he defines it.
The way he defines it is also very much important to get understand. He says..The highest ideal of cure... means ideally speaking how it should be; it is one of the thought. He never say like the Cure should be but how one should think about the Cure. Dr Samuel Hahnemann also knows that it's not possible to achieve what he says regarding the cure but one should go for achieving in that way. This is one of the concept or fantasy regarding the highest ideal of cure.
So, he says that ...is rapid means as fast as possible; ...gentle means without causing the much suffering to the sick person when it is getting achieved; ...and permanent means there should not be any recurrence; ...restoration of health means again bringing back the harmony of mind, body & soul with the help of the Vital Force; means nothing but the removal & annihilation of the disease in its whole extent by removing the totality of the symptoms; ...in the shortest again means as early as possible; ...most reliable means with the known Homoeopathic medicines already proved on healthy human beings i.e. reliability; ...and most harmless way means without causing any damage to the vital organs as happens in the allopathic science; ...based on easily comprehensible principles means it follows the 7 cardinal principles of the Homoeopathy along with the Hering's Law of the direction of the cure.

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