Welcome to Dr Prasad Rasal's Practical Homoeopathic Discussion
Do visit Dr Prasad Rasal's Sai-Swami Homoeopathic Clinic, Hospital, Research Centre & Maternity Home as well as Hahnemann Hall, at Sangamner in his Practical Homoeopathic Workshops, Seminars & Homoeopathic Training Programs.
For details, Contact:
Dr Prasad Rasal
Sai-Swami Homoeopathic Hospital, Research Centre & Maternity Home,
Indira Nagar Lane No.1,
Sangamner 422605,
Phone: +91 2425 223913
Mobile: +91 9890168872
email: drprasadrasal@rediffmail.com; drprasadrasal@gmail.com
Skype Name: drprasadrasal
Land Marks:
50 km away from Holy Place Shirdi
60 km away from Nasik Road Railway Station on Pune High Way
Friday, August 6, 2010
A Walya became a Walmiki
This is a very interesting case in my practice which shows the in depth action of our dynamic Homoeopathic Remedies changing the complete Personality & Attitude of a Diseased Human Being. It looks very close to a story of Ramayana, the fellow who was like a Walya became a completely different person like Walmiki after the touch of Dynamic Homoeopathic Medicine.
Mr. U.B.D. 36Yrs old male, a diagnosed case of Anxiety Neurosis with Cardio-phobia, came to me on 21st Feb 2003 with the following complaints:
Since 1 yrs.,
Chest pain: Left side extending to groin
Stitching type
Associated with
- Oppression in Chest when reclining
- Pressing Headache in sides of occiput while sitting
- Sudden Weakness in evening
- Short lasting Absentmindedness
ODP: He told that it starts as soon as lot of thoughts crowds in his mind and whenever he suffers from Constipation it gets aggravated.
• H/O Malaria in 1997
• Paralysis: PGM & PGF
• Hypertension: Father
• Craving: Spicy+++,Tobacco+++, Stimulants+++ such as Tea,Coffee,Thumps up
• Sleep:Disturbed due to dreams
• Dreams:Death of a Friend+++
Death of Relatives+++
• Thermal: Ambi-thermal
Patient was born in poor socio-economic family. His father was a peon in Municipal Corporation. His childhood was average including studies and not achieved anything till 10th std.
When he was in 10th std., he developed very high sex drive. Actually since that time, he developed a real problem. He used to stand on the streets & ogles at women. There were continuous thoughts of sex since that time & persists even today also. He is not able to come out of these sexual fancies. Since then he is having excessive sexual desire at night with continuous excessive violent erections before & during sleep. He has multiple extramarital relations before & after marriage. He completed 12th & joined service in Municipal Corporation & worked in different departments of it. But he is not able to concentrate in work due to sexual thoughts.
He got married in 1991. His wife is a Primary Teacher. He has a Elder Daughter & a Son. His wife developed a Vitiligo 4 years after the marriage. This incidence created a state of indifference in him towards her as well as family members. But he used to talk very pleasantly and politely to others. He started avoiding household responsibilities thereafter.
Since 1 year he developed the present complaint along with tremendous phobia. He consumed multiple allopathic treatments for all these troubles but instead of getting cured, it aggravated. He has taken Psychiatric Treatment also.
• Wt: 66 Kg
• Pulse: 80/min
• B.P.: 122/80 mm of Hg
• Male Pattern Baldness
• Tongue: Fissured in all directions with a ulcer at the centre.
• Looks: Lustful
• Anxiety Neurosis with Cardio-Phobia
This case I have solved at first with our regular method of Repertorisation with evaluated totality.
1. Mind: Indifference, apathy; loved once, to strangers, but animate to
2. Mind: Aversion, Family members, to: Talks pleasantly to others
3. Mind: Absentmindedness: Periodical attacks of, short lasting
4. Mind: Lascivious, lustfulness: Ogling, women on the street
5. Mind: Thoughts: Intrude & crowd around each other
6. Mind: Libertinism
7. Chest: Pain: Stitching sides: Left: Extending to Inguinal Region
8. Chest: Oppression: Bending: Agg.: Backward
9. Head Pain: Pressing: Occiput, Sitting while: Agg
10. Generalities; Constipation: Agg
11. Generalities; Weakness, …: Sudden: Evening
12. Male Genitalia: Sexual Desire: Increased: Night: Erections with: Violent
13. Male Genitalia: Erections, troublesome: Continued, Priapism: Night
14. Mind: Dreams: Death, of: Friend, death of a
15. Mind: Dreams: Death, of: Relatives
16. Generalities: Food & Drinks: Spices, …: Desires
17. Generalities: Food & Drinks: Refreshing things: Desires
18. Mouth: Cracked, fissured: Tongue: Directions, in all
19. Extremities: Varices: Leg: Left
1. Acid fluor 27/19
2. Phos 9/5
3. China 8/5
4. Caust 6/4
5. Phos Ac 6/4
6. Nat Mur 4/4
7. Sulph 6/3
So, Acid Fluor covers each & every aspect of the case & comes strikingly after regular Repertorisation.
1. ASPECT OF REDISCOVERY OF HOMOEOPATHY (ROH): i.e. taking in to consideration Present, Predominating & Persistent Mental State of the patient which is as follows:
1. Mind: Indifference, apathy; loved once, to strangers, but animate to
2. Mind: Aversion, Family members, to: Talks pleasantly to others
3. Mind: Absentmindedness: Periodical attacks of, short lasting
4. Mind: Lascivious, lustfulness: Ogling, women on the street
5. Mind: Thoughts: Intrude & crowd around each other
1. Acid Fluor 7/5
2. Cann ind 2/1
3. Merc sol 2/1
4. Nux Mos 2/1
5. Sulph 2/1
With this method also the same remedy comes out i.e. Acid Fluor.
Jan Sholten studied the elements as well as minerals in detail and explained characteristics of individual elements, ions, halogens thro’ concepts & then again he combines them to explain the Group Analysis. So that the understanding of the remedy becomes more clear. The Group Analysis of Acid Group & Fluor Group is as follows:
• Demanding total glamour
• Naive Psychopath
• Desire for total sexual experience
• Exhausted thro’ sex
• A real narcissist
• Totally superficial
• Totally ruthless
…which again totally covered by our case.
So whichever approach you may use, your answer should be the same if you thoroughly study them. But I always consider that the basic foundation of our Organon, Materia-Medica & Repertory should be the firm so that we get a perfect solution for the given case.
21 Feb 2003
• Avoid Tobacco
• Meditation
• Acid Fluor 1m 1 Dose
• Placebo tds… 10 Days
4 Mar 2003
• As soon as he enters in the room, the first sentence was: “Saheb,You have done miracle.”
• Chest Pain much reduced; twice suffered from the similar attacks of less severity in last 10 days due to some mental stress.
• Feeling much energetic
• Much Happy in his behavior
• Sexual thoughts much reduced
Homoeopathic Management
• Meditation continued
• Placebo bid… 1 mth
8 Apr 2003
• Very Happy looking
• Chest Pain very much reduced;
• Once suffered from the similar attacks of less severity in last 1 month
• Feeling much energetic
• Much confident in his behavior
• Sexual thoughts much controlled
• He said that he is able to concentrate in his work now a days which he could not
Homoeopathic Management
• Meditation continued
• Placebo od… 2 mth
10 Oct 2003
• Had brought his wife for the treatment of her Vitiligo;
• Never returned before for follow-up in between;
• When enquired, as he was not having any trouble there-after, he discontinued the treatment;
• Feeling much energetic
• Confident in his behavior
• No more Amorous Thoughts
• He said that he is able to concentrate in his work now a days which he could not
• Now a days he is working as a PA for one of the Politician since last month
• Has shown me some literature written by him useful for the society
Homoeopathic Management
• Meditation continued
• No Medicine
15 Aug 2004
• Got “Best Social Worker Award” of a Ahmednagar District
1ST May 2005
• Got “Best Social Worker Award” of a Maharashtra State
10TH Dec 2007
• Made a very hard effort to develop a in detail Souvenir of his society, the Koshti Society of a Ahmednagar District
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Difference between Perseverance, Obstinate & Pertinacity
Respected Sir,
Please explain the difference between Perseverance, Obstinate & Pertinacity.
Dear Dr Pritam,
I am replying your question after a long time about the difference between Perseverance, Obstinate & Pertinacity.
Let’s start with the dictionary meaning of these words.
Perseverance means
1 the act of persevering; continued, patient effort
2 the quality of one who perseveres; persistence
3 in Calvinism, the continuance in grace of people elected to eternal salvation
Obstinate means
1 unreasonably determined to have one's own way; not yielding to reason or plea; stubborn; dogged; mulish
2 resisting remedy or treatment (an obstinate fever)
3 not easily subdued, ended, etc.
Pertinacity means the quality or condition of being pertinacious; stubborn persistence; obstinacy.
Pertinacious means
1 holding firmly to some purpose, belief, or action, often stubbornly or obstinately
2 hard to get rid of; unyielding; persistent
These dictionary meanings are self explanatory but still I will try my level best to make it as simple as possible.
Perseverance applies to those tireless activities of the human being where person go on doing it continuously. e.g. Generally a patient who use to follow a Homoeopath continuously for years together for his disease or a person use to work continuously for his goal since long time. He is having firm belief about the treatment or whatever goal he is having. Here, Industrious attitude is more exists than Egotism. e.g. Dr Rasal’s perseverance for doing continuous study, learning as much as possible.
Obstinate is stubbornness expresses with some Egotism, Selfishness, Desires. It is commonly observed in children which doesn’t means that it is not observed in Adults. Even after contradiction it, obstinate nature persists. Even though he is wrong, his obstinacy persists. e.g. Dr Rasal is too obstinate to follow the rules, timings etc.
Pertinacity applies to firm activity done for some purpose so that the goal will be achieved. Here again Industriousness comes along with Egotism & Desires. Selfishness may or may not be present with it. e.g. Even though there is very poor response from Homoeopathic Students, Dr Rasal’s pertinacious effort continues for the propagation of Homoeopathy in the Society & Student’s mind.
I think in Synthesis Repertory, Perseverance & Obstinate, Pertinacity is discussed separately but in Complete Repertory Obstinate is given as a cross reference for Perseverance. But from my point of view, Perseverance is very close to Obstinate, Pertinacity in stead of only Obstinate.
These are my thoughts of understanding those three rubrics.
Thank You!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Understanding the Rubric with a Case: Opium
Fear, Extravagance, of: Opium
Let us first understand the dictionary meaning of the words.
Fear means
1 a feeling of anxiety and agitation caused by the presence or nearness of danger, evil, pain, etc.; timidity; dread; terror; fright; apprehension
2 respectful dread; awe; reverence
3 a feeling of uneasiness or apprehension; concern (a fear that it will rain)
4 a cause for fear; possibility; chance (there was no fear of difficulty)
Extravagance means
1 a going beyond reasonable or proper limits in conduct or speech; unreasonable excess
2 a spending of more than is reasonable or necessary; excessive expenditure; wastefulness
3 an instance of excess in spending, behavior, or speech Also
The meaning of the whole rubric is: Fear of going beyond limits, unreasonable excess.
Case: A patient of hair fall came to me & I observed on his face a lot of anxiety as if he is suffering from a very severe illness. He uttered with lot of fear on his face: Doctor, I am suffering from so severe hair fall that I feel that after a month there will not remain a single hair on my scalp. Dr. please, please give me some medicine.
So, I considered a fear which is out of proportion to his illness or suffering. He is considering that he will get bald within a month. So, I considered two rubrics:
1. Fear, Extravagance, of
along with one more rubric i.e.
2. Praying
Result of Repertorisation:
Opium 2/2
We never think of Opium for a hair fall because we use to consider only a Materia Medica picture of the Opium. But, because of proper understanding of the rubrics, one becomes unprejudiced which Dr Samuel hahnemann says one of the basic quality Homoeopathic Physician should possess.
I have prescribed him Opium 30 a single dose followed by placebo & revived him after 10days when he said in a very happy mood: Doctor, first time after a long time I am enjoying my life. Hair fall is 90% reduced & because of which my anxiety is also disappeared. Thanks!
One more versions of the same rubric:
(Everything in a Frightful appearance) Doctor, you told me that my disease will be cured within three months. It’s already 6 months passed. Doctor, whether I will become all right? Why I am not getting cured? Is there any major problem?
Thank You!
The Value of Objective Rubrics with ExamplesA Case of Avascular Necrosis of Femoral Head
Friday, July 16, 2010
Timidity, Business, in transacting: Op
Timidity means
1 easily frightened; lacking self-confidence; shy; timorous
2 showing fear or lack of self-confidence; hesitant (a timid reply)
Business means
1 one's work, occupation, or profession
2 a special task, duty, or function
3 rightful concern or responsibility (no one's business but his own)
4 a matter, affair, activity, etc. (the business of packing for a trip)
5 the buying and selling of commodities and services; commerce; trade
6 a commercial or industrial establishment; store, factory, etc
7 the trade or patronage of customers
8 commercial practice or policy
9 a bit of action in a drama, as pouring a drink, intended to establish character, take up a pause in dialogue, etc.
Transacting means
1 to carry on, perform, conduct, or complete (business, etc)
2 [Rare] to do business; negotiate
The complete meaning of this rubric is there is timidity in transacting his or her business. Generally, we consider the exact word meaning of the word ‘Business’. But if we will think in depth regarding the word, we can consider the huge understanding of it according the situation.
For every person, his or her business is different. For e.g.
1. If I am in such a situation that I require money from my parents for certain purpose. At that time, it becomes my business to ask for the same towards them.
2. If one has to tell someone regarding something which is very important for both of them, it becomes his or her business at that specific time.
3. If one has to convey some message to a senior at a particular time, it becomes his or her business at that time.
Let me explain a short case in which I have considered this specific rubric & case got solved.
In my Homoeopathic Workshop, one student came from very long distance for learning the Homoeopathy. Next day after the Workshop, she attended my O.P.D. to understand how I use to prescribe & deals with the patient from 9am to 1pm.
During whole period she was sitting quiet & listening whatever I was discussing. After the O.P.D. was finished, she went in her room & started crying loudly. When I was passing from her room, I observer she was crying very loudly. I couldn’t understand what has happened to her within 5-10 min. period. So, I asked her friend regarding it. She told, Sir, she was getting very severe Pain in abdomen since morning. I asked her why don’t you told it to me. She said how to tell you Sir. Actually, you were teaching so nicely at that time. I feel how I can say such a thing.
So, at that time it was her business to tell me from whatever she was suffering so that I could have prescribed some medicine to her. But, due to her timid nature, she never expressed her feeling.
So, I considered this rubric & told her that this was your mental state during that specific time. I asked her to take a dose of Opium 30 for her pain in abdomen. But she was not ready to take it. Again when I forcefully asked her why she is not ready to take the medicine, then hesitantly she answered (Same mental state) that she is under Homoeopathic Treatment of another Homoeopath who had prescribed her Stramonium for Polycystic Ovarian Disease 45 days back. But, still she never got her periods. So, I asked her to take Opium 30 with the kind permission of that Homoeopath. Her pain in abdomen stopped immediately & within a week, she got periods.
Sometimes, it can be mistaken as: Anxiety, Conscience, of
But, this is not an Anxiety but a fear or timidity. Because,
Anxiety means
1 a state of being uneasy, apprehensive, or worried about what may happen; concern about a possible future event
2 Psychiatry an abnormal state like this, characterized by a feeling of being powerless and unable to cope with threatening events, typically imaginary, and by physical tension, as shown by sweating, trembling, etc.
3 an eager but often uneasy desire
Conscience means
1 a knowledge or sense of right and wrong, with an urge to do right; moral judgment that opposes the violation of a previously recognized ethical principle and that leads to feelings of guilt if one violates such a principle
2 [Obs.] a) consciousness b) inner thoughts or feelings
The meaning of the whole rubric is it is the inner moral feeling to introspect that whether he is not at fault/ whether he is not troubling anyone unnecessarily or unknowingly etc.
Thank You!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Understanding the Rubric
Whenever a patient comes to us, he is in a diseased state. So, naturally whatever he utters & his expressions, tone of discussion during that state is his state of disposition & mind. I use to concentrate on the same & try to convert it in to the Rubrics because Dr Samuel Hahnemann defined the Law of Similars as:
A drug capable of producing in a healthy individual a diseased state exactly similar to that observed in a diseased individual acts as a curative agent if the disease is in a curable state.
He has specifically used the word Diseased State & not the symptoms or disease.
Why the State of disposition & mind?
Because our master Dr Samuel Hahnemann explained it in the 6th edition of Organon of Medicine, in
§ 211: This holds good to such an extent, that the state of the disposition of the patient often chiefly determines the selection of the homoeopathic remedy, as being a decidedly characteristic symptom which can least of all remain concealed from the accurately observing physician.
So, what is a state?
State is nothing but the Individuality expressed thro’ symptoms, words, language, tone, emotions & body language etc.
For e.g. Person’s version (Sentence): How are you?
“How are you?” can be asked with different tones & expressions like Sympathetic, Curious, Dominating, Vindictive etc. So, “how are you” words are not important but the man behind these words is important. So, state expresses with the help of the words which we have to find it out thro’ unprejudiced observation, sound senses, keen observation & fidelity in tracing the picture of the disease. This captured diseased state of the individual we have to repertories to get the Perfect Similimum.
Now we will turn towards the rubric:
Philosophy, Ability for: At first we will understand the meaning of the words.
Philosophy means:
1 [Archaic] love of, or the search for, wisdom or knowledge
2 theory or logical analysis of the principles underlying conduct, thought, knowledge, and the nature of the universe: included in philosophy are ethics, aesthetics, logic, epistemology, metaphysics, etc.
3 the general principles or laws of a field of knowledge, activity, etc.! The philosophy of economics"
4 a) a particular system of principles for the conduct of life b) a treatise covering such a system
5 a study of human morals, character, and behavior
6 mental balance or composure thought of as resulting from the study of philosophy
Ability means:
1 a being able; power to do (something physical or mental)
2 skill, expertness, or talent
So, the complete meaning of the rubric is:
These people have the ability to explain each & everything with the help of certain social principles. For every discussion they used to take the help of those principles.
Common versions of those people’s discussion are:
1. Doctor, don’t you feel that his/ her behavior is not like social norms? Actually, one should behave like normal social norms. He/she should consider how to behave in the society.
2. Doctor, my brother doesn’t understand how to behave with the parents. His behavior is absolutely wrong. He must respect the parents.
3. Every doctor should do ethical medical practice. They should not cheat their patients. But now a day, we never get such type of peoples.
4. I use to follow all human ethics. Generally, I never trouble anyone without reason. Even anyone troubles me I use to consider that this might be a tendency of that individual. Ultimately, every human being is having a different nature.
So, people go on discussing in such a way that we can easily understand their philosophical ability.
I generally never come to conclusion of the rubric with a single version. If we get similar version 2 or more time in a case, we get confirmation about the state of the individual & then we must consider that rubric.
Thank You!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Understanding the Rubric
Conflict between higher consciousness & worldly existence: Hydrogen
First we will study the dictionary meanings of few words of this rubric.
Conflict means - 1 [Obs.] to fight; battle; contend
2 to be antagonistic, incompatible, or contradictory; be in opposition; clash! Ideas that conflict"
1 a fight or struggle, esp. a protracted one; war
2 sharp disagreement or opposition, as of interests or ideas; clash
3 emotional disturbance resulting from a clash of opposing impulses or from an inability to reconcile impulses with realistic or moral considerations
4 [Rare] collision of moving bodies
SYN.—conflict refers to a sharp disagreement or collision as in interests or ideas and emphasizes the process rather than the end [the conflict over slavery]; fight, a rather general word for any contest, struggle, or quarrel, stresses physical or hand-to-hand combat; struggle implies great effort or violent exertion, physical or otherwise [the struggle for existence]; contention most frequently applies to heated verbal strife, or dispute [religious contention broke out]; contest refers to a struggle, either friendly or hostile, for supremacy in some matter [athletic contests, a contest of wits]
Consciousness means – 1 the state of being conscious; awareness of one's own feelings, what is happening around one, etc.
2 the totality of one's thoughts, feelings, and impressions; conscious mind
Existence means – 1 the act of existing; state or fact of being
2 continuance of being; life; living
3 occurrence; specific manifestation
4 a manner of existing, being, or living! Derelicts have a poor existence"
5 a being; entity; thing that exists
Worldly – 1 of or limited to this world; temporal or secular
2 devoted to or concerned with the affairs, pleasures, etc. of this world:
3 worldly-wise; sophisticated
So, now if you will understand the meaning of the whole rubric, it shows: There is a conflict in the persons mind regarding his physical & metaphysical existence or in a simple language the material & dynamic aspect of the human being. He is in a confused state regarding his physical existence on this earth & at the same time the spiritual – dynamic aspect of him in this universe.
Let me explain a case:
This is a case of Eczema which I was not able to understand seven years back. The Patient’s version was:
Doctor, I am in a confused state. Number of times, I feel whether I am a part of this universe or not. My thoughts never get coped with the people of this world. Sometimes, I feel who I am? I am embarrassed because of these thoughts. Every human being is part of the Spirit & I thank he should be.
He goes on discussing number of things continuously like a Loquacious person.
I made a mistake of prescribing him Sulphur because at that time I was not knowing this Rubric because rest of the rubrics are common in both remedies i.e. Hydrogen & Sulphur. Ultimately, I never cot a perfect similimum & I have to reconsider this case for 2-3 times to get cured.
1. Conflict between higher consciousness & worldly existence
2. Egotism
3. Theorizing
4. Embarrassment
5. Philosophy, Ability for
6. Loquacity
Result of Repertorisation:
1. Hydrogen 6/6
2. Sulphur 8/5
3. Lachesis 9/4
So, if I would have prescribed this perfect similimum Hydrogen as a first prescription, I might not have to reconsider the case.
This is the importance of perfect similimum & perceiving the right rubric.
Thank You!
Dr Prasad Rasal,
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Practical Utility of the Rubrics
Afflict means:
1 to cause pain or suffering to; distress very much
2 [Obs.] to overthrow
Affliction means:
1 an afflicted condition; pain; suffering
2 anything causing pain or distress; calamity
SYN.—Affliction implies pain, suffering, or distress imposed by illness, loss, misfortune, etc.;
Trial suggests suffering that tries one's endurance, but in a weaker sense refers to annoyance that tries one's patience;
Tribulation describes severe affliction continuing over a long and trying period;
Misfortune is applied to a circumstance or event involving adverse fortune and to the suffering or distress occasioned by it.
Suffered means:
1 to undergo (something painful or unpleasant, as injury, grief, a loss, etc.); be afflicted with
2 to undergo or experience (any process, esp. change)
3 to allow; permit; tolerate
4 to bear up under; endure: now chiefly in negative constructions (they could not suffer opposition)
Overwhlming means:
1 to pour down upon and cover over or bury beneath
2 to make helpless, as with greater force or deep emotion; overcome; crush; overpower
3 [Obs.] to overthrow or overturn
So, the actual meaning of the whole Rubric is...
Feels as if he had suffered from an overwhlming affliction i.e. nothing but a very painful experience. Generally it happens in patients who suffered from a very painful diseased condition or even a very painful mental torture. Cyclamen is the only remedy under this rubric in Complete Repertory.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Practical Utility of the Rubrics
Absentmind means:
1 so dreamy or lost in thought as not to pay attention to what one is doing or what is going on around one
2 habitually forgetful
Absent-mindedness compared with Synonyms:
Absent-minded suggests an aimless wandering of the mind away from the immediate situation, often implying a habitual tendency of this kind [the absent-minded professor];
Abstracted suggests a withdrawal of the mind from the immediate present and a serious concern with some other subject;
Preoccupied implies that the attention cannot be readily turned to something new because of its concern with a present matter;
Distrait suggests inability to concentrate, often emphasizing such a condition as a mood;
Distraught implies a similar inability to concentrate, specifically because of worry, grief, etc.;
Inattentive implies a failure to pay attention, emphasizing such behavior as a lack of discipline.
Children means:
1 an infant; baby
2 an unborn offspring; fetus
3 a boy or girl in the period before puberty
4 a son or daughter; offspring
5 a) a descendant b) a member of a tribe, clan, etc. (often used in pl.) !children of Israel"
6 a person like a child in interests, judgment, etc., or one regarded as immature and childish
7 a person identified with a specified place, time, etc. !a child of the Renaissance"
8 a thing that springs from a specified source; product !a child of one's imagination"
9 [Archaic] CHILDE
10 [Brit. Dial.] a female infant
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Practical Utility of the Rubrics
Superstition means
1 any belief, based on fear or ignorance, that is inconsistent with the known laws of science or with what is generally considered in the particular society as true and rational; esp., such a belief in charms, omens, the supernatural, etc.
2 any action or practice based on such a belief
3 such beliefs collectively
Superstitious means
1 of, characterized by, or resulting from superstition
2 having superstitions
Fear means
1 a feeling of anxiety and agitation caused by the presence or nearness of danger, evil, pain, etc.; timidity; dread; terror; fright; apprehension
2 respectful dread; awe; reverence
3 a feeling of uneasiness or apprehension; concern "a fear that it will rain".
4 a cause for fear; possibility; chance "there was no fear of difficulty".
Fear, Superstitious means a fear based on certain misconcepts fitted fixed in mind which develops so acutely whenever similar conditions appears. A person becomes so sad & restless mentally & physically during that time. It gets associated with following single remedy rubrics of the same remedy:
Despair, Sad thoughts, on account of: Rhus T
Restlessness, nervousness, Sadness, with, Thoughts, in: Rhus T
Thinking, Sad things agg., of: Rhus T
Friday, June 4, 2010
Express your views regarding- Is there really any necessity to give any vaccinations to childrens?-Dr.Pritam S. Bhanwase
Saturday, May 29, 2010 12:17:00 PM
Dear Dr Pritam...
You have really asked a very debatable question.
I want to clear my views regarding the issue of Vaccination.
As a Homoeopath, I am really against the Vaccination because
1. It increases Selective Immunity at the cost of General Immunity.
2. It produces very severe Immune Responce which generally disturbs the natural harmony of Human Life & a healthy person becomes a diseased individual. There are multiple examples which regularly gets published in the news papers & number of them remains hidden. Recently there was a news regarding the great mortality caused due to Polio Vaccine in Daily Lokmat. As you know, my daughter suffered from pan encephalitis & she was in coma for 4-5 days after the BCG vaccination. It's really so dangerous. That's why in our materia medica, there are drugs for bad effects of vaccination.
3. For the preparation of the Vaccines, number of times animal protein is used. If two persons blood groups doesn't match, body's immune system produces a very severe reaction. Naturally, how can human immune system will accept so easily the animal protein?
Then a question arises, why is it necessary to give vaccines?
Every nation tries to maintain the health of the population on a mass scale by the concept of Prevention is always better than a Cure. Vaccine concept is based on the role of Prevention. As this concept is used on a very large scale everywhere, no one have given attention towards its harmful effects as those happens with comparatively in few. So, Vaccination is included in our National Health Programme & is included in our syllabus in the subject of Preventive & Social Medicine. As it is included in our syllabus, by law it becomes our duty & not to deny the concept of vaccination otherwise if anything goes wrong, by law you are a criminal if you have not followed whatever is there in your syllabus. So, its always better, tell the people regarding the side effects of vaccination but don't give your own decision whether to give or not to give. People should decide themselves regarding the same. Our duty is to tell them the truth which one should do religiously.
These are my views which are not an authority.
Friday, May 21, 2010
• What one OBSERVE is more important than What one SAY.
• Because one can make fool to a LISTENER but not to an OBSERVER.
• Our Master, Dr Samuel Hahnemann, in aphorism No. 83, says regarding the qualities of the Homoeopathic Physician as:
1.Freedom from Prejudice
2.Sound Senses
3.Attention in Observing
4.Fidelity in tracing the picture of the disease
• Naturally, the Homoeopathic Physician should be a KEEN OBSERVER so that he can get as much information as he can thro’ his observation which is more trustworthy.
• That’s why today I want to discuss some of very valuable Objective Rubrics which we can consider while Case Taking & Repertorisation.
1. Frown, disposed to:
• Frown means:
1. to contract the brows, as in displeasure or concentrated thought
2. to look with displeasure or disapproval (on or upon
3. contracting of the brows in sternness, thought, etc.
4. any expression of displeasure or disapproval
• Disposed means inclined; having a certain tendency or inclination: often preceded by an adverb ! to feel well-disposed toward someone.
2. Gestures, makes, Talking, while: Lyc, Nux v, Puls, Sep, Sulph
• Gestures means:
1. a movement, or movements collectively, of the body, or of part of the body, to express or emphasize ideas, emotions, etc.
2. anything said or done to convey a state of mind, intention, etc.; often, something said or done merely for effect or as a formality [a gesture of sympathy]
• Makes means to do
• Talking means the act of a person who talks; discussion; conversation
3. Gestures, makes, Talking, while, Head, with: Lyc, Puls, Sulph
It means a Gesture along with the movement of the head.
4. Timidity, Bashful
• Timid means:
1.easily frightened; lacking self-confidence; shy; timorous
2.showing fear or lack of self-confidence; hesitant [a timid reply]
• Bashful means:
1.timid, shy, and easily embarrassed
2.showing an embarrassed timidity
5. Mouth: Flabby, Tongue
Flabby means: Flaccid, hanging loose
6. Mouth: Flabby, Tongue, with imprints of teeth
Imprints means: to print, to impress
7. Mouth: Cracked, fissured, Tongue, Centre
8. Face: Discoloration, Chloasma:
Chloasma means a pigmentary skin discolorations, usually those occurring in yellowish, brown patches or spots.
9. Nose: Knobby tip: Aur, Calc
• Knobby means
• 1) a rounded lump or protuberance
• 2 a) a handle, usually round, of a door, drawer, etc.
b) a similar device which is turned to control operations of electronic or electrical equipment, as a radio or TV receiver
10. Face: Eruptions, Acne, Nose
Acne means a common, chronic skin disease, esp. among adolescents and young adults, characterized by inflammation of the sebaceous apparatus, usually causing pimples.
11. Mouth: Protruding, Tongue
Protruding means to thrust or jut out; project
Friday, April 30, 2010
Continued from last post....Study of the Rubrics generally associated with each other
- Company, Aversion to, agg., Solitude, fond of: …, …, Nat-m, …,
Company means companionship, to keep someone with. Aversion means deep dislike. Aggravation means to make worse.
Solitude means loneliness. To be fond of means desire for certain things.
Due to their disease, despair state, these peoples try to remain isolated. They don’t want to remain in company. Their complaints aggravates in company. They are generally lonely peoples.
- Delusions, imaginations, Net, he is in a: Nat-m
Delusions mean a misleading opinion, idea or belief or a state away from reality. Imaginations mean formation of images of objects not present by a mental faculty. Net means material made of hair, string, wire, etc tied, twisted or woven together to grasp the animals in it.
Generally, these people are so disturbed & depressed either due to their disappointment/ deception or diseases & feels as if they are trapped in a cage or net. They are not able to get opened in the society. Their face shows such anxiety.
- Delusions, imaginations, Pitied on account of his misfortune & he weeps, he is: Nat-m
- Weeping, tearful mood, Pitied, if he believes he is: Nat-m
Pitied means compassion, fellow-feeling.
Misfortune means bad luck.
Weeps mean to cry, to shed tears.
Due to suffering or present depressed state of mind because of some disappointment/ deception, these peoples always blames their destiny/ fortune & goes on weeping.
- Delusion, imaginations, Wretched, she looks, when looking in a mirror: Lap-c-b, Nat-m
Wretched means unfortunate, miserable.
Mirror is an entity which reflects the image of the person when looking in it. Mirror word can be considered as it is or if people around this person make comments regarding his personality, this can be considered as a mirror. He feels unfortunate. He blames his destiny. He feels he is unfortunate & that’s why he looks like that etc.
This version generally observed in the persons who are suffering from Scarred Acnes with greasy face or who are suffering from some skin disorders which alters their personalities etc.
- Despair, Pregnancy, during: Nat-m
- Indignation, Pregnant, while: Nat-m
Despair means to lose all hope.
Indignation means feeling of anger & scorn. Pregnancy means the state or condition of being full of meaning, formation of something new as new disturbing thoughts, ideas, eruptions etc. Pregnant word should not be taken only as a child bearing condition but considered as a full of meaning.
These people loose all the hopes whenever some new thing happens or develops or sometimes due to their suffering, they become angry on themselves or become indignant.
- Dwells on, Past disagreeable occurrences, Grieve therefore, to: Nat-m
Dwell means to live, to reside, and to think a lot. Past means the time that has gone by. Disagreeable means unpleasant, different than his/ her own thoughts.
Occurrences mean happenings.
Grieve means to cause grief to.
These people always lives in past. An unpleasant occurrences remains in their mind forever & they goes on thinking about them continuously. This becomes a chronic grief for them which is responsible for their present despair state.
- Faces the wall if anybody talks to him: Nat-m
- Looked at, Cannot bear to be, Faces the wall if anybody talks to him: Nat-m
Faces the wall means to turn the face towards the wall instead of facing the reality of the life.
Looked at, Cannot bear to be means never likes to be looked up-on by others.
Because of the despair, depressed state of mind either due to disappointment or deception or due to the suffering, these people don’t want to get mixed with the society. They are fond of solitude. If anyone wants to talk to them, they tries to avoid the communication, they run away from the place or they stops the talking by avoiding the looks with the other person. Even they don’t like the sympathy or consolation.
- Morose, sulky, cross, fretful, ill-humor, peevish, Questioned, when: Nat-m
Morose means sullen, gloomy.
Sulky means obstinately silent from ill-humour.
Cross mean contrary, bad tempered. Fretful means irritable, discontented etc.
Ill-humor means angry, indignant.
Peevish means irritable, making complaints always.
Question means a sentence in which one requests to know something.
Because of the despair, depressed state of mind either due to disappointment or deception or due to the suffering, these people are always found to be in an irritable, morose, sulky mood & this mood gets aggravated whenever they are questioned. They don’t like to be disturbed but desires solitude.
- Restlessness, nervousness, Alternating with, Indifference: Nat-m
Restlessness means knowing no rest, disturbed, unsettled.
Nervousness means uneasy & restless.
Alternating means placed each after one of the other kind.
Indifference means absence of interest or attention. These people always either look very restless & nervous due to their problems or absolutely indifferent to everything. They don’t have any interest in anything which is happening around them. You can observe such alternating state in these patients.
- Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy, Disease, As from, Afternoon: Nat-m
Sadness means unhappy, sorrowful.
Despondency means hopeless.
Depression means sadness, the state of being dull.
Melancholy means sadness.
Disease means an illness, not at an ease.
Afternoon as a word means the time between noon & evening. But if you think & apply the same terminology to a complete period of the disease, then it can be considered as a period of the peak level of the disease turning towards its end either towards recovery or towards end. Due to severity of the disease state or despaired state because of some disappointment/ deception, these persons turned towards severe depression as from very severe disease.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Study of the Rubrics generally associated with each other
In some disorders of the skin which are generally disturbs beauty of an Individual & also if there is a big chronic disappointment in the life of a person, the following state of disposition & mind is expressed commonly.
- Ailments from, Disappointment, deception, old: NAT-M
Disappointment means fails to meet the expectations, hopes, desires & generally sadness develops as a result of it.
Deception means the act of deceiving or cheating.
An ailment means an illness.
When disease is expressing on the Patient’s face or in his or her personality due to some old, long standing disappointment or if someone has cheated this person, one should definitely consider this rubric.
Generally Physician can get the cause from the patient or attendant. - Absorbed, buried in thought, Become of him, as to what would: Nat-m
- Thoughts, Himself, about, Become of him, what would: Nat-m
Absorbed means deeply involved. Buried in thought means as if covered with earth; meaning deeply involved in the thoughts. As to what would become of him means due to such disappointment or deception or illness what will be the future of him.
Such thoughts get crowded in such personalities & they look depressed. State of despair is expressing on their face. They look like as if in their own world & never understand what is happening around them. - Answer, answering, answers, Reluctantly, Physician, to: Nat-m
Answer means to say something in return when questioned. Reluctantly means unwillingly. Physician means the person who is having knowledge of human being & their diseases & who treats the diseased individual.
Generally, these people are so disturbed & depressed either due to their disappointment/ deception or diseases, they don’t want to share anything with anyone, not even the Physician who want to treat them & that’s why when questioned by him, they answer reluctantly.
Monday, April 26, 2010
MRS.T.G.K., 69Yrs old lady, consulted me on 10th October1998, with only a single symptom:
- A pedunculated, painless wart on anterior side of neck since one year.
- She has cauterized it earlier 6 month back but it recurred again. She went to Surgeon who denied to operate & referred her to me.
- She was much anxious regarding her wart.
- I asked her, is it really necessary to get it removed?
- She answered that’s why I am here. Is it really getting removed with homoeopathy?
- No other complaints she answered.
- I thought : “Why a lady of 69 yrs desires to remove a painless wart?”
- Don’t you think it is interesting?
- I asked the same to her.
- She answered: Doctor, don’t you feel that it looks too ugly?
So, to start with the case, she gives us a hint if you are logical Homoeopathic Practitioner. But it’s too early to come to certain induction & getting prejudiced. We must perceive the whole case & then come to certain conclusion.
- According to Organon §185-209, it becomes a One sided local malady.
- We are now totally without any other data. So what should we do?
- In § 5 Dr. Hahnemann says How to investigate a Fundamental cause?
So, we have to ask regarding Past, Family, Personal History along with Life Space Investigation to understand the Dynamic derangement of Vital Force.
Past History:
- Since 1965- A diagnose case of Myxoedema – She is on Eltroxin since.
- 1972 - Right radical mastectomy was done due to Ca-breast followed by radiotherapy.
- 1977 - Early menopause - She got DUB for which D&C was done followed by menopause.
- 1980-81 - Both eyes cataract operated.
- 1990 - Myocardial infarction followed by angioplasty.
Family History:
- Father died early due to Ca prostate.
Personal History:
- Sleeplessness due to multiple thoughts & ideas.
Life Space Investigation:
- A lady from well to do family, married early due to her father’s death.
- Husband LIC Businessman, has 4 sons & 2 daughters. All of them are very much settled & married.
- Since childhood, she is a happy go lucky, like outing in the nature.
- In fact she loves traveling & visiting different places.
- She is quiet excitable & therefore gets irritable very early for time being but it immediately disappears & becomes cheerful.
- She is very perfect in her work.
- Due to which always in anxious mood whether she make it perfect & expect that every one also should follow her. Therefore, every time reproaches her daughter in laws.
- Even though, she offends, she also shows love to others.
- She likes pet animals more & shows more sympathy for them.
Physical General Examination:
- Wt - 65kg.
- Pulse - 78/min.
- BP - 130/88 mm of Hg.
- Affectionate appearance, fair, good looking, up to date in dressing, wearing dark green saree with design of flowers on it.
Miasmatic Background: CANCER
- Family H/O Ca Prostate
- Past H/O Ca breast
- Perfectionism
- Extremist
Repertorial Totality:
- Affectionate
- Anxiety of conscience
- Dancing desire for
- Music desires
- Irritability alternate with cheerfulness
- Travel desires to be
- Reproaches others
- Fastidious
- Thunderstorm during >
- Skin, Eruption, Warts
Result of Repertorisation:
- Carcinosin 20/10
- Nat mur 11/7
- Platina 7/7
- Ars alb 13/6
- Aur met 11/6
Homoeopathic Treatment: 10/10/1998
- Carcinosin 1m 1dose
- Placebo tds x 15days
25/10/1998 (15days after):
- Wart as it is.
- She was quiet happy & her anxiety for the same is reduced. But still asked, doctor how many days will it take to get removed?
- Placebo bd x 1mth
- She was very much happy showing me that the wart is on the way of falling.
- A good base was formed for its detachment.
- Placebo od x 1mth
- Wart absent without a sign of it as a scar or de-pigmentation.
20/12/1998: What she said is more important -
- Doctor, I was absolutely in doubt before taking medicine but what happened I don’t know.
- After the first dose, which you gave me at first consultation, immediately I felt that some thing is happening in me.
- Some change which I could not tell you in words.
- But I am sure it was due to your medicine.
- As medicines are going on, my irritability is also decreased considerably.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Repertory Simplified
Repertory is defined in different ways.
It is called to be a Dictionary of the Materia Medica.
Repertory is a handy tool to come to a small group of Remedies from the Jungle of Remedies.
How to Study a Repertory?
If anyone wants to learn any Repertory, he must know it's construction. Construction is nothing but the Ground Plan of that Repertory i.e. how this Repertory is made, how is the arrangement of the Rubrics-sub rubrics, how the months-timings are defined etc.
Generally, all Repertories are based on the deductive logic except very few like Boenninghausen's Repertory which is based on the inductive logic.
Repertory based on the Deductive Logic means tha arrangement of the Rubric is from General Rubric to a very Particular Rubric as
Main Rubric
Sub Rubric
Sub-sub Rubric
Sub-sub sub Rubric etc. till the particular sub rubric is not finished.
- Alphabetical order except Timings
- Timings are according to their appearance beginning from Morning & ending with Midnight
- If any symptom is found during Daytime, then the symptom is given before starting the timings of the day; as morning, forenoon, & so on
Each general Rubric is further modified in to the following six modifications:
- Sides: Right then Left
- Timings: Morning...Midnight
- Conditions & Circumstances (Modalities)
- Extending to ( not extending from)
- Location
- Character of the pain or symptoms
- All the six modifications need not necessarily present under every general rubric.
- There is an alteration in the sequence of modifications in case of HEAD. The head being round & one, under the general rubric PAIN, the first modification ‘Side’ is not given but it is found under the fifth modification ‘Location’ starting with one side, both sides then followed by sides Right & Left as usual.
- The sub rubrics whenever possible, are also divided in to these six modifications.
- Grade 1
Symptoms are recorded intensely in every prover during proving, confirmed every time by all provers during reproving & verified up on every similar sick persons carries 3 marks. - Grade 2
Symptoms are recorded less intensely in certain provers during proving, confirmed by some provers during reproving & verified up on some similar sick persons carries 2 marks. - Grade 3
Very few provers records such symptoms with very less intensity during proving, confirmed by very few provers by reproving & very occasionally verified up on similar sick persons carries 1 mark. - Therefore,
Grading = Intensity of the Rubric/ Symptom appeared in the proving
Different Repertories have different grades.
e.g. Synthesis = 5 Grades
Complete = 4 Grades
Kent = 3 Grades etc.
- Morning: 5am – 10am
- Forenoon: 10am – 12noon
- Noon: 12noon – 1pm
- Afternoon: 1pm – 6pm
- Evening: 6pm – 9pm
- Night: After 9pm – 5am
- Midnight before: Before 12’ O clock
- After midnight: After 12’ O clock
- Midnight: 12 O clock
- The clock timings like 5am, 6pm etc. are given at the end of each rubric.
- Under Weather, there are further classifications such as Clear, Cloudy, Foggy, Stormy, Windy, Dry, Cold, Wet weather etc.
- There is no such rubric as Weather in Generalities & all the weather conditions put under it but we will find them in an alphabetical order in Kent’s Repertory.
- But in Synthesis, we can get such a rubric in Generalities chapter as Weather… followed by sub-rubrics
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Two cases of One Sided Disease cured with Same Rubrics
A Case of Corn on a Palm
Case 2:
A Case of Pedunculated Wart on a Finger
In both cases Patient's version was SAME. Version means what patient says about his disease. Both Patient used very similar language in the same tone.
Patient's Version with Doctor:
Patient: Doctor, look at this. I am having this (Corn/ Wart) since long time. Is it curable with Homoeopathy?
Doctor: Why don't you told me regarding this previously? ( As both the patients were under my Homoeopathic treatment since long time for some ailments)
Patient: Doctor, I felt it will be settled by it's own. I have tried some local measures & I felt it will disappear. That's why I never told regarding it to you. Why this appears?
That's all I have considered for Repertorisation.
1. Light, Desire for: As described earlier, Light has multiple meanings in the dictionary & you can use this rubric with respect to all of them.
For e.g. Light means really a light i.e. opposite to darkness. So, if a person doesn’t know regarding anything, he is in dark about the same thing. If he wants to know regarding the same i.e. he wants to throw light up on it, you can consider the same rubric as described in the above case. He was in dark regarding the cause of her illness & he casually asked the question which indicates he wants to throw a light on it. If you are using this rubric, always find it out the casual approach of the patient for asking this question. Even if you don’t answer his question, it doesn’t matter. Here it differs from the rubric Inquisitive in which there is no casual approach & person waits for perfect answer or he needs the complete answer of the question. He goes on asking till he gets satisfied answer. If a person desires light in the same sense of light, you can consider the same rubric. If a person likes comedy movies just to enjoy coming out of the heavy stress, you can use the same rubric. If a person is obese & he wants to reduce his weight, you can consider him same rubric. In the similar manner, you can use not only this rubric but the entire rubrics using proper logic.
2. Delusions, Sheep, Driving: Aconite is the Single Remedy under this rubric. What does it means exactly? It was the question for me since long time. But as I have started learning RH aspect, I got the detailed meaning of such difficult looking rubrics.
Sheep's are such animals which walks looking down behind the first one. They don't have the sense whatever is going around them. They go on walking. The person who takes them just makes only certain voice or noise & these sheeps follow that without looking anywhere. It is not so difficult. In the similar manner, Patient feels that his disease is not so difficult & he can manage it by some simple measures as if he can manage the sheep's. He feel regarding the disease as if the sheeps are walking, his disease is also going on & on. चल रहा है, चलने दो।
In short, Delusion, Sheep, Driving means the Patient feels his disease is like a Sheep & he can manage it by some local means. He takes it so lightly.
In both cases I have prescribed Aconite 30 three doses, followed by placebos & both cases cured completely within 10 days. This happened first time because previously such one sided cases were most difficult task for me to get cured in my practice.
Understanding the meaning of the difficult Rubrics & Perceiving them in Patient's versions always make Homoeopathic Practice easy.
Thank You!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Understanding the Rubrics of a Case of Viral Warts
- Restlessness, Children, in: Here the role of the Homoeopathic Physician is most important. Dr Samuel Hahnemannin § 83 says about qualities of the Homoeopathic Physician as Attention in Observing which is important to find out such rubrics because Patient will not give you such a information but one has to OBSERVE CAREFULLY. Such Children never sits in one place in your O.P.D.. They goes here & there, touches number of things.
- Affectation: Means showing feelings which are not Natural. For e.g. A child before coming to clinic tells everyone that I will talk to Doctor about my suffering, I am not at all frightened about injections, I am fearless etc., but as soon as he enters the clinic, he starts crying loudly. All is daring vanishes. This is typical Affectation.
- Obstinate, Children: You can get this information from the parents as well as you can observe it during case taking. This rubric you can get very commonly in children.
- Clinging, Children, of, Awake terrified, know no one, cling to those near: Means to hold fast. This generally develops because of the fright or frightful dreams. Those children wakes at night due to some reason & get frightened, & clings to those who are near to them. This information comes from parents.
- Biting, Nails: You can get this information from the parents as well as you can observe it during case taking. This rubric you can get very commonly in children. Generally, these children are restless as well as shy or timid. You can observe the nails & then parent tell that we don't have to cut his/ her nails. It goes automatically in the mouth.
Friday, April 9, 2010
A Case of Viral Warts
Patient’s Father: Doctor, what may be the cause behind these? And one more thing I want to tell you that now a days he is bunking school by giving some reasons like pain in abdomen or headache etc. He became obstinate & never listens to anyone. Probably getting frightened at night because he wakes at night & clings to me. During this conversation, he was biting his nails.
This was the present state of disposition & mind of the case for me.
If I would have been an old prescriber, I would have entered in to all the details & may be there would be jumbling in the actual prescription. Because I would have considered the following rubric. This was denoting the actual diseased pathology & not a state of disposition.
Complete Repertory:
EXTREMITIES: WARTS, Fingers, Nails, Close, to Caust3, Dulc, Fl-ac, Graph, Lyco, Nat-m, Sep
I might have considered the Miasm in the case.
? Miasm: SYCOTIC
But this time I have considered following rubrics which were considered on patient’s state of disposition & mind & repertorised with Complete Repertory.
Restlessness, children, in
Obstinate, children
Clinging, Children, of, Awake terrified, know no one, cling to those near
Biting, nails
Result of Repertorisation:
Stram: 9/5
Hyos: 6/4
Lyco: 6/4
Treatment: Stramonium 30, 3 Doses followed by placebo for a month.
Follow-up, 9 Feb 2009:
Warts disappeared more than 50%.
Biting nails has gone.
What is the Law of Similars?
Law of Similars states that a drug capable of producing in a healthy individual, a diseased state, exactly similar to that happens in a diseased individual act as a curative agent, if disease is in a curable state.
Why it is important to consider the State of the Disposition & Mind?
In the 6th edition of Organon of Medicine, our Master Dr Samuel Hahnemann says in § 211: This holds good to such an extent, that the state of the disposition of the patient often chiefly determines the selection of the homoeopathic remedy, as being a decidedly characteristic symptom which can least of all remain concealed from the accurately observing physician.
Why it is necessary to consider only the state of disposion & mind & not the diseased pathology for repertorisation?
Because Dr J.T. Kent says: "Drugs have not all been pushed far enough to produce lesions, and their voices do not carry, as a rule, deeper than function – except in the cases of accidental poisoning." So, we never gets pathological symptoms after drug proving to include in our Materia Medicas as well as in Repertories which can be used as Similar Rubric.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
- Last, & least important of all, comes the names of the patients malady.
- Look it up, if you like, at the very end, and it may joyfully confirm your choice of drug , which it must not unduly bias.
- If your patient is an asthmatic patient, it is comforting to know that the drug his symptoms demand has again and again cured bad cases of asthma.
But remedies that have never been recorded as having cured asthma will do the trick, if the symptoms of the patient cry out for them, as their simillimum. - Drugs have not all been pushed far enough to produce lesions, and their voices do not carry, as a rule, deeper than function – except in the cases of accidental poisoning.
- But get the right drug, the stimulus needed, and you will find the reaction of the organism deep enough in all conscience, and long-sustained.
- Then KEEP YOUR HANDAS OFF! Wait long for a second very definite cry, before you dare to interfere. You may have to wait months – then wait!
- Remember, it is the patient who has to cure himself; the drug can not cure him, the drug is only the stimulus that starts the vital reaction.
- So long has curative reaction is in progress, it is senseless – criminal – to interfere.
- This is the way to crush your work, to vitiate your experience, to break your heart.
- So long the patient is improving, let him be, and never meddle till he begins to sleep back: that is the first possible moment to repeat, or to reconsider the case.
- It is safer to be a little late than a little soon. You must “ go fast slowly ”, there is no other way.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Actually, this patient came to me for Left Renal Calculi & cured with Bebr Vulgaris 30 Single Dose. Along with she was suffering from Pain above Left Knee. I have tried number of medicines for the same on the basis of different modalities as well as her constitution without any result.
I have tried following rubrics considering the particulars without any result.
Complete Repertory:
• EXTREMITIES: PAIN, Lower limbs, Knee, Left
Androc, Apis, Arge, Asc-t, Aster, Ba-tn, Bac, Bamb-a, Bapt, Benz-ac, Brom, Calc-ph, Carb-ac, Caul, Chel, Chin, Dios, Eup-per, Kalm, Lith-c, Lycps, Ozone, Pall, Xan
• EXTREMITIES: PAIN, Lower limbs, Knee,… & all sub-rubrics
One day, the same patient came early in the morning & said…
Patient: Sir, I want to tell you something… but… I will tell you later.
Rubric: Hide, desire to
Patient: Sir, since 2-3 days I just want to remain in bed. Because of the duty, I have to wake up.
Rubric: Bed, desires to remain in
Patient asked casually: Sir, What may be the cause behind this?
Rubric: Light, desire for
This version was repertorised with Complete Repertory according to RH method.
• Treatment: Chocolate 30, Single Dose
• Same day, patient turned back & told that since noon pain in the knee is stopped & till today it never pained again.
1. Hide, desire to: Here patient will not tell you that he wants to hide something.
It should be considered depending on the way patient expresses his feelings, his attitude while telling his symptoms. You can find it out that patient definitely tries to hide something like version of the above described patient.
2. Bed, desires to remain in: This rubric can be considered as it is if the patient expresses it in the same words as described in the above case. But, if you will analyze the dictionary & real meaning of the words in the rubric, then you can use same rubric in different way.
For e.g Bed is the comfortable place for the human being in whom he wants to lie down for rest or peace or comfort. Anything which provides the same comfort/ peace/ rest is nothing but the bed. So, when a person doesn’t want to change his service/ certain things which he is using since very long time e.g. Shoes, Chappals etc., you can use this rubric.
In the RH 1st volume by Master Dr M L Sehgal, the very first case explained by him, whom he cured, he explained it in detail regarding this rubric.
3. Light, desire for: Light has multiple meanings in the dictionary & you can use this rubric with respect to all of them.
For e.g. Light means really a light i.e. opposite to darkness. So, if a person doesn’t know regarding anything, he is in dark about the same thing. If he wants to know regarding the same i.e. he wants to throw light up on it, you can consider the same rubric as described in the above case. She was in dark regarding the cause of her illness & she casually asked the question which indicates she wants to throw a light on it. If you are using this rubric, always find it out the casual approach of the patient for asking this question. Even if you don’t answer his question, it doesn’t matter. Here it differs from the rubric Inquisitive in which there is no casual approach & person waits for perfect answer or he needs the complete answer of the question. He goes on asking till he gets satisfied answer.
If a person desires light in the same sense of light, you can consider the same rubric.
If a person likes comedy movies just to enjoy coming out of the heavy stress, you can use the same rubric.
If a person is obese & he wants to reduce his weight, you can consider him same rubric.
In the similar manner, you can use not only this rubric but the entire rubrics using proper logic.
Thank You!
Dr Prasad Rasal,
Sunday, March 28, 2010
BCG vaccination & Role of Homoeopathy
Resp Sir, I just read Dr Luc's miasm topic in his classical homp book, he says that after BCG vaccination we are exposed to and impose a tubercular miasm in our system. I want to know,
01. Is it possible to tackle the future tubercular miasmatic effects of BCG with homp remedy like giving say SILICEA which is tubercular in nature & also indicated for ill-effects of vaccination (even if no severe ill-reaction to BCG has been noted)?
02. Is it feasible to give say-- Sil after BCG,Diphtherinum after DPT etc just to clean a recently polluted system by vaccination?Will like to know your's esteemed views.
Answer: Dear Dr Vishnu, I am putting my view regarding your question on my blog because it will be useful to number of peoples who use to watch the blog regularly.
Its definately true that after BCG vaccination, we may get exposed to & may impose a tubercular miasm in our system. I am saying may be because it depends upon number of factors like:
1. Constitution of that Human being who is getting BCG.
2. Present Miasmatic State of the same human being.
3. Susceptibility of the same.
So, every time there will not be the same reaction after BCG vaccination. But, definately it alters the healthy state of that human being. It is our duty to perceive that altered state of that human being.
1. If it is not severely affected, one should not interefere because Human Vital Force, whose office is to preserve the Health is capable of tackling this material attack on human being from BCG vaccine.
2. Unless & until, Human System never cry with any symptoms, it is criminal to interfere the Natural Human Reactions. Otherwise, unnecessarily given our remedies can also alter the healthy state of the human being & produce the complex in the system.
3. Depending on the presenting state, we have to consider a Homoeopathic Remedy.
4. We should not be fixed regarding any remedy for the same like Silicea or Thuja etc.
So, I will advise that first perceive what is happening after the vaccination & then decide what to do?
Thank You!
Dr Prasad Rasal, Sangamner.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Two Extremes of Aurum Metallicum seen in the Same Patient
• Mr. V.J.K., Pune, 53yrs.
• D.O.E.: 9/8/1997.
• Serviceman: Industrial worker doing machine work.
• Vegetarian.
• Education: 10th std.
Chief Complaint: Since 2yrs,
• Breathlessness on walking
• Sweating on exertion
• Diagnosed as a case of Post Gastrectomy Anaemia
• At present Hb: 4.6Gm%
• Till today, 15 bottles of blood transfusion given. Not responding to any Allopathic Medicines or Replacement Therapy & Iron Injections
Past History:
• 1973: Gastric Ulcer – Partial Gastrectomy done.
• 1975: Gastric Ulcer – Partial Gastrectomy done.
• At Present 1/4th Stomach is present.
• H/O: 15 bottles of Blood Transfusion.
Family History:
• Asthma: PGM & Brother
• Hypertension: Mother
Personal History:
• Diet & Daily Routine: Not Fixed due to shift duty
• Appetite: Cannot eat more than 1.5 chapatti
• Thirst: Large quantities of water at 2 hrs interval
• Desires: Alcohol+++ for working mania
Coffee+++ as a stimulant for work
• Perspiration: +++ After midnight over whole body
• Sleeplessness: +++ After midnight
• Hobbies: Work +++, Photography ++
• Thermal: Ambi - thermal
Life Space Investigation
• Patient came from poor Socio-economic condition. Father died early.
Therefore, he started working immediately after passing 10th std. as a turner on a Lathe Machine. As he was a very Hard Worker & very Meticulous in his work, he got a permanent job in KSB pump factory.
• He is so Enthusiastic, Hurried, Cheerful, Ambitious, Brilliant, Sympathetic that in his company all use to call him Young Old-Man.
• While giving case, even though he was suffering from severe Anaemia, he was quiet Vivacious.
• Once he worked continuously for 72hrs for completing the job.
• He used to drink Alcohol to concentrate & as a stimulant for work.
• He is Conscientious enough to blame himself & not the others, whenever anything goes wrong.
• He always expects that others also follow him about his Punctuality, Meticulousness, Workaholic attitude, otherwise he used to be severe Angry, Critical, Censorious, Quarrelsome.
• He is very Religious & used to follow all religious Customs.
• He likes to take difficult jobs as a Responsibility. He said that he always gets Challenging jobs.
• He works without Expectation.
• He likes Classical Music.
• He becomes Restless whenever there is no work.
• He never believes on others.
• Patient’s wife is very dominating. He has three daughters. He worked for overtime to give best teaching to all of them in Convent schools. All of them are graduates.
• He has done his elder daughters marriage in 1992 in a good socio-economical family.
Physical General Examination
• Pulse: 90/min.
• B.P.: 110/80 mm of Hg.
• Wt.: 55Kg.
• Tongue: Pale+++, Clear.
Investigations Done:
04/08/1997 (Sassoon General Hospital, Pune)
• Hb: 4.5Gm%
05/08/1997 (Golwilkar Lab, Pune)
• Hb: 4.6Gm%
Previous & Recent Treatment
• Iron, Vitamin B12 & Folic Acid Since last 20 Years off an on…
Repertorial Totality (Complete Repertory)
• Industrious
• Vivacious
• Hurry, Tendency, Occupation in
• Cheerful, Tendency
• Ambition, much ambitious
• Memory Active
• Sympathetic
• Alcoholism
• Food, Coffee desires
• Food, Milk desires
• Perspiration, Midnight after
• Sleeplessness, Midnight after
Repertorial Result:
• Aur Met: 23/12
• Nux Vom: 20/11
• Nat Mur: 15/11
• Lach: 20/10
• Phos: 18/10
• Ars Alb: 14/10
• Calc Carb: 14/10
Miasmatic Background:
As considering his Physical Disease i.e
• H/O Gastric Ulcer twice
• Suppression of Hb formation
As well as his Mental State i.e
• Extremist at every level Therefore, SYPHILITIC MIASM
Actual Prescription:
Aur Met 1M 1 Dose (9/8/1997)
Placebo tds for 1 Month
Auxiliary Measures:
Wheat grass therapy in a Soup form, which contains Chlorophyll & iron required for the production of Hb & Oxygen
Follow Up (13/09/97):
• Breathlessness much better
• Sweating after exertion decreased
• Sweating midnight after decreased
• Hb: 6Gm%
• Wt: 57Kg
Placebo tds for 1 Month
Along with Same Auxiliary Measures
Follow Up (18/10/97):
• Breathlessness absent
• Sweating absent
• Sweating absent
• Hb: 10Gm%
• Wt: 58Kg
Placebo tds for 1 Month
Along with Same Auxiliary Measures
Follow Up (24/03/98):
• No Complaints
• Hb: 13.5Gm%
• Wt: 58.5Kg
No Medicine or Placebo
Follow Up (08/02/99):
• No Complaints
• Hb: 13Gm%
• Wt: 58Kg
Treatment Stopped.
Yearly Follow Up: Patient was all right in between without any complaint.
Same Patient in 9/7/2003:
• Extremely Opposite State of Same Individual
• Chief Complaint: Since 6months,
• Severe Depression/ Frustration
• Sadness with Suicidal thoughts & an attempt done 2 months back by consuming Sleeping Pills
• Consuming Alcohol daily
• Cannot concentrate for meditation
• Total loss of interest to do anything
• Wants either to suicide or to go to Himalaya for rest of his life
• Restless Mind
• Tremendous Forgetfulness since 2 Months
• What I earned in my life? Self contempt
• While expressing the state, using Abusive language about Family members
• Severe weakness, slight work fatigues him
• Absolute Violent Anger & Aversion towards all Family members
ODP: Patient’s wife is very dominating. He has three daughters. He worked for overtime to give best teaching to all of them in Convent schools. All of them are graduates. He has done his 2nd daughters marriage in Jan 2001. He was exhausted due to physical & mental overexertion. That’s why he retired voluntarily in Aug 2001. Since there were always quarrels between him & his wife; She never liked his voluntary retirement. She expects money from him every time. 6 Month’s back, there was a big quarrel between them & she went from home towards her elder daughter along with a youngest daughter. All of them stopped relations with him. Since then he is staying alone in a severe frustrated, depressed mood. He told that he was having tremendous value in his company due to his workaholic, meticulous, active, sympathetic nature but nothing in his own family. He has done everything for them but what he got in return? Since he became contemptuous of himself, dipsomaniac & dwells on suicidal thoughts & an attempt done 2 months back by consuming Sleeping Pills. Now he doesn’t have a interest in anything & a strength to work. There is a tremendous anxiety with suicidal disposition. In order to come out of this situation, he visits various temples, meditates but cannot concentrate. Now a day, he forgets everything.
Physical General Examination:
• Pulse: 90/min.
• B.P.: 130/80 mm of Hg.
• Wt.: 50Kg.
• Tongue: Clear.
Repertorial Totality (Complete Repertory):
• A/F Anger, indignation with
• A/F Anger, suppressed
• A/F Mortification
• Sadness, suicidal disposition with
• Despair, religious
• Memory, weakness of, loss of
• Indolence, aversion to work
• Aversion to family members
• Abusive
• Contemptuous, self
• Work, fatigues
• Anger, irascibility, Tendency, violent
Repertorial Result:
• Aur Met: 27/12
• Lyco: 21/10
• Nat Mur: 18/10
• Staph: 22/9
• Ign: 15/9
• Sep: 16/8
• Sulph: 13/8
Miasmatic Background:
As considering his Past H/O Physical Disease i.e
• H/O Gastric Ulcer twice
• Suppression of Hb formation
As well as his Present Mental State i.e.
• Extremist at every level
Actual Prescription:
Aur Met CM 1 Dose (9/7/2003)
Placebo tds for 1 month
Auxiliary Measures:
Follow Up (09/08/2003):
• Entered inside Clinic with very happy mood
• Stopped Alcohol
• Weakness much decreased
• Appetite Increased
• Sleep Normal
• Doing regular Meditation
• Wt: 54Kg
Therefore, Placebo tds for 2 Months
Follow Up (19/10/2003)
• Happy mood
• Enjoying the aloneness by helping & Playing with the small children from his area
• No weakness
• Appetite Normal
• Sleep Normal
• Doing regular Meditation
• Wt: 56Kg
Therefore,Placebo tds for 2 Months
Yearly Follow Up:
• Still, The Patient is Enjoying the same state of Aloneness but with Accepting the situation.
• He used to help those who are in trouble.
• In last workshop conducted by our institute, he came voluntarily to serve the delegates. Literally, he used to wake up at 3 am to fire the boiler.
• Unfortunately, 2 months back, he had a snake bite & neuro-muscular paralysis & was on ventilator. Luckily he survived from the same.
So, we can see two extremes of Aur Met as wll as of Syphilitic Miasm in the same case at two different times.