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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Organon of Medicine

Saloni Jain, March 16, 2011 at 4:06am

Good Afternoon Sir, I request u to please help us understand the aphorisms, please teach us today's aphorism 15, I will b very thankful to u.


§ 15 Sixth Edition: The affection of the morbidly deranged, spirit-like dynamis (vital force) that animates our body in the invisible interior, and the totality of the outwardly cognizable symptoms produced by it in the organism and representing the existing malady, constitute a whole; they are one and the same. The organism is indeed the material instrument of the life, but it is not conceivable without the animation imparted to it by the instinctively perceiving and regulating dynamis, just as the vital force is not conceivable without the organism, consequently the two together constitute a unity, although in thought our mind separates this unity into two distinct conceptions for the sake of easy comprehension.

Prasad Rasal:
In this aphorism, Dr Samuel Hahnemann want to explain the Understanding Human Being as a Whole. To understand the things better, we use to separate the things so that we can perceive them easily. But because of this aspect, number of times, we consider them as the separate entities. In fact, this is the tendency of Human Mind to consider the things as separate entities for their own comprehension. This might be very correct if the things are of material entity. But, when we are considering the Dynamic Human Being, we cannot separate the Mind, Vital Force & the Body from each other. We cannot explain each entity without the reference of the other. Let's try to explain the Mind without the considering the Material Body or viz. In fact, when we have to explain anything regarding them, we have to explain that specific entity with more reference of other two things. We cannot explain the Vital Force without the Physical Body. The only reason behind this is they are not different but the same, as a single unit. Mind cannot react separately without the body & viz. That's why the live human being reacts to any external stimuli as a whole whether it is a material stimulus or dynamic stimulus. For e.g. if he gets angry, the body trembles & if their is a pain in any part, the mind gets irritated. In fact, its nothing but a Single Unit Reaction but for our understanding, we say like this as mind & body.
This is the reason that due to any dynamic stimulus acting on the human being, due to the Susceptibility, reaction reflects as an outwardly expression in the form of mental as well as physical symptoms when the Vital Force whose office is to Preserve the Health gets disturbed beyond its capacity to which we label by disease. So, this is Unique reaction of the Human being as a whole consisting of Vital Force, Mind as well as Physical Body. If we are able to understand this unity in diversity, it become very easy to understand the HUMAN BEING.
Organ of Medicine is nothing but the study of Perceiving the Human Being in order to solve his problems.

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