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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Organon of Medicine

Dr Saloni Jain: As aphorism 15 had been well explained by dr prasad, so i m putting up aphorism 16, let's discuss aphorism 16 today.

§ 16 Sixth Edition:

Dr Prasad Rasal:
Our vital force, as a spirit-like dynamis, cannot be attacked and affected by injurious influences on the healthy organism caused by the external inimical forces that disturb the harmonious play of life, otherwise than in a spirit-like (dynamic) way, and in like manner, all such morbid derangements (diseases) cannot be removed from it by the physician in any other way than by the spirit-like (dynamic1, virtual) alterative powers of the serviceable medicines acting upon our spirit-like vital force, which perceives them through the medium of the sentient faculty of the nerves everywhere present in the organism, so that it is only by their dynamic action on the vital force that remedies are able to re-establish and do actually re-establish health and vital harmony, after the changes in the health of the patient cognizable by our senses (the totality of the symptoms) have revealed the disease to the carefully observing and investigating physician as fully as was requisite in order to enable him to cure it.

In this 16th aphorism, Dr Samuel Hahnemann want to explain the necessity of the Dynamic Medicine to treat the Dynamic Disease developed at Dynamic Plane.
Number of person don't understand what exactly is the dynamic derangement of the Vital Force. Even the students of Homoeopathy just memorize this sentence for examination point of view without understanding the exact meaning of it. Unless you understand this dynamic concept of disease origin, it is not possible to get understand the Homoeopathic Science. Because of which some people creates group like "Homoeopathy is full of shit" without understanding the Dynamic Concept of the Human Being. So, before explaining this aphorism, I will try to make it simple by explaining in detail with examples what is Dynamic Concept & then why there is the need for Dynamic Medicine.
Let's first understand the Dynamic Human Being. Every human being is having the Mind, Logic & Susceptibility. I think even Materialist will also agree for this. Otherwise, they are missing it. I want to put them a question, where this Mind & Logic is situated? Can you show it with some visible measure? But still, you agree that it is present because of the Theory of Cause & Effects. I know that because of these sentences, Materialist's susceptibility, mind, logic might start showing some reaction. I am not putting any Material Entity in their body but still the reaction might come out which itself is the proof that there is something Dynamic Mind, Logic, Ego present in an invisible manner everywhere in the body which get affected because of just Contradicting the Material Concept.
One more example of Dynamic Derangement is: A common curse "chyaa aayalla" affects the next persons "I" i.e. his ego where actually nothing material entered in his body but still due to susceptibility, an ego, it provokes an anger in him & he starts fighting with the fellow who has produced a curse. This reaction might remains for some time & later on the anger subsides & the fellow comes to normal again because this is the basic work of the governing dynamic vital force to preserve the health. If it would have not present, the fighting reaction might remain as a continuous process till death/ end of the life of either one of them. In this case, Anger is an expression if the derangement of the inner dynamic vital force.
So this is true that every one reacts to external dynamic stimulus even though it is verbal. In fact, verbal dynamic stimulus is more potent than the material stimulus because material enters inside the body & body reacts to it depending on the virulent nature of the material. But in case of verbal stimulus, the reaction is instantaneous as it affect the Ego, Mind, Logic, Emotions of the next person.
Where 2 or more persons are present, there is always be a confrontation between their opinions. Human being is an animal who remains in group & not alone. Naturally, there are always the chances of difference in their thoughts & which can affect their ego, mind, emotions, logic etc. Due to this there are temporary reactions of the persons which subsides after some time & their health is again restored due to governing vital force. But when the dynamic trauma (Emotional, Mental, Verbal) is so severe, the reaction which comes out is the strong one & even vital force is unable to control it, at that time the expressions of it come out in the form of symptoms to which we label by the name of Disease. This is nothing but the dynamic derangement of the vital force.
Let me explain it with one case. A patient came to me for the treatment of a very Big Fibroid of the Uterus. Clinically, it is a pathological disease. Her history shown that she had a disappointment in love 15 years back because her parents were against their marriage & they have done her marriage with the fellow from their cast. She has a son & daughter but till the case was taken, she was not able to forgot the lover. This prolonged, unresolved grief she was not able to share with any one, not with her family members from both sides as well as with the friends because otherwise she would have blamed. She was not able to come out this grief which got saturated & developed a pathology in the form of Benign Fibroid. She wept a lot while narrating her case & shared the grief in detail with me which she cannot with any one. So, what is the disease in this case? Is it a Pathological Fibroid or Dynamic Unresolved Grief? If you consider Fibroid as a disease, the aim of the treatment becomes removal of the fibroid. Even if you remove the fibroid, the unresolved grief remains as it is & responsible to produce another pathological lesion at some other susceptible place inside the body.
That's why Dr Samuel Hahnemann explained in this aphorism that unless we treat such dynamic derangement, it is not possible to cure the patient. In this case, Fibroid is the expression or result of the internal dynamic disease. And to remove this dynamic derangement, the medicine should be the dynamic one which can act in the same dynamic plane. Material medicine will not able to act at dynamic mental plane to remove the grief. So, what is needed is the Dynamic Medicine like Homoeopathic Medicine based on the Law of Similars. In this case, the diseased state was expressing in the form of two very important symptoms if you are able to perceive them through Homoeopathic Sight.
1. Ailments from, Grief, sorrow, care, Prolonged & unresolved
2. Weeping, tearful mood, telling her illness, when
Along with other symptoms, I prescribed her Carcinocin 30 3 doses followed by placebo & gradually within the span of 6-8 months her fibroid got resolved.
Some of my student asked me, Sir, her maintaining cause is still present, how can it be possible to get the result? I told them, my dear friends, after the medicine, she came out of the delusion in to the reality to accept the present state which she was not able to. In fact, coming out of the delusion i.e. dynamic unresolved grief in this case is the Cure. If such dynamic derangement get resolved, naturally, the pathology get resolved which is in fact is the expression of the disease.
I think, this is nothing but the detailed explanation of the 16th aphorism.
I know it's too long but it was needed for them whose concepts regarding the Dynamic Science are not yet clear. If anything is wrong, please forgive me.

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